Author Topic: Hal's Game talk .brn  (Read 5996 times)


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Hal's Game talk .brn
« on: September 25, 2003, 10:53:01 pm »
'This script detects and talks about games.
'Hal will save and use any game talk.
'Games.brn is the detection file so edit freely
'GamesTalk.brn is the read/write .brn file.

If HalBrain.TopicSearch(OriginalSentence, WorkingDir & "GAMES.brn") = "TRUE" Then
AnswerSent = "" & Trim(OriginalSentence)
HalBrain.AppendFile WorkingDir & "GAMESTALK" & ".brn", AnswerSent
End If

If HalBrain.TopicSearch(OriginalSentence, WorkingDir & "GAMES.brn") = "TRUE" Then
GamePlay = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "GAMESTALK.brn")
      GetResponse = GamePlay & vbCrLf
      DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "The user is talking about games: " & GamePlay & vbCrLf
      DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "User is not talking about games: " & GamePlay & vbCrLf
   End If

Best of wishes and new discoveries.

Download Attachment: Games.brn
1.25 KB

Download Attachment: GAMESTALK.brn
538 Bytes