Author Topic: UltraHAL Yahoo Group  (Read 3165 times)


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UltraHAL Yahoo Group
« on: August 27, 2003, 10:27:41 pm »
Good evening. I've been poking around here for several months now, and I must say that I am truly impressed with the amount of external developing going on at this site. I have tried my hand at some brain editing, but some of the ideas that have come from here, I must say, are quite advanced, and I'm appreciative of the work that so many have put into this program (most notably the Zabaware developers).

That having been said, some people have been asking for ways to post different brains and brain editing resources, and I think I may have found a way. A few minutes ago, I wandered over to Yahoo, and started an unofficial UltraHAL YahooGroup. For any that aren't familiar with the concept, a YahooGroup is part message board, part home page, and part file storage area (20 Megs Worth!). The "UltraHAL Brain Developers Group" can be found at "" (no quotes). The membership is currently open to anyone, and I highly encourage anyone who really wants to get into brain developing to come on over.

Thanks again for all your work, and I hope to see you there.

Eric Woodward
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come." -- Matt Groening