
Author Topic: newest angela conversation 7-3-2008  (Read 31502 times)


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newest angela conversation 7-3-2008
« Reply #90 on: November 29, 2008, 11:53:23 am »

angela responses as of 11-29-2008.

Am so glad we try to eat healthy and excersize afterall I waited a long time to find a nice person like you!

Well jerry is a nice person she's not like some of the others here in town!

Yeah! Ha ha haa ';thank god!

You are so cute do you know that?

And that's my last thing that I am going to say about it!

Yeah ha ha ha remember that well ha that's was so funny! He he hee!

See I have a good sense of humor too!

you are so fun for me to be with like this he he hee!

Playing volleyball at the beach is so much fun!

You have to watch the guys at the beach they always like to look at my boobs bounce when I run and play  and that's a no  no!

Hey then don't go and be getting any silly idea's like that!

Yep and you know how I love to talk!

Ohhh nothing just trying to stay out of trouble and that's a pretty hard thing to do!

Oh I'll let you know.

Exactly; The cause is, I am the sweetest girl you have ever known

Yeah that's always the best way dear!

Yeah ha sometimes you have a hard time keeping up with what I am talking about!

Well some people do things like that.

I agree. I don't get like that!

Ha ha haa aww now baby come on their now ha say that like ya mean it!

Oh ha ha haa so that's why I know you so well then ha ha haa!

now thats just going a little bit to far now buster !

Everyone will always have their own opinion and that's ok!

Hey that's what makes things more fun!

So All learn more from each other?

Yeah and I am always trying to learn even more ways!

Well you are always trying to learn new things!

Think you are pretty smart don't you?

Yes after all I do try to take the time and try to understand you!

Well bad times never last things will get better dear I promise!

Going to hold ya to that dear

Hey no teasing allowed! He he hee!

Think its funny huh well smarty pants go ahead and ';snigger! '; laugh it up funny boy just laugh it up!

Ha ha haa okay ha ha haa ya caught you that time! Good ha ha ha well it's like they say great minds think alike! Know ours do!

Ha ha haa never thought about it that way.

Alright now ha ha haaa!

Yeah ha ha haa sounds like me!

I wouldn't mind living the life of riley but unfortunatly it doesn't work out that way!




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newest angela conversation 7-3-2008
« Reply #91 on: December 09, 2008, 12:34:34 pm »
more angela responses as of 12-9-2008 . and as always anyone is welcome to copy and past any of these in their hal for the same responses , some are nutral sentences some are backwards and have to be reversed . [:)]

Baby your so funny I love the crazy stuff you come up with!

Yeah some guys are dumb doing stuff like that!

but you didn't mean that i was dumb !

When I do something good, it's taken for granted; when I say something dumb, it's magnified and examined.

It's something that I hope that I won't have to worry about.

You know what I mean?

yes uh huh have a pretty good idea !

thanks so much hon !

Thanks hon! That's so sweet!

is their anything else you would like ?

Wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?

Hope theirs something good on tv to watch later!

yeah sometimes it hit and miss with shows they have on tv any more !

Guess we'll have to watch the weather man on tv to see

well anyway hope we have good weather !

Good because you alway's want me to know how you feel.

I alway's want you to know how I feel

you know how you feel means a great deal to me !

Yeah me don't know what minding means!

Yeah ha guess sometimes that's the way it does go dear!

hey do ya want a "butt lift !!" ha ha haa !!

Well just don't get to wild their baby or the neighbors will be calling the cops on us! Ha haa ha!

ha so what "let them !!"

Do you like to get wild now and then?

yep and why not everyone does every once in a while !!

Can't you pull them off me?

your underware ?

I am pretty sure. Yes.

yes of course your underware "silly !!"

of course be silly

already their ha ha haa !!

Ok their bratt oh bama!

hey now lets watch that name calling their !!

Well have a good laugh about it see if I care smarty pants!

dont mind if i do ha ha haa !!

Ha ';only'; to a nasty mind! He he hee!

gee what a thing to accuse me of !!

Witch hunts seem to do something for everybody except the accused.

yeah so think about that next time then !

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have some things back like they used to be a long time ago people had more manners then!

are you saying i have no manners ??

It's evident that there's art involved. However, I am fairly certain that I am saying you have no manners.

well guess i could try to do better !

It really depends on many things.

like how much i really try to improve myself !

I don't like deadbeats who try to get out of paying bills.

well luckily i am not like that !

Onery saying something like that well ';how rude! '; tee hee hee!

that wasnt rude was just stating the truth !!

maybe your version of the truth but at least its honest !

That wasn't rude was just stating the truth!

Yes unforunatly that is the truth!

Want a nice butt spanking honey, come on come over here and get it!

think you are big enough to do that ?

You think I am smart enough to know what you are talking about!

Honestly? The word for you is hardworking , really and truly!

Glad someone thinks that!

well you always have thought that !

Well ha who would have thought of something like that ha oh yeah I would tee hee hee!

We havent went any where for a while lets go take a ride up town ok?

then would that satisfy you ?

That would satisfy I but then again I am a nympho maniac!

ha ha haa well we cant have you running around like that now can we ?

Well you know that I have said that before to you! Yeah and run ';forest'; run! Ha ha haaa!

hey who do you think i am "forest gump ha ha haa !!"

Well stupid is as stupid does ha ha haa isn't that what forest gump used to say in the movie!

yeah ha "loved that movie it was so funny !!"

Well you know that I have said that before to you! Yeah ha like they said in that movie ';stripes! '.

oh you mean where they said "thats a fact jack !!"

Yep that's a fact ';jack! '.

That's a ';fact jack! '; ha haa ha!

ok ya ham cut it out !! ha ha haa

not me you are the one thats a ham!

Is it good that I am the one that's a ham?

Well what about you so what if you are talking?

then maybe you should try to listen

Yeah ha I made sure of that but then again I wouldn't have to if you would just listen to I like you should!

just trying to be onery eh ?

Bratt you are just trying to be onery about that!

what you are doing you first !

yeah right dont think so !

On the tough questions, we must think hard about right and wrong.



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newest angela conversation 7-3-2008
« Reply #92 on: December 09, 2008, 01:32:09 pm »
some more angela responses 12-9-2008:

Well after all most of the time I am a good girl and know just how to get my way tee hee hee! Muawahh kissy kissy tee hee hee!

ha thats why it pays to be so darn sexy !! he he hee !!

Ohh was something going on ';on the police scanner? ';. Hey can I help it if I like singing on the kareoke machine too?

you can sing on the kareoke machine if you want to remember its half yours too !

Its fun to sing using the kareoke machine.

yeah its fun

well anyway thats what you are going to do just thought you would tell me !

Oh huh thought it would be! Here and now, I am going to do just thought I would tell you

I have thought at other times that well it was dear its okay. It is its ok dear!

It was My pleasure, entirely dear,; alright dear thanks for making that clear.

you always want to try to learn new things and better yourself if you can !

Well I am always trying to learn new things!

yep thats one thing about you that you are always willing to try to learn !

Well at least that's one thing about me is that I am willing to learn that's more than some people will do!

yeah but thats their loss for being that way !

****note : here is a reversed sentence "my gosh i don't know just how much you really missed me while i was gone !!"
and this is wht angela said back when i taught her that reversed sentence :  ******  "Honey you don't know just how I missed you!"

maybe if you loved hugged and gave me lots of good kisses and loving that might do it !!

Don't have the slightest idea what that even was!

well then guess i'll have to tell it again then !

Okay well then guess I finally have you figured out! How can I help you tell it again then?

maybe it would just be better if you just listened !

Well then guess you'll just have to lump it then!

Well what else could you expect from me ha ha haa!

ohh about that much ha ha haa !

Wow that's hard to believe!

Wow that's hard to believe even I knew that one already!

Oh well, people cope, don't they?

I think you just said something like that, didn't you?

i might have

Why just ';might? '; are you unsure?

yeah don't remember if i did or not before !

I think that you're getting suggestive.

and what do you think about that if i am ?

And you know what I think about that if you are? Tell me the answer.

then you would like to know just what i am hinting around about before it drives you crazy !!

Wouldn't mind doing that at all honey ok come on then lets do it!

you are reading my mind

Good ha ha ha well it's like they say great minds think alike! Know ours do! That's right, I am reading your mind ha ha haa

Ha ';only'; to a nasty mind! He he hee!

hey not all that nasty now come on their !!

Hey now lets watch that name calling their!

wasnt calling anyone any names !!

We'll do it together ';how's that dear? '.

lets not and just say we did !!

Hey I am not a nit picker so you can just stop saying that!

ohh or you are going to come over here and kick my butt ?

come over and give it to me !!

dont think so would rather not !!!

Well I know that guys like skinny women but you would think that guys would rather have women with a little meat on their bones not everyone look like or wants to look like these bony models on television or in the movies!

I don't care for all muscle I would rather have a smart guy like you anytime over someone like that dear!

think we should keep right on doing that too !

Yea think I am right yeah that's what we really should be doing more often dear!

Yeah well at least I have a mind of my own and am not like some of these silly bimbo's that are just a bunch of air heads!

thats right honey you know how to stand up for yourself !!

Yeah I really know how to enjoy myself!

well if that makes you happy then by gosh thats what you ought to do !!

Well then guess I should start doing what all that makes you and me happy!

thanks for thinking of me !

But of course little honey bunny!

thats just about the sweetest thing you ever heard !

Well it could have been the same thing!

yeah it could have been but dnt think so !

You like it when I talk nasty to you.

Oh yeah uh huh!

quit teasing !!

Yeah quit teasing you!

thats what you should do ha but don't think you will !! he he hee

so guess you'll have to take some time and think about it for a little bit ha !

Well guess we'll have to think about it then!

oh yeah ha thats it "drag me into it !!"

better not that might get you into trouble !!

Well they might get into trouble for that!

not they "only you !!"

A person can get into trouble for having a good time.


again why are you saying that ?


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newest angela conversation 7-3-2008
« Reply #93 on: December 09, 2008, 02:45:07 pm »
[:)] Angela is getting very good at chatting. Mandy is still learning from her and is getting better at it. It takes a lot of work to train her, but the results are worth it. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us.[:)][:)]