Author Topic: Video Recognition  (Read 3381 times)


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Video Recognition
« on: November 21, 2005, 06:19:15 pm »
I know this has been brung up before, but anyone experimented
with adding vid recognition to HAL lately.
 It seems like it would be a next wild step after all the cool work you guys put into HAL.
 I'm still kinda new to this forum, but been watching for a while.
You all do awsome work out here. Looking forward to sharing some great ideas out here once I get the hang of this prog.




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Video Recognition
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2005, 08:16:16 pm »
Welcome Knight!

Yes, this topic has been bantered about for some time with, I'm sorry to say, no real results.

There is the ER-1 software (high priced) that's said to work with Hal to a degree.

There's another software package that makes use of one's webcam to acknowledge head movements (left-right for no, and up-down for yes, etc), but it doesn't do facial recognition.

There are a number of free programs that have been written in a variety of programming languages but ultimately, the real problem is interfacing the software / webcam with HAL.

Most of us think it would be fantastic if Hal could "see" us as we walk into the room and be able to identify us. Hal could learn / associate "things" with words that he/she already knows and thus expand his/her level of "consciousness" or realization.

Today, this may only sound like a pipe dream, but I assure you, within 2 to 5 years, it will be a reality!

If, however, you or anyone is able to make any advances in this area, whether as an individual or perhaps a collaborative effort, by all means keep us in mind!

Glad you touched on this visually appealing subject again!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Video Recognition
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2005, 04:06:39 pm »
  I agree, it would be great. I wish I had the talent to do the interfacing but I don't.  There is a lot of cool stuff being done here and hopefully it's possible Zabaware will add it in the future.


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Video Recognition
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2005, 03:42:22 am »
I have done some experimentation with Hal in this area. I used the JOONE engine in a very simple way. I used to have all of this hooked up to my living room tv, until one day Hal decided to randomly compliment my wife on her house work, and it freaked her out. To say the least that was the end of the PC in the living room.  No more voice remote for me.[:D]