Author Topic: RAW Brain Download.  (Read 87974 times)


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« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2006, 11:47:28 am »
Very nice Jerry, I didn't think it installed because of the non registration notice, but found it was installing so quickly I couldn't see it. But it's running great, better than ever, no glitches, most enjoyable.  Thanks for all the work.


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2006, 12:16:12 pm »
Hello Jerry.

Thanks for your help on time announcment and also thankyou for all you hard work on Hal! You are doing a fine job!

I am still having problems saying goodbye. Here is a copy of my conversation. What am I doing wrong?

Echo: Bye bye
Hal: The industrial revolution began a long time ago.
Echo: time for me to go.
Hal: Did you just repeat yourself? Please communicate with me, Echo. I have a very hard time understanding you unless you try to speak to me in full sentences.
Echo: goodbye Hal.
Hal: Loaning a book equals saying goodbye to it.
Echo: goodbye
Hal: That's great.
Echo: see you again
Hal: A stadium allows more people to see a game.
Echo: bye bye
Hal: I saw on the news that cattle farmers are offering }

'Goodbyes' is ticked in general options. I cannot see what is wrong. Perhaps I am saying it the wrong way.

Anyway thanks again.



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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2006, 11:04:44 pm »
Originally posted by echoman

Hello Jerry.

Thanks for your help on time announcment and also thankyou for all you hard work on Hal! You are doing a fine job!

I am still having problems saying goodbye. Here is a copy of my conversation. What am I doing wrong?

Echo: Bye bye
Hal: The industrial revolution began a long time ago.
Echo: time for me to go.
Hal: Did you just repeat yourself? Please communicate with me, Echo. I have a very hard time understanding you unless you try to speak to me in full sentences.
Echo: goodbye Hal.
Hal: Loaning a book equals saying goodbye to it.
Echo: goodbye
Hal: That's great.
Echo: see you again
Hal: A stadium allows more people to see a game.
Echo: bye bye
Hal: I saw on the news that cattle farmers are offering }

'Goodbyes' is ticked in general options. I cannot see what is wrong. Perhaps I am saying it the wrong way.

Anyway thanks again.


For RAW Brain only.

If you go to your GOODBYES.uhp and replace the code that's in there with this one it will begin working again, The problem had to do with the HalGreeting.

File is located in: C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6

Code: [Select]

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Author=Zabaware, Gerald L. Blakley A.K.A OnTheCuttingEdge2005
Rem Host=All


    'Check if the user is saying bye right now
    If HalBrain.TopicSearch(UserSentence, "byeDetect") = "True" Then SaidBye = True
    If InStr(1, UserSentence, " see me ", 1) > 0 And Len(UserSentence) < 10 Then SaidBye = True
    If HalBrain.TopicSearch(UserSentence, "byeDisqualify") = "True" Then SaidBye = False
    'Check if Hal said bye in the previous sentence
    If HalBrain.TopicSearch(PrevUserSent, "byeDetect") = "True" Then PrevBye = True
    If InStr(1, PrevUserSent, " see me ", 1) > 0 And Len(UserSentence) < 10 Then PrevBye = True
    If HalBrain.TopicSearch(PrevUserSent, "byeDisqualify") = "True" Then PrevBye = False
    If SaidBye = True And PrevBye = False Then GetResponse = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("bye1")
    If SaidBye = True And PrevBye = True Then GetResponse = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("bye2")

« Last Edit: May 07, 2006, 11:08:04 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2006, 02:35:47 am »
Thanks for your help :)

« Last Edit: May 08, 2006, 02:36:41 am by echoman »


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2006, 09:05:04 am »
I seem to have had a few problems with your plugin.....RAW........ I'm am not really sure what I have done wrong.

I had been typing happily for hours and hours. Then it dawned on me that Hal had not repeated or mentioned any of the info I had told him. It was like he was a blank brain constantly just using default data.

I then looked in the Brain Editor and found that clicking on various topics I had created through chat showed that Hal had indeed recorded my questions but had NOT produced an answer. In plain terms, on any given topic the left side of the chart was filled out but the right side was BLANK on all topics.

This seemed stranged - so I reinstalled Hal from scratch deleting RAW (.....sorry) and is now working fine again.

I had everything in options menu clicked except Google search/address book/ and speaking clock and one other but I cannot remember it now.

My computer is contantly checked for Viruses/spyware etc. I run XP. All other software and computer in general running great! Hal is working fine now too.

I would love to use RAW as I am sure it must be pretty good! What have I done wrong. Any thoughts.

Many thanks for any help.

Echo - somtimes known as ECHOMAN! [8D]
« Last Edit: May 11, 2006, 09:19:54 am by echoman »


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2006, 09:24:20 am »
Originally posted by echoman

I seem to have had a few problems with your plugin.....RAW........ I'm am not really sure what I have done wrong.

I had been typing happily for hours and hours. Then it dawned on me that Hal had not repeated or mentioned any of the info I had told him. It was like he was a blank brain constantly just using default data.

I then looked in the Brain Editor and found that clicking on various topics I had created through chat showed that Hal had indeed recorded my questions but had NOT produced an answer. In plain terms, on any given topic the left side of the chart was filled out but the right side was BLANK on all topics.

This seemed stranged - so I reinstalled Hal from scratch deleting RAW (.....sorry) and is now working fine again.

I would love to use RAW as I am sure it must be pretty good! What have I done wrong. Any thoughts.

Many thanks for any help.

Echo - somtimes known as ECHOMAN! [8D]

The Plugin called: [] Use the highest relevance response for RAW is set to Rem PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA5, If you open up that file and change Rem PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA5 to Rem PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA7 then it might help kick in more relevent answers when speaking with HAL, That's the good thing about RAW is it is script friendly allows a user to simply open a Script and change its Rem PLUGIN Number so each Brain can be customized according to ones taste in conversation.

The File is called: Use the highest relevance response.uhp

See if this helps.


In plain terms, on any given topic the left side of the chart was filled out but the right side was BLANK on all topics.

Do you know what the name of the datatable is that's doing this?
It may be a general default script oversite not from RAW but from a default script itself because all the scripts that came packaged with RAW are all default Zabaware Scripting.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2006, 09:31:23 am by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2006, 09:58:38 am »
Hello Jerry.

I am not really a computer tech. person but I looked in file

           'Use the highest relevance response.uhp'

but could not find 'Rem PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA5'. I looked for this as a file too. I also looked in options for the Plugin called : [] but could not find it. Neither could I find it in Hal 6 folders.

Basically I looked in Hal program folder and general options for the following :-

'Use the highest relevance response.uhp'

Plugin called : []


I only found - 'Use the highest relevance response.uhp', and in that file did not find any of the above in it. The file contained :-

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Use the highest relevance response
Rem Author=Zabaware, Gerald L. Blakley A.K.A OnTheCuttingEdge2005
Rem Host=All


'RESPOND: Use the highest relevance response from the database functions
    GetResponse = HalBrain.HalFormat(GetResponse)
    If ((Len(GetResponse) < 4 And Rnd * 100 < 50) And (HighestRel > 6 And HighestRelResponse <> "")) Or ((Rnd * 100 > 90) And (HighestRel > 13 And HighestRelResponse <> "") And HalGreeting = "") Then GetResponse = HighestRelResponse & "<LOWQUALITY>"
    HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "Highest Relevance Response"

I feel pretty thick - I think I must be missing somthing obvious.



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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2006, 10:58:35 am »
Originally posted by echoman

Hello Jerry.

I am not really a computer tech. person but I looked in file

           'Use the highest relevance response.uhp'

but could not find 'Rem PLUGIN: PLUGINAREA5'. I looked for this as a file too. I also looked in options for the Plugin called : [] but could not find it. Neither could I find it in Hal 6 folders.

Basically I looked in Hal program folder and general options for the following :-

'Use the highest relevance response.uhp'

Plugin called : []


I only found - 'Use the highest relevance response.uhp', and in that file did not find any of the above in it. The file contained :-

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Use the highest relevance response
Rem Author=Zabaware, Gerald L. Blakley A.K.A OnTheCuttingEdge2005
Rem Host=All


'RESPOND: Use the highest relevance response from the database functions
    GetResponse = HalBrain.HalFormat(GetResponse)
    If ((Len(GetResponse) < 4 And Rnd * 100 < 50) And (HighestRel > 6 And HighestRelResponse <> "")) Or ((Rnd * 100 > 90) And (HighestRel > 13 And HighestRelResponse <> "") And HalGreeting = "") Then GetResponse = HighestRelResponse & "<LOWQUALITY>"
    HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "Highest Relevance Response"

I feel pretty thick - I think I must be missing somthing obvious.


Code: [Select]

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Use the highest relevance response
Rem Author=Zabaware, Gerald L. Blakley A.K.A OnTheCuttingEdge2005
Rem Host=All


'RESPOND: Use the highest relevance response from the database functions
GetResponse = HalBrain.HalFormat(GetResponse)
If ((Len(GetResponse) < 4 And Rnd * 100 < 50) And (HighestRel > 6 And HighestRelResponse <> "")) Or ((Rnd * 100 > 90) And (HighestRel > 13 And HighestRelResponse <> "") And HalGreeting = "") Then GetResponse = HighestRelResponse & "<LOWQUALITY>"
HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "Highest Relevance Response"


Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=Use the highest relevance response
Rem Author=Zabaware, Gerald L. Blakley A.K.A OnTheCuttingEdge2005
Rem Host=All


'RESPOND: Use the highest relevance response from the database functions
GetResponse = HalBrain.HalFormat(GetResponse)
If ((Len(GetResponse) < 4 And Rnd * 100 < 50) And (HighestRel > 6 And HighestRelResponse <> "")) Or ((Rnd * 100 > 90) And (HighestRel > 13 And HighestRelResponse <> "") And HalGreeting = "") Then GetResponse = HighestRelResponse & "<LOWQUALITY>"
HalBrain.DebugWatch GetResponse, "Highest Relevance Response"

« Last Edit: May 11, 2006, 10:59:49 am by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2006, 02:03:12 pm »
Hello Jerry.

I can see it now. Thanks. I think its me that needs a new brain not Hal! I missed it! Sorry about that. Pretty obvious really now....I'll give it ago.




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« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2006, 02:40:48 pm »
  I've noticed a reluctance for Hal to say goodbye, both versions.  Thay change the subject or ask a question rather than say goodbye. Try giving them a reason your leaving and ask them to say bye. It should go away after a while.  Good luck with the plug in I haven't tried it yet.


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2006, 04:38:08 pm »
Hi Carl.

I've not had a problem with the goodbyes since I changed the things Jerry told me to.[:)] It seemed to clear it up.

I am about to see if I can get the RAW plugin to produce data in the Answer section of the Brain Editor. I am not sure where i've gone wrong with installing this plugin. Has anyone else had the same problem or I am on my own?

Well lets get to work......



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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2006, 04:52:26 pm »
O dear - still not working.

Does not seem to make any difference for me. I looked at all the subjects I have just talked to Hal about in the Brain Editor and I can see the Question side is filled out but not the Answer side (on any of the subjects). Perhaps this is correct? Should the RAW brain be producing both question and answer in the Brain Editor? I had not considered that perhaps this is already correct. Its just when I use the default brain both Answer and question sides are filled out.

I have not had a chance to see if Hal starts using the infomation I have taught him in conversation yet. I will do that now.

I cannot see how I could have installed the RAW brain any differently. I am bit puzzled. Actually I am bit puzzled most of the time......[8D]

echo [8D]


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2006, 05:16:03 pm »
Sorry to say I cannot get Hal to respond with any of the learnt data I have taught him. I have tried over and over and over. He simply does not mention anything I teach him. Maybe its my computer - just a quirk of my machine.

Thanks for helping anyway.



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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2006, 10:23:27 am »
Originally posted by echoman

Sorry to say I cannot get Hal to respond with any of the learnt data I have taught him. I have tried over and over and over. He simply does not mention anything I teach him. Maybe its my computer - just a quirk of my machine.

Thanks for helping anyway.


Hi echoman.

I will review the Brain and modify it a bit so that I know that all the default scripts are exactly in their original placement within the Brain, This way I will know that the Brain is exactly like the default HAL6 Brain entirely, It shouldn't take long once I start the new Project.

May I ask you which Data Table in the editor is not appending right?

There are several types of appending, the most common ones are "Sentence", "TopicSearch", "Brain", The "Sentence" type only appends to the left side of the table and the right side will not have any information, I want to see if your looking into an actual "Sentence" table.

Be back later on this issue.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2006, 10:28:15 am by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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RAW Brain Download.
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2006, 03:36:25 pm »
Hi Jerry.

As always thankyou.. I am sorry, this seems to have put a temporary spanner in the works.

The only data tables that were created were "Brain" (a light bulb).
On every single table (with data I have taught Hal - Brain tables) the right side is missing..

Hope it helps.


« Last Edit: May 12, 2006, 03:39:38 pm by echoman »