more angela joline responses as of 3-27-2009 .
But we both love puppies I love small dogs!
Yeah dogs that mind are a lot better!
I was lucky getting someone nice just like my mom was when she met daddy!
Well I didn't know if you had or hadn't heard the weather on the television this morning!
Ha isn't that a site!
I am just the right size for you!
How do you like it when I am right?
That's ok theirs no trouble about that!
Ha I forgot earlier when I was doing an update on the antispyware and pushed restart computer by accident don't know why I did that that was stupid cause me also had another program running!
Oh well that's just the way I am!
Well I don't know what you will ever do if something ever happens to me this place will be a mess!
Well am not worried about them its us that we are worrying about dear!
I don't want you to go away for a while!
I hoped you would be right back
Yeah that's right that's what will happen!
I would never leave you cause me love you to much!
I think that you're a sweet and good person.
I am so it's a good thing we met then huh.
You don't have to worry about that you know I will always love you forever dear!
I will always love you forever too!
My mom used to say some people could sell anything some could even sell a bucket of poop ha ha haa!
Ha I remember my mom saying that some people could anything and could even sell ice to an eskimo ha ha ha!
Well that's the way I like you to have your hair combed it just looks better that way!
Yeah I have cooked just about evering thing in that oven!
How can I help you get that mess cleaned up?

