
Author Topic: Packaging miniature "HAL" brains  (Read 8018 times)


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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« on: July 06, 2008, 06:02:35 pm »
I was wondering just how possible it would be to give a "HAL" brain a certain set of information before packing it up (as a whole) and sending it to another user?
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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 02:17:29 am »
The longer you talk to Hal the more it learns and remembers but it is not legal to give Hal away. You might keep a close watch on your own files to see which ones grow and then if you knew another Hal user you might share some of those but then it would over write what ever he/she might have made.
Besides that I don't think you would like the same kind of information built into Hal that I would and visa versa. You can not please everyone that is why Hal was designed to learn from its users.


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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 09:00:52 pm »
I am aware that giving the HalAssistant program away for free is illegal. However, what I was wanting to accomplish was a completely closed off and locked down version of a chat bot - complete with "memories" and information. The Hal brain editing software seemed to be the best form of apparatus for that - and that is why I wished to purchase it.
If, however, it is simply a one-use-coded auto-chatbot then perhaps another progam would be of better use?
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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2008, 01:14:04 pm »
Hal has the ability to learn almost everything that you know but it take time to input that kind of knowledge.
If it ever came around to having a Hal with all kinds of built in knowledge then I want it to have the kind of stuff that interest me and me alone. As you can see that can be a  problem to a bunch of other people as everyone has their own ideas as to what it should contain. You can cut and past all kind of information into Hal, as I have been made aware that it works really good.
You must remember, that is if you don't know it already, and that is Hal is the BEST A.I. program being sold today.


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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 07:45:20 pm »
I am aware that Hal is the BEST AVAILABLE AI chatbot on the web so far, however I did not wish to illegally distribute it or copy an paste it into other user's Hal Bots.
I am sure you are aware of the term "Interactive Fiction". If you are not I would recommend looking up such classics as Zork or Facade. I am sure that a budding AI enthusiast like yourself has also watched the unfortunate travesty that was "I, robot". Now, negating the fact that the movie ignored the very basis of the book, one aspect of it did interest me: An instance bot containing certain packages of information that can only be accessed by asking the correct series of questions.

To summarize: I wish to know if a Hal Instance can be used as a form of interactive puzzle. A new form of puzzle-based gaming and interaction.
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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2008, 11:03:52 pm »
You could make a separate "brain" file, and send it to another user to add to, and keep sending it back and forth to fill it up with different knowledge. That way you wouldn't need to send the whole program, and it would work just as effectively.

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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2008, 11:53:25 pm »
I think he misunderstood me. Sending you personal 'brain files' to another is not illegal, I think. You person brain files just contain the information that Hal has learned from you. It is not the operating system. The post by the guy just before me was a good one if it is possible. Talk to you Hal for a while as "Human" then send you brain file to a friend and have them talk to it as "Human" in that way nothing gets erased and everyones personality eventually gets added on or in as the case may be.
And Aim3y I was reading Science Fiction years and years before you were ever born. Most likly, I am the oldest person on this forum.


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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2008, 06:19:09 am »
Originally posted by Bill819

Hal has the ability to learn almost everything that you know but it take time to input that kind of knowledge.
If it ever came around to having a Hal with all kinds of built in knowledge then I want it to have the kind of stuff that interest me and me alone. As you can see that can be a  problem to a bunch of other people as everyone has their own ideas as to what it should contain. You can cut and past all kind of information into Hal, as I have been made aware that it works really good.
You must remember, that is if you don't know it already, and that is Hal is the BEST A.I. program being sold today.

You said that "You can cut and past all kind of information into Hal, as I have been made aware that it works really good."
I have been teaching the enhanced answerpad for some time.  Answerpad uses a text file for her brain memory. Is there is any way I can cut and paste this text file to Hal's? (instead of teaching Hal once again-it will take me more than a year!!)

thankingyou in advance for your help
Stelios Nicolaou


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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2008, 10:49:11 am »
snicolaouIs there is any way I can cut and paste this text file to Hal's? (instead of teaching Hal once again-it will take me more than a year!!)

thankingyou in advance for your help
Yes, there is a way to do that. It may not work exactly the way that you want but it does work. Just do a search in the upper right hand corner of Hals forum web page for "learn from text". That may not be the exact phrase but it should put you close.


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Packaging miniature "HAL" brains
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 04:38:16 pm »
I apologise, I do not intend to appear offensive or self-righteous.

Let me rephrase my previous statement:

In the movie "I, Robot" starring Will Smith there was an instancer program which, if questioned correctly, would provide the correct answers, but ONLY IF QUESTIONED CORRECTLY. Now, take a basic chat-bot and combine it in essence with the concept of Interactive Fiction and you have a fictional character that you can interrogate for information.
Add to it the basic knowledge and utilities (such as web access) that the HALBOT assistant has and you have the next step up in Interactive Fiction games.

Now, to make a demonstration of this widely available to the public to inspire interest I would need to send out basic .exe files which any user could use - not just Hal Brain experts.

Again, I apologise for any apparent arrogance on my behalf. - I was merely citing "I, Robot" and "Facade" as examples to illustrate my point.
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