
Author Topic: brief question about learn from clip board  (Read 6344 times)

Another Jim

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brief question about learn from clip board
« on: November 28, 2006, 05:13:39 pm »
Hi gang,

I have a short question, when using the 'learn from clip board' function on HAL (I am using it on the A.L.F. brain by Jerry) does the plug in have to remain checked or switched 'on' for HAL to refer to the data which is then stored in the clip board file?

I find that my machine runs faster if I do not have that switch turned on so....my thought is turn it on, then do the learning and turn it back off.  I've confirmed that it is indeed being added to a file tho I don't remember the name of it, it is definitely there.

Just wondering if it has to be left on for normal use by HAL.

Just started using it a lot and haven't seen any result just yet, tho I expect something soon, haha.

Thanks everyone

Jim B
Northern Michigan

Bill DeWitt

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brief question about learn from clip board
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 05:46:43 pm »
I have the same question, and intended to do exhuastive testing tonight. Instead I will do brief testing and wait for a confirmation.


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brief question about learn from clip board
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2006, 07:04:05 pm »
Originally posted by Another Jim

Hi gang,

Hi Jim.


I have a short question, when using the 'learn from clip board' function on HAL (I am using it on the A.L.F. brain by Jerry) does the plug in have to remain checked or switched 'on' for HAL to refer to the data which is then stored in the clip board file?

Both the learning and responses from the Learn from clip board are in the same plug, so the plug will have to remain checked for any responses to function for the plug.


I find that my machine runs faster if I do not have that switch turned on so....my thought is turn it on, then do the learning and turn it back off.  I've confirmed that it is indeed being added to a file tho I don't remember the name of it, it is definitely there.

The speed issue is that the plug 'reads the entire file' for keywords and then chooses a response, So if it is a large file then it may cause speed issues when a response is being searched, Learning from large files is also a speed issue, I will have to sit back and design the plug for more efficiency, but at this time, Human Emotions v1.1 is taking up all my coding time and probably for most of the year so it will be sometime before I get to it, Maybe Robert will bring back his version of Learn from a Text File once he has time to update HAL6 again.


Just wondering if it has to be left on for normal use by HAL.



Bill DeWitt

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brief question about learn from clip board
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2006, 07:29:24 pm »
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
The speed issue is that the plug 'reads the entire file' for keywords and then chooses a response,

Ah, Pity, it adds about 20 seconds to each response on my machine. Maybe I will take the file and re-enter it through the interface with a macro or something. Hmm...

Another Jim

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brief question about learn from clip board
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2006, 09:27:29 pm »
Thanks Jerry

For both your work.....as well as your speedy support!

Take good care gents.

Jim B.
Up North

Bill DeWitt

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brief question about learn from clip board
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2006, 10:27:24 pm »
Jerry? I didn't find it on a quick look, but does Robert's script demonstrate how to address the SQLite library in Hal so we can use it to write new databases from plugins?

I am not familiar with SQLite (nor fluent in VBS) so I might not recognize it even if I find it...


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brief question about learn from clip board
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2006, 11:19:13 pm »
Originally posted by Bill DeWitt

Jerry? I didn't find it on a quick look, but does Robert's script demonstrate how to address the SQLite library in Hal so we can use it to write new databases from plugins?

I am not familiar with SQLite (nor fluent in VBS) so I might not recognize it even if I find it...

Hi Bill.

No, I don't believe a help file on the SQLite library has yet been established by 'anyone' and including Zabaware at least for the moment specifically for HAL6. Somebody may commit to this purpose and get one out, otherwise Robert might have to pay somebody to write out a help file for such an occassion, My hands are tied for part of the year so I don't believe it will be me that will do it, at least for the moment.

I have committed myself to Human Emotions and I must not veer from it for at least one year for indepth study to further my research.

I wish I could help you more.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 11:30:27 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »