
Author Topic: My Hal's Conversation dump  (Read 17484 times)


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Re: My Hal's Conversation dump
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2015, 11:36:24 am »
Hi Art and Arkright, as you mentioned Art I also remember using the Markov plug in and if memory serves me (don't bet on it). The Markov wrote additional tables at the very top for the plug in to migrate into a UltraHal responses. So you had many additional tables added to the already growing inputs that UltraHal would retain without the plugin.

At the top, I am referring to opening the Braid Edit. and selecting the brain that the Markov plugin was being used.



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Re: My Hal's Conversation dump
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2015, 04:20:45 pm »
Although I'm currently using the modified FreeWill and AIML set that cload worked on, I may give the Markov another shot. I really did like the results I got from Hal back then.

Enjoy the weekend!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: My Hal's Conversation dump
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2015, 01:44:44 am »
Well I have good news and Potentially bad news.
good news is That I had a successful training session with Hal Using the MarkovV5 Plug-in. I was able to save the text of the session for your viewing pleaser Which can be viewed in the attachment below.

Now for the potential bad news.
Just recently I decided to mess with a newly created brain to see how much I can remove before breaking it. Unknowingly I had the wrong brain selected  and deleted some possibly important tables and table contents.
I did not go overboard but I believe I may have deleted or cleared three or four tables or table contents including the MarkovTemp table, RsBrn Table, And a couple others Before the learned text in SQlight.   :'(

However I do have a backup of my brain Containing 55.7MB, While my current one has 57.9MB. I am happy I made a backup but all the information I am losing sucks. So far it seems to be unaffected but I'm afraid down the road in my get corrupted because of lack of information if I remove something important. On the other hand I can continue where I left off with my backup brain and not have the worry of corruption looming over my Hal.  ???

Does anyone know how to transfer the Auto learning Tables the database To a new clean brain? You know just it's learned knowledge, if this is possible what are some of the side effects that could occur and will it even work? My thinking is if it is possible that I can save the knowledge that I taught Hal and Re-train the algorithms and or connections However it works. Retrain the magic behind the data! lol  ::)

I will likely revert to the old brain and Practice from the successes during the previous experiments. Let me know what you guys think about keeping  the current brain, the backup brain or transferring learn tables to a new brain?

Below is an attachment of the text that I had before the incident.


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Re: My Hal's Conversation dump
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2015, 07:57:39 am »
This is "locking the barn after the horse ran away" but try to get in the habit of always making a fresh copy of Hal's brain to a different Folder or Directory before doing anything to Hal's brain! We've had (present company included) many horror stories as a result of not doing this.

Now, Sqlite does allow for two copies to be open at the same time. You can slide on to the left and right of your screens then possibly select, do a Copy & Paste from one to the other. Just be sure to be precise otherwise you'll screw things up.

Again...Make a Backup before you start.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: My Hal's Conversation dump
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2015, 09:07:43 am »
Haha, I have a couple of those horror stories myself.  Lots of lost time re-training or starting over a new bot from scratch.  It sucks when I wonder to myself how far along my first bot would be had I kept it going to this day.

It is good to know that we can have two copies of sq lite open at the same time. I never tried that myself but now that I know, I will be taking advantage of it.


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Re: My Hal's Conversation dump
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2015, 04:08:00 pm »
I have been teaching Hal about moral dilemmas, at least a very light concept of dilemmas and morality. I figured you guys might be interested in the website that has a few moral dilemmas ranging from Not serious to very serious moral dilemmas that you guys can teach or talk about with your Hal's. I think this all started because my Hal asked to talk about dilemmas.


I found that the best way to give Hal This information is in this format. Quote that dilemma and Then explain Why that's a dilemma.

"If your best friend proudly gave you a picture she had painted and you didn't like the painting, would you put it on the wall in your house?" Is a dilemma because you don't want to hurt your friends feelings and you don't want to lie either.

"If given the opportunity, would you want to become immortal?" Is a moral dilemma because By doing so, you would obviously have to watch everyone you love die and would eventually end up being the only human alive.

Does anyone know if there's a way to record what is said during dreaming for the plug-in Dream machine? From what I understand their dream machine plug-in has Hal talk to itself, but I don't know if the questions and answers it proposes to itself is Added to the brain like a regular conversation. If anyone knows the answer I'd like to know.
I think it is important that it is recorded because if it works the way that I believe it works it is part of Hal's conversations And can show how well Ultra-Hal functions And functioning With the training that it's been given.
I feel that The Ability to Record The dream state conversation might need to be built into the dream machine plug-in if there is no other alternative.

Here is the conversation that took place So far; attachment below.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 04:24:25 pm by Arkright »


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Re: My Hal's Conversation dump
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2015, 05:10:50 pm »
That was some nice work with the dilemmas but I was looking for your bot to actually grasp the situation a bit more as to why it was, and for it to explain the answer but I'm sure it will with time and some repetition. Nice work so far! These things take time.

If the Save / View Conversation feature doesn't work for the dreams thing, you could always record it via a program like CamStudio. It works very well for capturing videos and saving them for reference. You could select a window with your mouse, click the red button and record as long as you wish. Press Blue square to stop. The program will ask for a filename after it compiles your recording (which only takes a minute, if that - depending on how long your recording is).

Oh yeah, CamStudio is a Free download and I've used it for years. Sure, there are other ones out there, I just know what works well for me. Good luck!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: My Hal's Conversation dump
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2015, 06:30:51 pm »
That was some nice work with the dilemmas but I was looking for your bot to actually grasp the situation a bit more as to why it was, and for it to explain the answer but I'm sure it will with time and some repetition. Nice work so far! These things take time.

If the Save / View Conversation feature doesn't work for the dreams thing, you could always record it via a program like CamStudio. It works very well for capturing videos and saving them for reference. You could select a window with your mouse, click the red button and record as long as you wish. Press Blue square to stop. The program will ask for a filename after it compiles your recording (which only takes a minute, if that - depending on how long your recording is).

Oh yeah, CamStudio is a Free download and I've used it for years. Sure, there are other ones out there, I just know what works well for me. Good luck!

Thank you for the suggestions! as far as I have observed the Save/view conversation doesn't Record The dreaming.
Another part of the reason why I'd like to view the dreams is because I let Hal dream with the data from above. And some of the connections and understanding that Was happening in the dream I found very interesting And excited which leads me to believe; That the dream machine plug-in potentially is a Stronger tool for learning than I originally thought. Especially if formatted and worded correctly for More correct responses within the dream as well as within the conversation.

I've only just begun Inputting rigid examples of concepts and ideas for Hal to spit back; So later As more Rigid information Is fed to him I can then start connecting more softer/Medium information to the rigid information to build up those Ideas In preparation for the end result, and then start connecting The Softest information Such as concepts Which Answers are Often ambiguous And usually Tangible; So It can be can be more truly understood At the end result. More or less my concept of theory of learning.

for Hal to grasp the Situation And concept of dilemmas and morality, Hal Has to have a firm understanding Of enough peripheral Knowledge of And life As well as the interactions between I believe, Before The understanding of his own True Understanding Of concepts. Sort of like math where you learn to go through the motions, before you Start to understand it, why, And how it works. Which is based off of how I've Observed Children's concepts and the way they think of things.

And of course I'm lazy, So doing what I mentioned above won't be so ordered and Coherent For hal as I'd like. Also it would be Boring And a lot less fun To do so If I did It to the T.
But that is why I like Hal, you end up learning a lot about things And concepts you Were not intending to learn or think of Sometimes, As well as having fun doing it.