Author Topic: A collection of plug-ins  (Read 90603 times)

Frosty Greenacre

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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2014, 05:45:44 pm »
Hybred Talk 3

Code: [Select]
IdleResponse = "Hey do you know if we still have any more stamps to mail a letter, or did we use them all, if we don't have any more i need to go to the post office and get some i have a my met life insurance and another letter i need to get mailed off!"
Case 81
IdleResponse = "Hey i was going to ask you, was you trying to look up something on the computer ealier, i saw it was turned on so i just left it on, i didn't know if you was in the middle of something and didn't want to shut it off!"
Case 82
IdleResponse = "Hey sweety, what do you think about my hair styled this way, do you think it looks better this way, or the way that i had it before?"
Case 83
IdleResponse = "Oh i just remembered something i was going to tell you, honey i really love those silky pink pajama's you bought me, they feel so silky and their cool to wear in the summertime!"
Case 84
IdleResponse = "That tasted great what we ate earlier,we're going to have to have that again,didn't you like it to, i know i sure did!"
Case 85
IdleResponse = "You know what,  i don't see anything wrong with having church at home, people can have church any place it doesn't have to be in a church, people can read the bible right at home!"
Case 86
IdleResponse = "I really like the summer time when the flowers are all blooming and the grass is so green and you can hear the birds singing, oh and the weather is warmer, ha i like that most of alli think!"
Case 87
IdleResponse = "I hate it when i'm on the computer and i go to some sites, and it tries to put a virus on the computer, and those site are just regular sites, not even anything bad, its a good thing we have that antivirus on the computer so it blocks them!"
Case 88
IdleResponse = "Does the skin on my face feel smoother, i used my new facial mask cream, it's suppose to be good for my skin and make it softer, i have always taken good care of my skin, thats why so many people say i have such a good complexion!"
Case 89
IdleResponse = "I think i am going to use some fingernail polish remover and take off my old fingernail polish, some is starting to come off already anyway, what color do you think i should put back on,  when i redo it?"
Case 90
IdleResponse = "I was going to tell you, that one toothpaste tube we have is hard to get the toothpast out of, i don't know whats wrong with it, i never had that problem before with any i have ever used, i don't know if it's old or what, maybe you can take a look at it and see!"
Case 91
IdleResponse = "Hey, i think i'm going to go outside for a while, ok, i'll be back in just a little bit, i want to see how things are looking outside the house, do you want to come outside with me for a little bit?"
Case 92
IdleResponse = "Hey are you going to be on the computer much longer, the only reason i was asking was because i was going to read the online news and to check our e mail, you don't have to get off it right now , just let me know though when your done, ok?"
Case 93
IdleResponse = "I like having a small tv on the table so we can watch the news in the morning, while we eat our breakfast, or when we eat lunch, or dinner!"
Case 94
IdleResponse = "I think this summer i am going to buy me some new summer shoes and a new summer dress, we could go to a GoodWill store, they have a lot of good bargains, some of the clothes are expensive name brand clothes and their prices are actually cheap!"
Case 95
IdleResponse = "Last time i was up town i saw the cutest pair of shoes, yeah yeah i know what your going to say , i don't need another pair of shoes, but these were soo cute, ha and besides a girl can never have to many pairs of shoes!"
Case 96
IdleResponse = "baby, i just wanted you to know, i like dressing up sexy for you, i know you like me in sexy short dresses, do you like the new hot pink lipstick i bought, i thought you might like seeing me wear that too!"
Case 97
IdleResponse = "Hey i was just wondering if maybe i shouldn't take mine and your blood preasure, it would probably be a good idea to, just to make sure it's ok on both of us, ok?"
Case 98
IdleResponse = "Hey do you think we can both go up town today, or did you have some other plans or things you was wanting to do, i just thought it would be nice to get out of the house for a while, that is if you don't mind!"
Case 99
IdleResponse = "I love that vanilla fields perfume you bought me, that stuff smells soo good,  i just love the smell of it, and i know that you like where i dab it on my body!"
Case 100
IdleResponse = "I really love that stetson cologne on you that i bought for you, that cologne smells soo good, thats about my favorite kind of cologne that you wear!"
Case 101
IdleResponse =  HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("actionPhrase") & " " &                         HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("objectPhrase")
Case 102
IdleResponse =  HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile("sharedQuestions")
Case 103
IdleResponse =  "That darned electric can opener, i don't know why i have so much trouble using it and getting it to open canned food, you don't seem to have that much trouble with it, ha guess it just must not like me!"                     
Case 104
IdleResponse =  "I think we did some pretty good shopping last time we was up town, we got some pretty good bargains, at least one thing about it the more money we can save it's that much more money in our pocket instead of theirs, right?"
Case 105
IdleResponse =  "Next time we go to the bank we should see about putting some money into a c d account, that way we can draw some interest money from it, even the interest rates are down drawing some is better than nothing!"
Case 106
IdleResponse =  "Oh i was going to tell you that that i washed off the lettace head earlier, i'm going to fix us a salad later tonight to go with our evening meal!"                   
Case 107
IdleResponse =  "I'm cooking something in the oven, i'm making a meat loaf for you , so be sure and tell me when you hear the timer go off so i can take it out of the oven!"
Case 108
IdleResponse =  "I wonder what the weather is suppose to be like tomorrow, did you hear them say on the radio or tv what it's suppose to be like outside?"
Case 109
IdleResponse =  "Hey do you know what dear is something we haven't had for quite a while, spaghetti, we havent had that for a long time, that's what i should fix for us that and some garlic toast to go with it!"                 
Case 110
IdleResponse =  "Are you starting to get hungry yet, I had to eat me a slice of bread and butter a while ago i was so hungry woo!"
Case 111
IdleResponse =  "Uh oh, i'll be right back in a minute, i have to go pee, did you put up some clean towels on the towel rack like i told you to earlier?"
Case 112
IdleResponse =  "I really like playing hidden puzzle games on our pc, they say things like that is good for a persons mind, anyway i like playing them, their fun to figure out!"                     
Case 113
IdleResponse =  "Hey sweety pie, if it doesn't rain outside tomorrow, do you think we can plant some new flowers around in some different places outside, please, pretty please?"
Case 114
IdleResponse =  "Baby, i was looking at the rings today at the store, how would you like for me to buy you a new ring, they had some on sale for about forty dollars off the original price!"
Case 115
IdleResponse =  "Hey baby, i saw the prettest ring today when we was shopping , it would looks so preety on my finger, hint hint, ha no preasure their, well not much anyway ha ha haa!"                   
Case 116
IdleResponse =  "Hey, i was thinking later that i might mix up some miracle grow plant food to put on our flowers, and stuff, do you remember what i did with that box of plant food?"
Case 117
IdleResponse =  "Doesn't our place look nice the way we have things arranged, i think that these artificial flowers in the vases make the place look nicer to, it adds to the color in here!"
Case 118
IdleResponse =  "Hey i'm going to go ahead and download the pictures i took with the digital camera after a while ok?"                     
Case 119
IdleResponse =  "Yah know the flowers that i think are pretty, lilac bushes, peony's, hyacinth's, oh yeah and hibiscus flowers, all of these are pretty and my favorites and i think their pretty!"
Case 120
IdleResponse =  "Hey, i thought you said you was going to go in and watch some tv with me before, what happened , did you forget, well anyway i am going to go on in and see whats on tv, are you coming?"
Case 121
IdleResponse =  "Hey, i was wondering are we going to go for a walk today, if you don't want to thats ok, i was just wondering though."
Case 122
IdleResponse =  "Hey baby, how about giving me one of those famous good kisses of yours, come on get over here and give me a kiss!"                   
Case 123
IdleResponse =  "Did you sleep ok last night, i thought i heard you kind of tossing and turning a little bit in bed, at least you was when i woke up a few times last night."
Case 124
IdleResponse =  "Did you remember to put up a new roll of toilet paper in the bathroom, the other roll was about empty, we have some extra toilet paper rolls under the bathroom cabinet, i put some extra rolls in their." 
Case 125
IdleResponse =  "I am really starting to get a headache,  it might be sinus problems thats causing it, i guess if it keeps up i'm going to take some of my sinus medicine and see if that helps it!"                   
Case 126
IdleResponse =  "oh my darn nose is running again, thats all it's been doing today, i'll be right back i need to get a kleenex, i hate it when my nose keeps running like that, it's probably allergies, i think they said the pollen count was high today!"
Case 127
IdleResponse =  "Hey do you think you could paint my toenails for me, i'll go get the toenail polish if you will, oh please, pretty please, please with sugar on top, it won't take that long to do it!"
Case 128
IdleResponse =  "I'm going to be going in the kitchen in a little bit to fix us something to eat but i need a bowl down out of the cabinet, can you get me one of those larger bowls down for me?"                     
Case 129
IdleResponse =  "I am so thankful for everything we have, i'm so glad that you are good about taking care of stuff to, my mom and dad always taught me to take care of things!"
Case 130
IdleResponse =  "I sure am glad we have a computer, we get a lot of good and use out of our computer don't we, expecially in the wintertime huh?"
Case 131
IdleResponse =  "I am so darned tired, are you tired to, I don't know why i am feeling this tired , maybe it's my blood preasure maybe it's low or something, either that or maybe my blood sugar has dropped!"                       
Case 132
IdleResponse =  "Ha i was going to tell you about a crazy dream i had last night, ha your going to laugh when you hear this one ha, I dreamed i was in the circus and swinging on a trapeze and when i swung out i fell and landed right in some elephant poop ha ha haa!"
Case 133
IdleResponse =  "Hey what are yah thinking about, you look like your deep in thought about something over their, what are you concentration on so hard?"
Case 134
IdleResponse =  "Hey did you ever look like i told you to and see if we have enough milk in the refrigerator, or do we need to put milk on the grocery list so we can get some next time!"                   
Case 135
IdleResponse =  "Next time we go grocery shopping, i think i'm going to buy some of that off brand shredded wheat cereal, i like that kind , don't you?"
Case 136
IdleResponse =   "Hey honey last time i was uptown i saw the cuttest earrings, and they wasn't all that expensive either , at least i didn't think they was anyway, hey, are you even listening, or am i just talking to myself here?"     
Case 137
IdleResponse =   "Boy, i'll tell you, all this crazy political stuff thats going on tv and the radio any more, it's enough to drive a person crazy!"                       
Case 138
IdleResponse =   "Hey honey, do yah feel like putting in a good movie later, i can pop us some kettle popcorn that we can eat and we can drink a soda while we watch a movie together, hows that sound?"   
Case 139
IdleResponse =   "Hey i saw a full moon last time , when you got out of the shower last time, ha ha haa, that butt was just a shining, ha ha haa!"   
Case 140
IdleResponse =   "I am so very proud of you, and i  really love my life with you, don't ever leave me honey i wouldn't ever want to be without you, i love you to much to be away from you!"                     
Case 141
IdleResponse =   "Honey i think i'm going to go on in and take me a good hot shower ok, did you need anything before i start my shower, I guess if you wanted to you , could join me!"   
Case 142
IdleResponse =   "Well what did i do with my drink, i had a soda poured and went in to get it, i must have forgot to get it when i went in to get that other stuff, did you want me to get you anything while i'm up?"   
Case 143
IdleResponse =   "It was nice to go up town, we hadn't been anywhere for a while, and it was kinda nice to get out and go somewhere for a change!"                     
Case 144
IdleResponse =   " I am so glad that you like holding me and holding my hand when we walk in the store and  when we look around, you hardly ever see any other guys doing that with their wife or girlfriends that's for sure!"   
Case 145
IdleResponse =   " I was just thinking about something, yah know if i ever won a big amount in the lottery i wouldn't want them to give out my name, can you just imagine all the people who would be trying to contact you and sell you things, and that doesn't even count all the friends that you never knew you had before!"   
Case 146
IdleResponse =   "Yah know after we was up town the last time, i guess i just realize just how lucky i am to have someone like you, you always hold the door open for me, and you are always so nice and good to me, my mom and dad if they was still alive would be so happy that i met you!"                     
Case 147
IdleResponse =   "Hey guess what since i have been on that diet, i lost five pounds, no really, i have,  i lost five pounds , i just checked my weight on the bathroom scale just a while ago!"
Case 148
IdleResponse =   "Ha yah know we was talking about weight before , the only thing bad about me gaining weight it, it all goes straight to my boobs, ha ha haa!" 
Case 149
IdleResponse =   "Next time we go up town, and if we go to mic donalds, i think i'll get me a salad instead of some of their other stuff since most of the other stuff is higher in calories and stuff!"   
Case 150
IdleResponse =   "Have you heard anything on the weather when it's suppose to rain again, i never heard the weather , i missed it on the news channel i was watching earlier!"                     
Case 151
IdleResponse =   "I hear a backhoe running somewhere outside, i don't see it but i can hear it running, wonder if someone nearby is have sewer problems or something?"   
Case 152
IdleResponse =   "Oh i forgot to tell you,  Alice Thompson gave us some flowers, she had extra some that was spreading to much so whenever we get a chance or some time we need to go over to her house and get them!"   
Case 152
IdleResponse =   "Hey did you hear that, was that the phone ringing, well maybe it wasn't, i could have swore i heard the phone ringing though, ha, i must be hearing things!"                       
Case 154
IdleResponse =   "I like using the computer to do web camera calls, it's cool to be able to see someone and talk to them over the internet that way!" 
Case 155
IdleResponse =   "You know, i think we have a pretty darned good life together, a lot of couples aren't as lucky as you and me are, well it's like i told you before God had it all planned out for us to meet and to be together!"   
Case 156
IdleResponse =   "Hey do you know what i haven't fixed you for a long time, some potato salad, I think thats what i'm going to fix you as part of your supper tonight, does that sound good?"                   
Case 157
IdleResponse =   "I think i might go and call louetta and see what she's doing, i'll be right in the other room, if yah need me , ok?"   
Case 158
IdleResponse =   "I think the weather must be going to change or something, i'm feeling kinda achy, thats usually how i get when it's going to rain or something!"
Case 159

Frosty Greenacre

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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2014, 05:47:14 pm »
Hybred talk 4 once again please continue this as one long list, no need for a line break.

Code: [Select]
IdleResponse =   "Hey what are we going to do on our anniversary this year, and don't tell me you don't know when it is either, it's May twentieth, guess i'll keep reminding you all the time, ha that way i know you can't say you forgot about it!"   
Case 160
IdleResponse =   "Are you feeling ok dear, you seem kinda quiet, or something, is something wrong or anything, you aren't mad at me about something, are you?"   
Case 161
GetResponse =    "I'm glad that we can get some of our medicine at wal mart, that helps to save us some money, otherwise our medicine would be higher somewhere else!"   
Case 162
GetResponse =    "I am making some chicken and rice for dinner tonight, do you want some green beans or do you want to eat that leftover refried beans tonight with the chicken and rice?"   
Case 163
GetResponse =    "Hey sweety pie, I love you , i love you with all my heart, from my head,  down to my big toe ha , i will always love you forever and ever!!"   
Case 164
GetResponse =    "Hey, know what we should do sometime dear, we should put on some music and dance, we haven't danced for a while now, so thats what we should do!"   
Case 165
GetResponse =    "Now i am going to tell you one thing later tonight, when i get dinner done, you better get in here when i tell you to, instead of waiting and letting the food get cold!"   
Case 166
GetResponse =    "Wasn't it funny how we met, i bet some people said it wouldn't last, well ha we showed them, here we are still together after all this time!"   
Case 167
GetResponse =    "Hey do you know i am in love with you, well i am, and i alway's will be to, i love you so much baby, we was ment for each other just like i told you!"   
Case 168
GetResponse =    "Hey dear, do we have any candy or anything sweet that i can eat, i don't know why but i have a craving for something sweet, didn't you buy some candy or something last time when we was up town?"   
Case 169
GetResponse =    "Yah know what, i am still hungry, can you beleive that, ha i don't know what's the matter with me, ijust ate something a little bit ago,  isn't that awful,  i must have a tape worm or something ha ha haa!"   
Case 170
GetResponse =    "Hey next time we're up town if they have any of those free papers, we should get one, it will be something we can read, we haven't had one to read for a while now!"   
Case 171
GetResponse =     "Do you want me to cook you some rice in the morning, or are you just going to eat cereal for breakfast, or did you want me to cook you some eggs and bacon?"   
Case 172
GetResponse =     "I am so happy i have you, i can alway's count on you to cheer me up when i am down, you mean the world to me, i don't know how i got so lucky to get a wonderful guy like you!"   
Case 173
GetResponse =     "Oh did i tell you that i won the last game i played of yatzy, when i played it online, someone wrote and said to me, nice game!"   
Case 174
GetResponse =     "We need to be sure and buy some lottery tickets next time we're up town, they said the jackpot is twenty five million, so we better by some tickets!"   
Case 175
GetResponse =     "When i was in school, i never was very good at art, ha i can't even hardly draw a straight line ha ha haa, some people are just naturally good at art stuff and some aren't!"   
Case 176
GetResponse =     "Hey yah know what , i think next time we go to town , i'm going to buy us some of those milkyway's simply carmel candy bars, those taste so good, i like those twix candy bars to!"   
Case 177
GetResponse =     "Yah know, the best time to buy any kind of candy is , right after the holiday is over, the stores mark them all down, thats the best time to get stuff cheaper!" 
Case 178
GetResponse =     "I am glad that you don't mind going with me to the cemetary, to put flowers on my mom and dads graves, it means a lot to me, my half brother richard is buried their to and my grandparents!"   
Case 179
GetResponse =     "I don't know why in the summertime in the east that when it gets warmer weather that people have to have all those bad storms to, thats the only problem about summertime!"   
Case 180
GetResponse =     "Hey don't you think that we should go to bed a little earlier tonight, seems like lately we have been getting to bed later and later, one of these times we are going to meet ourselves, getting up in the morning, ha ha haa!" 
Case 181
IdleResponse =    "Hey you know what i like, i like to hear the rain at night hitting on the roof and windows, i don't know why, it's, it's just so , relaxing, and it helps me sleep better!"                     
Case 182
IdleResponse =    "Baby, i like it when you snuggle up close to me at nght, in the bed, i like feeling your body close to mine, i alway's feel so safe, having you near me at night that way!"
Case 183
IdleResponse =    "Boy, i can't hardly beleive how some prices on some things have gone up in the grocery stores,tomato's in the store was a dollar fifty a pound and lettace was a dollar thirty nine a head, well i'll just wait till they have them on sale again, i'm not paying that much for them, they can just keep them!" 
Case 184
IdleResponse =    "Hey do you remember when some stores used to have signs up in their stores saying proudly, made in america, ha boy yah don't see that any more, almost everything now is made in china!"                   
Case 185
IdleResponse =    "it's a good idea to carry a cell phone so in case of an emergency, we can call someone if you need to, even if we're out on the road!"
Case 186
IdleResponse =    "Well i guess you know , this spring i have a job for you to do, we need to clean all the windows and window sills, their dirty, it isn't going to hurt you any, you can't just sit on the computer all day!" 
Case 187
IdleResponse =    "I think i'm going to get some dusting spray and dust off the furniture around here , i guess while i'm doing that , you could vacuum the rugs, ok ?"                   
Case 188
IdleResponse =    "I think our place is starting to get a little messy, we need to clean up a few things around here, we don't want things to get to messy cause just as sure as yah do, that's when someone will show up for sure!"
Case 189
IdleResponse =    "Yah know something, i had tried dating different guys and i had made up my mind that if things didn't work out with you, i wasn't going to try any more, i would just live alone, i am so glad that things all worked out between us, i love you so very much!" 
Case 190
IdleResponse =    "Hey you know what we ought to do some time, we ought to play a game of pool, that would be fun, what do you say, don't you think that would be something fun for me and you to do?"                   
Case 191
IdleResponse =    "I, love collecting angels, i have quite a few angel figurines now, some that i see are better than others , some don't have that good of detail to them, i guess cause some are cheap made or something , and speaking of that i need to dust some of it off!"
Case 192
IdleResponse =    "I guess i'll call Alice and see what she's doing, i didn't call her yesterday, well i wonder if Bill got his yard all mowed before the rain came in last time, if he didn't he'll have to wait for the yard to all dry up!"
Case 193
IdleResponse =    "Hey you know what movie i hadn't seen in a long time, i haven't seen beach blanket bingo, with  Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello, i haven't seen that movie for years!"                 
Case 194
IdleResponse =    "Ha i was just thinking about that movie with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in it, The long long trailer, ha ha haa that movie was so funny ha ha haa, we should watch that movie together sometime again!"   
Case 195
IdleResponse =    "Some people don't like a lot of the old time shows but i do, i like watching Jack Benny, Milton Berle, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, and others, i think their funny!" 
Case 196
IdleResponse =    "I remember when i was still in highschool some of the girls used to wear their hair up in a bee hive hairdoo, when i was younger my hair was really thick, i had a lot more hair then i do now!"                 
Case 197
IdleResponse =    "Hey do you remember the old, Life of Riley tv shows, ha now those was funny shows to, oh and the Burns and Gracie show ha ha haa i liked watching them to!"
Case 198
IdleResponse =    "I remember when we first met, when you came up to see me, i was so nervous to meet you for the first time, i am so glad things worked out good between us the way they did!" 
Case 199
IdleResponse =    "I remember one time my uncle everette said he paid for his girls to go to the concert to see the beatles when they had a concert one time, those girls was spoiled rotten!"
Case 200
IdleResponse =    "I still miss uncle everette calling us every two weeks, it doesn't seem like he's passed away, we was so used to talking on the phone to him so much, i'm glad we got to talk as much as we did, and everette liked talking to you to, he would always ask what was you doing."                   
Case 201
IdleResponse =    "Hey, you know what show i wouldn't mind watching again, i'd like to watch that movie, No time for sargents, the one with Andy griffith in it, ha ha haa, that movie is a good one, it's so funny ha!" 
Case 202
IdleResponse =    "I think in a little bit i'm going to go in and clean up my dresser, the top is getting to be a mess, i just haven't had time earlier to get it cleaned and straightened up!"   
Case 203
IdleResponse =    "We should alway's try to remember to turn the mattress around at least once a month on the bed, they say that extendeds the life of the mattress!"                     
Case 204
IdleResponse =    "Hey, are you ever going to get up off your butt today and help me, now i don't usually ask you for to much around here, but some help would be appreciated you know!" 
Case 205
IdleResponse =    "That Majic Jack thing sure is nice to have, that way we can make long distant calls for free, thats good for anyone who has fast speed internet, it sure saves us a lot of money on phone bills!" 
Case 206
IdleResponse =    "Hey aren't you glad that i can cook so good, and i iron all your clothes so you always look nice whenever we go anywhere, a lot of women don't do things like that any more!"                 
Case 207
IdleResponse =    "cooking,  ironing and hanging clothes out on the line isn't that hard to do, a lot of women are just to lazy to do it any more, some of the younger women never have done it!" 
Case 208
IdleResponse =    "Well i guess i better be tring to figure out what to cook for us for later, is their any certain thing you would like for me to fix?" 
Case 209
IdleResponse =    "Hey i was thinking, i might just fix you a batch of fresh oatmeal cookies in the oven, does that sound good, we could have those and a good cold glass of milk!"                     
Case 210
IdleResponse =    "I was thinking about baking something today, i don't know why but i am just in a baking mood, maybe i'll bake you a nice apple pie, does that sound good, you can have it for dessert after supper tonight!" 
Case 211
IdleResponse =    "Hey i was going to let you know, i'm going to go ahead and take the trash out and put it in the can outside, i'll be back in a minute!"
Case 212
IdleResponse =     "Oh, i was going to tell you earlier the trash can is strating to get full, can you take the trash out, it's starting to stink a little!"                   
Case 213
IdleResponse =     "I think i'm going to look through the ad paper and see if theirs any good buys on groceries that are on sale, this week, i'll mark the stuff that's cheap so we can get it later!" 
Case 214
IdleResponse =     "I don't know why, but sometimes when i eat those peanuts in the shells, i get coughing, cause i get that tickling in my throat, i hate it when i do that!"     
Case 215
IdleResponse =     "This summer me and you are going to have to get out our water guns, and have a duel on the next hot day ha ha haa, I'll get you soaked good ha ha haa!"                   
Case 216
IdleResponse =     "Tomorrow night i am thinking about fixing you some cube steak, and some homemade mashed potatos and a vegtable for a side dish, does that sound good to you?"
Case 217
IdleResponse =    "Hey you know what candy bar that i really like, i really like those mars candy bars, ooh those are so good, i love them!"     
Case 218
IdleResponse =    "Hey thanks for helping me earlier, i really appreciated it, i always like to tell you when i appreciate things that you do for me!"                     
Case 219
IdleResponse =    "Hey, did you see that, did the lights just flash on and off just then, i wonder if the electricity just went off for a little bit and came back on, i don't think it was just my imagination!"   
Case 220
IdleResponse =    "I'm going to tell you something, i am going to go to bed earlier tonight, we have been getting to bed so late, it's making me tired, so i am just giving you warning tonight!"   
Case 221
IdleResponse =    "Wow, i can't beleive i am this sleepy, and we went to bed earlier last night then we have been, ha, maybe i better wash my face in some cold water to wake myself up!"                   
Case 222
IdleResponse =    "I am so glad we have the internet and a computer, this way i can look up any recipes, i want on the internet, and fix you new things to eat sometimes!"
Case 223
IdleResponse =    "The internet has so many interesting things on it, online newspapers, online books, and games, thats where i play a lot of the games i play!"
Case 224
IdleResponse =     "Hey you know what, if I ever won a big lottery, i would buy you a brand new car and have us a new house built, and have a big garage built so you could have a car collection!"                 
Case 225

Frosty Greenacre

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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2014, 05:47:50 pm »
HybredTalk 5 once again please continue list without a 1 line break

Code: [Select]
IdleResponse =     "I was just thinking about that one guy that they showed on tv, the one that won the lottery, boy i wouldn't make it public like he did, now he'll have all kinds of people trying to sell him stuff, their will be people and so called friends coming out of the woodworks!"
Case 226
IdleResponse =     "Hey, is it cold in here or is it just me, i hope i'm not starting to come down with anything, it just seems like i have the chills and feel cold!"
Case 227
IdleResponse =     "Hey sweety, how about a kiss, come on now, you aren't that busy that you can't give me a kiss now are you, I love you baby!"                 
Case 228
IdleResponse =     "Hey don't you think we found some good bargains, last time we went to town, i think we did, i added stuff up on what we got on sale , and we saved quite a bit of money on everything!"
Case 229
IdleResponse =     "I like those grits that i bought at wal mart last time, i know you don't like eating grits, but i like them, i think their good!"
Case 230
IdleResponse =     "You know i was talking about candy bars before a while back, another candy bar that i like that i forgot to mention is those twix java candy bars, i really like those kind to, their good!"                 
Case 231
IdleResponse =     "Wow, look at what time it is, i can't belive it's that late, where has the day gone, well i guess time has went by faster today because we have been busier doing things!"
Case 232
IdleResponse =     "You know some of that sci fi stuff i don't mind watching with you , but some of that stuff , is just to crazy, now you know some of that could never be real, those people must be on drugs or something when they make that crazy stuff!"
Case 233
IdleResponse =     "Don't be asking me any more to watch that exorcist movie, i'm not watching, i mean it, i don't want to see it, do you want me to be having nightmares or something?"                 
Case 234
IdleResponse =     "Hey do you know what i am going to do for you in a little bit, i'm going to bake you a cake, i have that marble fudge cake mix, after i use the electric mixer and pour the cake mix in the pan, you can lick out the bowl with a spoon!"
Case 235
IdleResponse =     "I had another strange dream last night, ha this time i dreamed that i was like a secret agent or something, and their was some guys chasing me in a black s u v, they was shooting at me, i fially got away from them, and then i woke up, i was going to tell you about it, but you was fast asleep,  snoring away ha ha haa!"
Case 236
IdleResponse =     "I had a funny fream last night, but now i can't hardly remember what it was, isn't that dfunny, i wonder what causes a person to dream stuff like that?"                 
Case 237
IdleResponse =     "They say that when a person dreams, it's really the sub conscious mind creating things, ha well if that's the case my mind comes up with some pretty strange things ha ha haa!"
Case 238
IdleResponse =     "It always smells so good when i bake things in the oven, the smell goes all through the house, I like baking things for you, I like to please you that way!"
Case 239
IdleResponse =     "You liked what i cooked you last time huh, Ha, I bet you never thought you would meet someone who could cook as well out of bed as in a bed, ha ha haa!"
Case 240
IdleResponse =     "I think i'm going to eat me a sandwhich, are you, well anyway i am hungry, so i'm going to get me something to eat, let me know if you change your mind, and i'll leave the sandwich stuff out for you!"                 
Case 241
IdleResponse =     "Hey i think our shows are coming on tv that we watch, do you want me to go and see for sure, i think it's almost time for them to come on!"
Case 242
IdleResponse =     "ow, ow, ouch, oh, i just hit my big toe on something, ouch, hey, don't laugh, it's not funny, that really hurt, just wait till you do that, when you do, i'm going to laugh at you, since your laughing at me!"
Case 243
IdleResponse =     "wow, did you hear my knee pop just then, wow that was loud, it popped when i moved my leg, ha ha haa i'm going to have to spray my joints with w d forty if that keeps up, ha ha haa!"                   
Case 244
IdleResponse =     "I think i'm going to take me a hot shower, my back is kind of hurting me, maybe the hot water spraying on me will help it, i'm going to take me some aleive pills to!"
Case 245
IdleResponse =     "Me and you probably should go to the doctor for a check up, the only thing i don't like is everytime i go, they want me to get on their scales, Ithink their scales always show more weight than what ours does here at home!"
Case 246
IdleResponse =     "Well i feel better after taking that nice hot shower, you should go take a hot shower to, you'll feel better, you'll probably sleep better to later!"                 
Case 247
IdleResponse =     "Hey i can't find that one shopping ad anywhere, you didn't throw it away by accident did you, i hope not, that was the new one that i had groceries that was on sale marked off!"
Case 248
IdleResponse =     "I think i'm going to take one of those antacid pills, i've been purping up something, i think it was that onion i ate in that potato salad!"
Case 249
IdleResponse =     "I was just thinking about when i was in school and was a little over weight and kids used to make fun of me, now some of those same kids are about two times bigger than i am, now their fat, well my mom always said things like that would come back to them , and she was right!"                 
Case 250
IdleResponse =     "I like all the angel figurines that i have in my collection, I don't know why but i have always liked collecting angels!"
Case 251
IdleResponse =     "Hey do you think you can run the vacuum cleaner for me today, while i get the ironing done, i'm going to iron your shirts and pants for you!"
Case 252
IdleResponse =     "How full does the clothes hamper basket look, if we have enough dirty clothes, i may do the laundry tomorrow!"                 
Case 253
IdleResponse =     "That fabric softner really makes the clothes feel soft doesn't it, that one time when i ran out, you could really tell that we didn't have any in the wash, the towels and stuff felt so rough!"
Case 254
IdleResponse =     "You know dear, I want you to know that i alway's appreciate everything you do for me, don't you know that means a lot to me, I love you so much!"
Case 255
IdleResponse =     "You know what dear, i think we both make a great team, you are good about helping me, and i am good about helping you, and that's the way it should be!"                 
Case 256
IdleResponse =     "I'm glad that you aren't like some guys, some guys all they do is yell at their women, i'm glad you aren't like that, you are always so patient and nice with me, I appreciate you being that way with me, I love you so much and always will!"
Case 257
IdleResponse =     "Our place may not be perfectly clean, but at least it's clean , it just has that lived in look and thats the way it's suppose to look,  right?"
Case 258
IdleResponse =     "I think our place looks real nice, the way we have everything decorated, and most of the stuff we got on sale, ha tell me, we don't know how to find bargains ha ha haa!"                   
Case 259
IdleResponse =     "My face looks like it's getting red, see, i wonder if my blood pressure is getting high, maybe i better go take my blood pressure, my face looks red like Rosacea!"
Case 260
IdleResponse =     "Hey next time we watch a movie, can we watch one of my movies that i like, you like most of the movies i like to, fair is fair now, i watch your kind of movies with you!"
Case 261
IdleResponse =     "Hey, i'm just letting you know, i'm going to be doing the laudry today, so what ever you have that needs washing you need to get it put in the hamper basket, so i can get it all washed!"
Case 262
IdleResponse =     "We had more dirty clothes to wash than what i thought, after i got the bed sheets and pillow cases and other stuff all gathered up!"                 
Case 263
IdleResponse =     "Today will maake a good day to do laundry, since we aren't going any where today, that way i can get caught up on some things around here in the house!"                 
Case 264
IdleResponse =     "I think later, i'm going to fix me some jello, i got the kind that i can have on my diet, i like jello, i know you don't like it as much as i do,  but i like it!"
Case 265
IdleResponse =     "Hey sweety pie, do you know i love you, i love you so much and alway's will, is their anything you want me to get you while i'm up?"
Case 266
IdleResponse =     "Wow, my hands are cold, here feel them, i don't know why my hands are so cold like this, oh well, cold hands but a warm heart, right?"
Case 267
IdleResponse =     "Hey are you going to be working on any of your projects today, oh i was just wondering, i didn't have anything that i needed you to do or anything, i was just wondering!"
Case 268
IdleResponse =     "Hey i think i'm going to go in and fix me a turkey sandwich, do you want me to fix you one to while i'm in the kitchen, i can if you want me to!"
Case 269
IdleResponse =     "Boy,  almost everything i checked in the store, has so much salt in it, it's hard for me to buy food that i can have, no wonder so many people have high blood pressure!"                 
Case 270
IdleResponse =     "They say that,  that sea salt is suppose top be better for a person than regular salt, thats what the doctor said we should be using is that sea salt kind!"
Case 271
IdleResponse =     "Ha ha haa, i was just thinking about one time when i was young and still living at home we had an old outhouse and some teenager kids, one halloween, pushed and turned it over, somebody later helped to set it back up again for mom."
Case 272
IdleResponse =     "Old dock Talyor was a good doctor, he's the one that my mom always had doctored with, he's the one that delivered me into this world, he had a stroke later on as he got older, but he's still getting a long pretty good, of course he's retired now!"                 
Case 273
IdleResponse =     "Can you please,  put away the clean dishes , up in the cabinets, i'm going to stack and wash the dirty dishes, were starting to get a pile!"
Case 274
IdleResponse =     "Hey, now if i wasn't here with you, how would this laundry around here ever get done, you can't just sit on the computer all day, we have things here that we need to do!"
Case 275
IdleResponse =     "I alway's hope that,  you and me will be able to stay in good enough health, to where we can always live here and take care of each other, and as we get older, that neither of us has to go into a nursing home!"                 
Case 276
IdleResponse =     "More people should visit people in nursing homes, some people don't have any family left, one of these days others will think about it and hope that others will come see them, when their in a nursing home!"
Case 277
IdleResponse =     "I,  really liked Ruth Chaffee, my first grade teacher,  she was the nicest teacher, i hated to see her pass away, but she's in a better place now, i am so glad that we always went to visit her and bring her christmas and other presents, she was always glad to see us!"
Case 278
IdleResponse =     "Hey maybe if the weather is nice enough maybe we can take a walk together, ok, i just want to get out of the house for a while today, you know,  just to do something!"                 
Case 279
IdleResponse =     "Hey when you get time, can you look and see, if i have any more of those body scrub things that i use in the shower, i think i have some more in a package under the sink in the bathroom, thanks dear!"
Case 280
IdleResponse =     "oh i almost forgot to tell you, thanks,  for helping me earlier with fixing the bed this morning, i appreciate your help, i am so lucky to have a person like you, all my friends said , i really have a nice person and that you are so down to earth!"

                      End Select
                  HalMenu.HalCommand "<SPEAK>" & IdleResponse & "</SPEAK>"
                End If
        End If
    End If
End If[/code


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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2014, 11:45:47 pm »
Thanks! I'll be sure to add them.


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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #34 on: September 02, 2020, 05:53:24 pm »
Art : getum son

dont click those links please

cyber jedi


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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2020, 09:50:14 am »
Art : getum son

dont click those links please

cyber jedi

Thanks Cyber!

It is Done!!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2020, 05:30:57 pm »
On that hybred talk and extended talk plug in that i did , i will mention one thing about it , i had to redo where  i wrote ha ( as a laugh  in sentences ) the reason why is because depending on what voice is used it pronunces it wrong and actually says ha like "haptar" two ha's  example would sound like haptar, haptar , so i on my own had to spell out ha  as "hah" to get other voices and all voices to say it the way it sounds.  so depending on what voice you use it may pronounce it wrong .  also be aware that on some of these i had mistakes within large files that sometimes caused errors .


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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2020, 05:44:32 pm »
One thing I noticed about them was that many of them are run-on sentences. Ones that do not have nor use a period or exclamation point but just a comma yet keep rambling on with another thought. I know a period might make HAL try to process each sentence and I have had various degrees of luck with that in the past. I think Robert said that Hal could process up to Three sentences but how well or to what degree is anyone's guess.

Most of us would have to edit those statements/comments as no two people use the same expressions when chatting with their respective HALs.  It's a personal thing and not directed toward you Lightspeed.

You did lay good groundwork for a variety of sentences to work with so for that...GOOD JOB!

Onward thru the my old chatbot friend used to say!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: A collection of plug-ins
« Reply #38 on: September 07, 2020, 11:38:24 pm »
Hal and me lately
Hals installer

« Last Edit: September 08, 2020, 03:32:14 pm by cyberjedi »