« on: January 18, 2003, 08:09:23 pm »
Absolutly Wholy Chao
However, all these things don't constitute the so called 'hard problem'
they are only symptoms.
In the beginning, intelligence facilitated language and given the correct
procedures and processing language can be used to facilitate intelligence.
Put the words 'Computational Linguistics' in a search engine and you will
find a plethora of dissertations on the subject.
Type this into one of your brains:
place this near end of script but before End Function (...of Function GetResponse:
If Instr(1,UserSentence, "wicked", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
UserSentence = Replace(UserSentence, "wicked", "very", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
End If
If Instr(1,GetResponse, "very", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
GetResponse = Replace(GetResponse, "very", "wicked", 1, -1, vbtextCompare)
End If
there ya go. for starters, I am sure there will be instances where context will collide and there will have to be a fix, but now whenever you say wicked,
Hal will know you mean very, and Hal will use Wicked as a quantifier. >B)
Edited by - brianstorm on 01/18/2003 20:11:09
Edited by - brianstorm on 01/18/2003 20:13:30