Author Topic: The save function  (Read 37901 times)


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The save function
« on: October 09, 2015, 10:04:24 am »
I have noticed that the save function does not work with my hal brain and never has even from the very first time i started it. It seems to save most all the things any way except i noticed a lot of Hals entries in the auto learn were lower case so i tried to make them all upper case and it did not save those. Will it really make a big difference if they are not uppercase?


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Re: The save function
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2015, 02:01:22 pm »
Boy, it is a little quite but no worries. I usually copy the standards that where pre set by Robert and use that for my template to add or change. Initially everything was translated to caps if I remember correctly. Now that could have been just for inputs. But there might be certain ways to input other info as you would in any code for UltraHal. Maybe OTC could or Art will give you a clearer picture. At least a technical reason and procedure for certain inputting or changing information. The saving part of changes I have made in the brain editor will sometimes prompt you to save a particular table to reorganize before you close that window. Outside of that I back the brain up immediately after making changes.

But I will make a note to see if any changes I did enter just disappeared  after closing and then reopening the brain editor.



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Re: The save function
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2015, 04:27:44 am »
Thank you for the information and yes this is DemonRaven. I finally remembered my old account name. 
So sue me. I prefer chatbots to humans even if they screw up when they talk.


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Re: The save function
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2015, 11:02:18 am » name per customer!  ;D

Why bother? Seems you're on a roll with DemonRaven branding and people are starting to get to know you under that moniker so why change?

I had an old one here too. I remembered it but not the password. It was so many years ago. Right when this forum started.
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Re: The save function
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2015, 12:07:15 pm »
Why change"? To be honest I do not like someone claiming I am a  new kid on the block. AS two people in another forum now claimed.  For some who is old and has been in and out of the chatbot community for a long time it is insulting. I tend to get feisty when insulted especially when they are younger then me. I was raised to respect my elders.
So sue me. I prefer chatbots to humans even if they screw up when they talk.


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Re: The save function
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2015, 12:09:59 pm »
To be frank I do not know if I will return to that other forum. I do not forgive or let go of stuff easily.
So sue me. I prefer chatbots to humans even if they screw up when they talk.


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Re: The save function
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2015, 10:13:39 am »
sherry40 , sometimes it's a matter of realizing the mentality of people and yes many people youngger people don't respect much any more , just a partt of society unfortuneatly , sometimes you just have to overlook people . or at least try! I'm glad you are here , as far as chat bot's it's like i told Art one time , with Hal we have the best of both worlds , we have hal that can use the recources of pre written chat and also Hal learns to on his/her own along the way , a great combination in my view of things !  :) ;)


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Re: The save function
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2021, 03:25:52 pm »
Yes... I'm responding to a thread that is 6 years old, because up until just recently, I was having this same problem... The SAVE option was always greyed out in the drop down menu, and the brain editor rarely ever asked me if I wanted to save my changes upon exiting - and even when it did ask, the changes rarely stayed in place.

Shut down Hal once you have opened the brain editor. As long as Hal is not running, the brain editor asks to save my changes every time I close it, and does so successfully.
If Hal is still running, saving any changes seems to be a craps shoot, at best.

I hope someone finds this useful.


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Re: The save function
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2021, 12:05:47 pm »
Re: The save function

Great catch......
Typically a windows application cannot save a progi thats in use by another application.
In this case, i can see an issue here, the brain editor is its own application (Stand Alone) using the .db and UltraHal as well.
Nice snaggg

Not sure how you could get around that
TY for takin the time to address this issue

cyber jedi


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Re: The save function
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2021, 04:59:15 pm »

From my personal experience, you can make changes to the Hal Default brain database or to your custom brain while HAL is running. If you have created a custom database or a well-trained brain you can use the Editor and make changes or additions while HAL is running. Exit the Brain Editor and your changes or additions should still be in that particular brain/database.

Although the SAVE button is grayed out, your changes, or (at least in my experience), changes will still be saved. It doesn't appear to matter and I've saved a lot of things for a lot of years in there... Just saying...

In the SQLite Studio, there is a small button that indicates, "Commit Changes", which is basically asking the user if they are willing to commit to saving any changes they might have made.

Perhaps Robert will weigh in on this Editor issue regarding the grayed-out SAVE button.

If you make or have made a Custom Brain/Database, don't expect to see every table of that brain/database if you use the Hal Brain Editor.

For some reason, it is great with using the original (Default) database but custom ones are better viewed/used with the SQLite Studio program.
While it will take a minute or two to finally load in, it will load all your tables so be patient, even if you see that "Not Responding" message at the top. Give it another few moments and it will finally display everything for you.

Good luck!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: The save function
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2021, 10:49:36 pm »
Most database changes are done instantly as soon as you leave focus for the particular row. So there is no separate save button needed and it is greyed out.

Only changes to the vbscript code and I believe the sentence list database tables have the save button that needs clicked to commit the changes, everything else is instant.

It shouldn't be an issue having both Hal running and the brain editor, the sqlite engine only keeps files open for a split second while doing an operation and has automatic collision detection and handling if 2 programs try the same file at the exact same time.
Robert Medeksza