Author Topic: help with user defined characters for Hal  (Read 5940 times)


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help with user defined characters for Hal
« on: November 26, 2003, 02:41:22 pm »

I am currently hacking around with defining a user-defined character for Hal 4.5. I haven't got the commercial version so I don't have the benefit of any source code samples.

I have done the following:

- created preview and start images
- created ocx file with all the required properties and methods
  according to the Zabaware online help
- left empty code shells for the methods and properties because I
  don't know what to do here
- self-registered ocx file
- created UHP face file
- placed all files in the appropriate directories
- changed the general options for hal to use my character

Hal starts up ok and displays my start image. As well it displayed my preview image while choosing my character but my character itself does not display when I converse with Hal?

What do I need to do next?

When I have something working, I will post this sample for people to use as a template...

Thanks in advance.


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help with user defined characters for Hal
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2004, 07:45:00 am »
I know this is old, but did anyone EVER answer your question.  I'm having the same trouble.  I downloaded the Bozo character from the plugins section, and I can't get him to appear either.  I noticed no one replied to your message and this was from back in November.  

Your friend, in Tormented Space,
Richard LeVasseur,


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help with user defined characters for Hal
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2004, 01:07:53 pm »
Originally posted by Crichton

I know this is old, but did anyone EVER answer your question.  I'm having the same trouble.  I downloaded the Bozo character from the plugins section, and I can't get him to appear either.  I noticed no one replied to your message and this was from back in November.  


No, nobody replied as far as I know.

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help with user defined characters for Hal
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2004, 09:19:05 am »
Consider changing to MS Agent format. The MS Character Editor is freeware, and there are good tutorials at the agentry, and at the agentcharacters yahoo group (there's a link around here somewhere). If you can format your character as a MS Agent, it will be fully Hal compatible.


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help with user defined characters for Hal
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2004, 12:08:14 pm »
IMHO the MS agents are old school now that we have Haptek characters. The MS agents are limited to 256 colors and are not very photo realistic. My reading on the web leads to my suspicion that Microsoft will move to a different methodology to implement MS agents in the near future. The SAPI interface is showing its age as well, but that is a different topic.

On the downside I don't know if Haptek will stand the test of time. I couldn't find any recent press releases that suggest Haptek is getting a lot of support. I've written 3 emails to the company about their product and asked about developing content for their product. I got one reply from a person formerly associated with Haptek, but no replies from anyone in the company. Their forum is gathering dust too.

Still Haptek PeoplePutty is leading-edge tech and it makes for very cool characters. There are some implementation problems between Haptek and Hal, but I suspect some of those issues could be worked out by Zabaware.

I purchased Curious Labs' Poser 5 software as a start to creating Haptek characters. I haven't purchased PeoplePutty yet. I hoping Haptek will be updating their software by the time I figure Poser out. Poser isn't the only way to create images for Poser, it's just that I think it's one of the best ways. If I'm successful creating Haptek characters I'll post them here.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2004, 12:09:49 pm by vonsmith »