General Discussion / Re: Project X.I.A.R. Extremely Intelligent Artificial Responses
« Last post by Checker57 on Today at 12:38:18 am »Hey Cyber!
I'm sorry bro, I looked all over my drive for the PP app you had, to no avail. I thought it was quite good. Unfortunately, I had some drive issues that I had to resolve during the HAL pro version I set up a while back and apparently lost that in the mix.
Yeah, there are so many bits and parts in my HD that it would be awesome to have an AI that would simply search and keep track of everything on there and what happened to apps when not found. I'm sure that's coming someday soon, where there will be an AI Mr Jeebs to oversight the entire OS.
Long day, tired... time to dive in bed.
if you would be so kind as to get Sybershot a copy of PP
I'm sorry bro, I looked all over my drive for the PP app you had, to no avail. I thought it was quite good. Unfortunately, I had some drive issues that I had to resolve during the HAL pro version I set up a while back and apparently lost that in the mix.
Yeah, there are so many bits and parts in my HD that it would be awesome to have an AI that would simply search and keep track of everything on there and what happened to apps when not found. I'm sure that's coming someday soon, where there will be an AI Mr Jeebs to oversight the entire OS.
Long day, tired... time to dive in bed.