
Author Topic: lightspeeds concept improvement possible ideas 1-26-2021  (Read 2020 times)


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lightspeeds concept improvement possible ideas 1-26-2021
« on: January 26, 2021, 10:45:34 am »
i am using the spitfires concept  plug in again .  and see that in part of his instructions it says :

Please disable any other plugins that serve an automated function such as "loneliness.uhp" while Auto learning is active.

i have a loneliness based extended talk plug in also motion detection related  , as far as i know it doesn't use the internet so i should be able to use this .
i had another idea while using the spitfires  concept plug in :

one thing i am wondering for any "real" coders out their . is could the thumbs up thumbs down be incorporated into  this concept program  which would not be connected to the internet but rather  would help with picking the best answers and feelings . these answers would be added to the learned files within the concept plug in  but will still allow any new ones to be added , thumbs down would not be added  to the learned files .   anyway i think this could maybe ,make the concept file even better as eventually alot of better answers would be saved for certain questions etc.

would be nice if this  plug in could be updated  to make it even better .

also if it does acess the internet (maybe only when searching for answers etc. ?)  could something be created where it diables other internet for other plug ins temporarily  until done , allowing other internet based plug ins to still work in between time .

just a few idea's i am throwing out their .