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Messages - Art

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 252
General Discussion / Re: The A.i cheat sheet
« on: Today at 08:39:37 am »
I've taken the liberty to make Cyber Jedi's AI Cheat Sheet into a regular text document. Some of you might wish to save a copy locally instead of online in the forum where it might become difficult to find.

Cyber put in a lot of work into this entertaining experiment and hopefully, you will get some enjoyment from his efforts.

- Art -

General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 14, 2024, 08:26:18 am »
Will (and Mr. Data),

What I did and what I said, was for the benefit of other members and potential members of this Forum.

We never assume that a new member will automatically KNOW anything about your alleged challenge and those numerous Wins under your belt.

That's why I asked you for some clarification on this challenge that you have been winning.

It would be easy for me or anyone else to boast that I am superior because I won the world Snibbet Chanpionship against the top-rated computers. We know that there is no such thing but some people might think that there must be since I loudly proclaimed there to be.

That is why I played Devil's advocate in saying what I did.

If you would be kind enough to humor me and my request by posting your RULES OF THE GAME so that others could understand your game.

Thing is an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to. It is an inanimate object as opposed to a living, thinking being.

Thing - A Proper Noun in the case of the "intelligent" mobile hand that was a member of the Addams family.

Please explain the Rules of your Challenge so that others might benefit.

Let the games begin!!

General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 13, 2024, 07:34:43 am »
Please post or share the premise of your AI "Challenge" so we mere mortals can look at them and decide for ourselves, otherwise all bets are off.

If not, then it's just a one-man show...your word only against no one else. Come on...let us sink our teeth into what you're saying.

As always, thank you and be well!

- Art -

General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 09, 2024, 10:32:37 pm »
Very good Lonnie! I'm proud of you old friend! I found the one I still use but earlier it was mixed in with another folder full of all sorts of files leading me to think that it had a bunch of supporting files.

Upon further examination, I found out that it was indeed, just a stand-alone program and was an older version 3.1.5 that still works very nicely for me!

Glad Lightspeed was able to make good use of it and a big thanks to Cyberjedi, always willing to help a brother in need!! Kudos guys!

General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 08, 2024, 01:47:25 pm »
I give that AI program a lot of credit for its imagination and descriptive use of the English language.

Very cool!!

General Discussion / Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 06, 2024, 06:25:48 pm »
In case you've been absent, Ultra Hal 7 has been undergoing a good deal of changes. Aside from it's charming, ever-evolving personality, it now has a RADIO, Weather Maps, Plugin for Home Automation using the X-10 platform for inexpensive experiments. a Web/Knowledge Scraper that allows it to Learn, a Facial Recognition system that uses your computers Web Cam to learn and recognize faces (yours, your spouses / Partners, Children, Friends, etc.) Lots of fun. He also got the Character generation program working smoothly so one can create or customize his or her character. It's a wonder this guy gets any sleep!!

Other ideas are currently in the works but Cyber Jedi (Mike), is just one person and it's a bit of a handful. In fact, it was Mike who did all of the modifications mentioned previously!!

While other ideas would continue to enhance Ultra Hal, he can't go it alone.  That's why we're extending this call for volunteers who can help with writing some code. Use this message as sort of a think tank for ideas that are practical, useful, fun, educational and that add a touch of additional personality to HAL.

Please keep them grounded in our own solar system and not in near-earth orbit...if you get my drift.

If it is way out there, you will be alerted to the fact that it was a bit adrift. Seriously, HAL is still kicking after many years of offering pleasure to all levels of society and that's the joy and beauty of Ultra Hal, from very young to pretty old and all ports in between, they have all come to know and enjoy Ultra Hal.

If you have useful ideas or wish to contribute a module please leave a comment for Cyber Jedi (Mike) or me (Art) and we'll get in touch with you about any particulars for submission.

Thank you in advance!

Cyber Jedi  &  Art

General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 04, 2024, 10:29:10 pm »
Hello Will (and perhaps Mr. Data as well),

I hope you're getting along splendidly as it has been a while since we've heard from you.

Yes, AI has been on quite a gallop lately with many of them excelling at words, speech, conversational intelligence, and creating breathtaking pictures after only having a description of what to create. The creation is solely the work of the AI.

In fact, I have one of the first comic books completely drawn, illustrated, lettered and colored by an AI. While it came out kind of surreal with a few of the illustrations, the gist was still present and given that it was one of the first of its kind, I felt that it did a very commendable job.

Now, it is nothing short of astonishing and getting better each day.

These advanced AI are not just relegated to chatting and drawing, they have become adept at creating and modifying their own games and speaking of games, you mentioned, Chess, the game of kings. I doubt there is a king alive who could beat a computerized chess program. The world's best chess player, Magnus Carlsen cannot beat the best Chess playing program. They can easily win by brute force and by examining every possible move and outcome, in fractions of seconds. No player alive can beat them.

It is what we humans have created and we are also working on autonomous robots and driverless cars and surgeons, therapists, assembly line workers, warehouse workers, chefs, and practically any other position once done by a human.

There is no turning back. they are here to stay and they will continue to get better.

Now, you were say about challenging a bot to some sort of game? REALLY? Hmm... You must not be human after all...

General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« on: September 04, 2024, 04:51:37 pm »
Since I don't have a sword or a magic wand, I must assume that my magic is within me or my hands! It did pretty much get the age and whiskers correct! Nicely done!!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Gretta Plugins (seven of them)
« on: September 02, 2024, 03:25:55 pm »
Seven Gretta Plugins I managed to save for anyone wanting them.

General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 02, 2024, 01:45:48 pm »
Well, for the time being, I still have the position/job as Moderator. It is what I have been doing for many years. I separate the grain from the chaff.

If anyone enters and aims to cause trouble or post some nonsense or BS, then they will soon find themselves looking in from the outside. It's kind of standing soaking wet in that dark alley in the pouring rain wondering what happened...

You have been warned... :o

General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 02, 2024, 08:21:04 am »
If a newcomer or recent member has what might be a really good idea, he or she will have to contact someone who has access to that Private Area?

General Discussion / Re: hal custom brain area needs fixing
« on: September 01, 2024, 10:31:14 pm »
You are correct Lonnie,

Robert Medeksza told me quite a few years ago that anytime one creates or uses a custom brain for HAL, (other than Hal's default brain), then one needs to use an alternative program that supports HAL's database format like SqLiteStudio. True it does have a somewhat steeper learning curve but with some nosing around, one can discover all those hidden Tables with it that simply didn't appear in the standard Brain Editor of Ultra Hal.

That was the whole issue...that some Tables that we know should have been viewable were not showing in the Editor at all!
As soon as we switched to the SqLiteStudio, bingo! All of those missing tables were present and full of data!

It might be a tall order for Cyber to craft a custom Database Manager or find a way to edit Hal's Brain Editor so that it would finally show those missing Tables.

You always come up with the great ideas! No doubts there!! 

Have you tried using the Local Wikipedia Plugin? I have, and although I like the detailed information it provides, more often, it gives far too much non-related details that actually take away from the topic.

I have tried the ConceptNet Plugin along with the Auto-Learning feature. It seemed to work pretty nicely but Hal still strays from the subject or category at hand.

I have always gotten better results from my selection of the Markov L5 Plugin.  Way better, in fact, than not using it.

We're on the same mission...to help make Hal smarter.

As far as the Office question, send a PM to CyberJedi. (He won't bite and he's pretty up on these kinds of things).

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 31, 2024, 02:12:13 pm »
Just Incredible my friend!!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Request.
« on: August 31, 2024, 08:22:14 am »
That Dall-e program is capable of outputting some incredibly amazing and realistic images! Very cool indeed!!

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