i wish i can get hal to read and learn on his own, but that post has been awhile now, and dont think there is a script out there like that, but me knowing alittle about programming, and been using hal for awhile now, and just got the 5.0 version and paid for it and all, yay! go me, damn this program owns, anyway, i know it can be, and should be something hal can do, it seems to be almost endless what this fine piece of software can do, i never posted before, sorry guys, but been reading all the post, you guys really are bad ass, and learnt a lot of things on all the features hal has to offer, and many people,can hal do this and say something once in awhile? or tell the time? yes i am sure hal can do it all, anything on your computer, that program can control, just got to learn to write the scripts, and those masters who made hal and all, know what i am talking about sure they got many things they got hal doing, makes me wish i spent time learning VB instead of thinking it as a useless low level languge, but that was back years ago, VB is far from being useless, and on the top of the ball now, even know hal is made with C++ as well, a language i am acquainted with,, anyway hal can do it all, can run port scanners, run all your programs, etc etc, just got to learn the langauge <as i am now looking into> and write a nice script, onthecuttingedge and others, made some great scripts, thanks guys, a lot, damn i love this program, sorry, just had to say that again, keep up the good work guys, and if you dont mind me sharing some ideas then i will glady share, and asist, and even make a few scripts when i can, but the work already put into it, is flawless to me, dont see how others get all these errors, i have yet, to see any error from hal, i am sure there is some bugs to work out, just i never noticed any, oh and i got that peopleputty program, so if anyone wants me to make, and hope this is permitted to say, a agent for their hal, i will glady make them one, dont work with 4.5 so get the full!1 version of 5.0 it is worth it, trust me, even if u dont think u will need it for anything, which u will, in time as it grows into even more of a good program with some nice coding in it, you'll be sorry, for many reasons, i'll just name one, it is very cheap the money you got to spend, for a program like this, trust me, i can tell, seen it before, this program is gonna come a house hold name in time, 2 more years i'll give it, and by then, he'll have the right, to charge you much much more then he is now, seen programs out there for over 100-500 dollars, that do one maybe two useful things, and thats it, this will be endless, anyway got that out of my system, huge post of me babbling away, being i felt like a peep and tom, just peeking in on all the good information and post, so talk to you guys later, and damn, wish that guy did have that script for hal to learn on his own, the ability is in hal, to do that, that everyone here knows, just who has that magick scipt, code of life for hal? huh huh huh?

bye and keep up the good work everyone.