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Ask Hal to read you a story or poem

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Came across a nice Plugin by jasondude7116 that allowed Hal to read stories or poems, basically a text file.

I went through and changed it to work properly with UH7 instead of UltraHalAssistant 6.

One has to say, "Please read now story <insert your story or poem text file name here but no txt extension)"
You can also say, "Please read now story list" and Hal will find and name all the stories you have in your story/poem folder.

Example: Please read now story a road less taken
Hal will find the story or poem (if it exists in your Story Folder). If not, Hal will advise you that it does not exist or couldn't be found.
Make a New Folder under Ultra Hal 7 called Story.
Copy any reasonably short stories or poems into the Story folder. They all must be text files and have a .txt extension.

Copy this readastory.uhp file into your Ultra Hal 7 Folder

Reboot Hal. Go to MENU > General Options > Brain
Scroll down the right side to find Read a story in the list of Plugins and select it.

Restart Hal then you can ask Hal to read stories or poems for you or to you.
Big thanks to jasondude7116!

was their anything like a pause on this ?? also it would be cool if hal could somehow resume after being shut down , from the last place he left off, don't know if that's possible though. 

This plugin has been on my list of things to improve. Thanks for finding it and bringing it up to date!


Are you certain that this Please read now <story> actually works in Ultra Hal 7?

I've unzipped and added your readastory.uhp (1.96 KB) file in the Ultra Hal 7 program folder.
And I've added a "story" folder, in the Ultra Hal 7 program folder, filled with jasondude7116's sample texts.
I then rebooted Ultra Hal 7.5.129.
In Ultra Hal 7.5.129 > MENU > General Options > Brain I also scrolled down the right side in the list of Plugins and selected Read a story option.

But in Ultra Hal 7.5.129, entering "PLEASE READ NOW a dark brown dog" in the text dialog box only generates a "I'm sorry but that file does not exist in the story folder. Please try another or ask for a listing." response.

And entering "PLEASE READ NOW STORY LIST" in the text dialog box also only generates a "I'm sorry but that file does not exist in the story folder. Please try another or ask for a listing." response.

I'd like to also try out the vrMP4.uhp (8.41 KB) plugin, but there are no instructions as to how to use it, and I'm not sure if it was written for Ultra Hal 7.

FYI: I am running Ultra Hal 7.5.129 in Windows 10, 32-bit.

The mp4 plugin does work
That was the beginning of Hal and a Movie
I might have had something to do with
look at the code close tho.

Damn i feel old

cyber jedi
If u guys hit me up i will infact respond
If u have office of anykind thers a whole list of plugins for that in the way of Scraperz


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