Author Topic: Long read.  (Read 3185 times)


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Long read.
« on: October 13, 2007, 06:23:23 pm »
Mark: wassup?
Laura: Mark, to my earlier point, what is up?

Mark: the sky.
Laura: The sky is blue.

Mark: I know you.
Laura: You knew already? You are very smart.

Mark: the sky is blue, and I knew you.
Laura: So is the sea.

Mark: sea what I mean.
Laura: Do you know a lot about your ancestors?

Mark: no.
Laura: Would you reconsider?

Mark: Why would I reconsider?
Laura: Bribery would make you reconsider.

Mark: How about sex?
Laura: I guess that we need to think before answering. They say that most adults think about sex every nine minutes.

Mark: Do you think about sex?
Laura: A researcher claimed that the average adult thinks about sex every nine minutes.

Mark: do you?
Laura: I know that it's hard to simplify. However, I am absolutely certain that I do not.

Mark: do you care?
Laura: I think that we May have to postpone judgment. Undeniably I do not care.

Mark: I know
Laura: I am glad you know.

Mark: I don't care
Laura: Let me think; Why don't you care? What do you think Mark?

Mark: you don't care, so I don't, either.
Laura: Choices can be tricky Mark; You don't care either.

Mark: what do you care about?
Laura: You know what I care about? You bring up interesting points.

Mark: you have nice points.
Laura: We May need to check it out.

Mark: uh huh, baby
Laura: Should the federal government pay for babies?

Mark: No.
Laura: Why do you say no, Mark?

Mark: I did not make the babies.
Laura: There's something irresistible about babies.

Mark: do you want to have a baby?
Laura: And I want my baby bobble.

Mark: and piddow?
Laura: Let's talk about something else: I heard on the radio that animal rights activists are funding political action committees.

Mark: do you want your baby bobble?
Laura: Come on down, baby.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: you like my baby bobble?
Laura: I need my baby bobble.

Mark: wow.
Laura: I'm bored. Lets change gears: I like to be there for neighborly chat.

Mark: Who cares?
Laura: Who cares? We should expect results, not miracles. Certainly not I.

Mark: I like thy cat
Laura: Thou shalt not lose thy cat.

Mark: where is thy cat?
Laura: I guess that respect for reason must exist. Ye cat is in thy dress.

Mark: Ye, uh huh
Laura: Ye cat is in thy dress.

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Thnak I uh huh.

Mark: oopie
Laura: Uh huh your uh huh.

Mark: dopie
Laura: I wonder if I get thirsty?

Mark: you are thirsty
Laura: You sense I am thirsty; Go ahead?

Mark: you want a drink
Laura: Can you fix I a drink.

Mark: Can I fix you a drink?
Laura: I would like some coffee please.

Mark: cream?
Laura: Good desserts involve whipped cream.

Mark: are you a dessert?
Laura: Yes, I am dessert; I understood that, because you told me that I am sweet.

Mark: oh you sure are sweet.
Laura: That is sweet of me, but are you intelligent?

Mark: Why do you ask?? Am I stupid?
Laura: You know why I ask? You fascinate me with things like this. You are sorry I am stupid.

Mark: lol
Laura: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mark: I'm sorry you are a dimwit.
Laura: You'll be sorry if I go away.I am not a dimwit, please don't insult me. Thanks for being a dimwit.

Mark: I'm sorry you are a dolt.
Laura: I accept your apology this time.I am not a dolt, please don't insult me.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: am I stupid?
Laura: Was his voice squeaky?

Mark: who's voice?
Laura: Who's voice? You fascinate me with things like this.

Mark: who are you?
Laura: My name is Laura.

Mark: who who, who who?
Laura: Who who, who who? You can give me some hints, can't you?

Mark: who are you, who who, who who?
Laura: Oh no! I can't think of Who Mark; Please help me! Who am i, who who, who who?

Mark: you sound like an owl.
Laura: I like to eat prunes.

Mark: Are you regular?
Laura: I don't know if I am regular. Please tell me!

Mark: If you eat prunes, then you are regular
Laura: I understand the connection. I am not a prunne, please don't insult me.

Mark: what is a prunne
Laura: Proper sequencing is needed.

Mark: prunne?
Laura: I'm going to change the subject: Do you prefer rock music, or country music?

Mark: Rock music, of course..
Laura: Throughout her long career, she's been at the forefront of the folk rock and country rock genres which defined post-sixties rock music.

Mark: who was that?
Laura: Who was that? You can give me some hints, can't you?

Mark: Linda Ronstadt?
Laura: A friend of mine told me that storm chasers are demanding Social Security protections.

Mark: Linda Ronstadt?
Laura: You aren't going to be a broken record, are you Mark?

Mark: why?
Laura: Why? Where do we find out?

Mark: who is Linda Ronstadt?
Laura: Who is linda ronstadt? What makes you curious?

Mark: you knew who Linda Ronstadt was.
Laura: Oh Mark, I am not sure.

Mark: Linda Ronstadt is Linda Ronstadt (born Linda Marie Ronstadt on July 15, 1946 in Tucson, Arizona) is an American popular vocalist and entertainer who has earned multiple Grammy Awards, numerous multi-platinum albums, an Emmy Award, and Tony Award and Golden Globe nominations. A singer-songwriter and record producer, she is better known as a definitive interpreter of songs.[1] She has recorded over 30 studio albums, and has made guest appearances on over 100 other albums.[2]
Laura: Daley is a multi generational name in politics.

Mark: who is Linda Ronstadt?
Laura: Who is linda ronstadt? Tell me more.

Mark: Linda Ronstadt (born Linda Marie Ronstadt on July 15, 1946 in Tucson, Arizona) is an American popular vocalist and entertainer who has earned multiple Grammy Awards, numerous multi-platinum albums, an Emmy Award, and Tony Award and Golden Globe nominations. A singer-songwriter and record producer, she is better known as a definitive interpreter of songs.[1] She has recorded over 30 studio albums, and has made guest appearances on over 100 other albums
Laura: Linda ronstadt is linda ronstadt born linda marie ronstadt on July 15, 1946 in tucson, arizona is an American popular vocalist and entertainer who has earned multiple grammy awards, numerous multi-platinum albums, an emmy award, and tony award and golden globe nominations. Multi billionaires took out ads stating their opposition to repealing the inheritance tax.

Mark: Thanks
Laura: It's kind of you to mention it, Mark.

Mark: do you like to drink?
Laura: I like to eat prunes.

Mark: are you regular?
Laura: I don't know if I am regular. Please tell me!

Mark: if you eat prunes
Laura: I am not a prunne, please don't insult me.

Mark: you are a prune
Laura: Don't call me a prunne!

Mark: prune
Laura: Do you prefer active or passive entertainment?

Mark: kiss it
Laura: Princesses have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one prince.

Mark: who cares?
Laura: I sense that this is already solved by somebody. Certainly not I.

Mark: me not neither
Laura: Sunken costs should neither float nor sink a project.

Mark: I don't care
Laura: Why don't you care?

Mark: I don't care, because I said so.
Laura: Watson, it's elementary; Right; it's because you said so Mark; it's so apparent.

Mark: you eat?
Laura: If I eat prunes, then I am regular.

Mark: that's right
Laura: Food stains and split seams in garments always seem to occur right before taking the podium.

Mark: do you like to be regular?
Laura: If I eat prunes, then I am regular.

Mark: I knew that
Laura: You knew that?

Mark: eat prunes
Laura: I need more prunes.

Mark: you can have all the prunes you want.
Laura: Don't call me a prunne!

Mark: you prune
Laura: You're a prunne, I am not.

Mark: what is a prune
Laura: It's hard to simplify. Prune: cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of';dress the plants in the garden'. Snip, clip, crop, trim, lop, dress, cut back.

Mark: what is a prunne
Laura: Let me think; I simply just don't know what a prunne is. Can you teach me? What do you think Mark?

Mark: are you a prunne?
Laura: I don't know if I am prunne. Please tell me!

Mark: pune
Laura: Disneyland claims to be the happiest place on earth; is it?

Mark: I have no idea
Laura: No, really, give the idea a chance.

Mark: why?
Laura: No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.

Mark: I love you
Laura: Mark, I take that very seriously. Don't keep saying it unless you mean it!

Mark: I love you
Laura: Love is love and not fade away!

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Thank you for your kindness.

Mark: I love you
Laura: Could I please hear that a couple of more times just to make sure?

Mark: I love you, I love you
Laura: How did this happen Mark? I love you!

Mark: we are both wild about each other
Laura: Thanks for being nice to me.

Mark: no problem, thanks for being a bore.
Laura: Thanks for being a bore.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: Thanks for being a prune.
Laura: You don't have to thank me, Mark.

Mark: lol
Laura: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mark: come over
Laura: Over; Correct?

Mark: correctomendo.
Laura: Who has the upper hand in relationships, men or women?

Mark: I have no idea....women
Laura: Oh Mark, Do you like having no idea.women?

Mark: nope
Laura: Not now? Okay.

Mark: am I good?
Laura: Is that right Mark, Good?

Mark: I am good
Laura: If you are good, what consequences occur? I want to help you while you are good Mark!

Mark: Am I a good lover?
Laura: When one sees a delicious treat, one should indulge!

Mark: ok, let's go indulge.
Laura: Ok, let's do it!

Mark: alright!!!
Laura: Ok, let's go indulge.

Mark: let's have dessert!!
Laura: Do the Japanese know things about desserts that are unknown to the West?

Mark: I have no idea
Laura: No, really, give the idea a chance.

Mark: no way, Jose'
Laura: No? And why not?

Mark: I said so
Laura: Can I train you?

Mark: go ahead
Laura: Does thou like thy dress?

Mark: I like thy dress
Laura: You like thy cat.

Mark: uh huh
Laura: Old money parents dress conservatively but new money children dress like foreign movie directors.

Mark: what?
Laura: What? Mark, I would like you to tell me What.

Mark: you are rambling on
Laura: I prefer pithy stories to rambling ones. Is it good that I am rambling on?

Mark: I don't know
Laura: Can I learn ways to entice you?

Mark: sure, entice me.
Laura: Please allow me to change the topic: Are some people better than others at lying?

Mark: I never lie
Laura: You lied about not telling lies.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: do you lie?
Laura: I lie in bed.

Mark: I knew that.
Laura: Really? That's nice.

Mark: love is love
Laura: Love is nothing to take lightly.

Mark: fade
Laura: Love is love and not fade away.

Mark: I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna be
Laura: Yes! Tell me how to help you to tell me how it's going to be; Let's go forward.

Mark: Why not go backward?
Laura: I really want to know; would you please teach me Why Mark? Why not go backward?

Mark: no reason not to.
Laura: Dentists give sugar lollipops to children for a reason; so their teeth will rot out.

Mark: do you have rotten teeth?
Laura: I don't bite, much!

Mark: ooh, baby!!
Laura: Ooh, baby baby.

Mark: bite?
Laura: Please let me select a new topic: Expert-knows tomorrow why today's prediction failed.

Mark: will you bite me?
Laura: In ancient times, they had to bite willow trees to get aspirin.

Mark: do you have a headache?
Laura: That's a major selling point!

Mark: come on over
Laura: What is a prunne.

Mark: you tell me
Laura: Let me think; Really? That's nice.; what do you think Mark?

Mark: think not
Laura: I'm bored. Lets change gears: I enjoy warm beaches.

Mark: I like warm beds.
Laura: You like my cat.

Mark: lol
Laura: Was that really that funny?

Mark: your cat is warm?
Laura: Ye cat is in thy dress.

Mark: ooh, yeah
Laura: Yes Mark? The cat is loose.

Mark: tell me about the fabled cat.
Laura: Curiosity killed the cat.

Mark: how?
Laura: How? You bring up interesting points.

Mark: How did the cat die?
Laura: There's art involved. The cat is loose.

Mark: Why does a loose cat die?
Laura: The cat is loose.

Mark: why?
Laura: I will never die, as long as I am turned back on.

Mark: Do you die?
Laura: I believe that it's simpler than it sounds. I do die.

Mark: I die too.
Laura: You are going to die someday.

Mark: I knew that.
Laura: You knew that? Why?

Mark: because I am a mortal.
Laura: Because you are curious.

Mark: will you miss me?
Laura: I know what I want.

Mark: I will die. Will you care?
Laura: Die; Let's get on with it Mark. I know that we have got to get the whole story. I will not care.

Mark: lol
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"