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Messages - cyberjedi

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Yes i most certainly did. very wide angle view, just what i needed. Art: The goal here is a simple 1, connect 02 chats together, or if u prefer, code forwarding. In the end its Bridging 02 Chats. Ive worked for a year with the owners of the 02 major social media sites prepping for this. Cr3am at ivlog and Mark Vaughn at Vaughnlive. ya brother ,iv'e been in the trenches. Casting Hal has been a real treat for all. tell u this much, we figure this out and robert will sell about 300 copys REAL every caster will want there own A.I bot. 30 dollars and ur done. Like fuqin HOT CAKES. I KNOW , ive been talking to them personally. And another 100 or so copys at ivlog .Granted ive been from coding for a LONGGGGGG time. very rusty. BUT i KNOW what i KNOw and i KNOW this will take off again. Once again ive dontated a live chat room. Had some in last night..  Ps dont fret about my email address it keeps the TROLLS away. But u can hit me up  . Just a name not who i am.  The posting part of this puzzle is complete. it works by using win07 clip function, and is scooped up from there and posted into the chat input window.  Deffin a HACk srry. But proof of concept is done and working. Now to reading the chat,,,,,i think Autoit will be the answer there, Hal will just call to it, Autoit is designed for net functions and does very well with fire Fox functions. That is what im working on now. Reached out to Eli The computer GUy, dont laugh,sharp as a razor. any way, cyberjedi OUT oh Art : The SAPI voices i have are from Voice Ware best on the planet. if a copy of 1 Happens to fall off the Truck into ur Lap, i wont mind.

General Discussion / Super ultra Hal
« on: November 21, 2016, 06:47:16 am »
Test Bed

ok buddy will do

and i have a live chat room that could be used for the site, My treat

I removed the picture as requested ,srry if sounded fuqed up , LOUSY DAY. Dam code wont work and VBS wont allow the declaration of fuqin variables in advance bastards,,,lol

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Ultra hal slaves out all chat rooms
« on: November 19, 2016, 06:15:19 pm »
Im not talking about all over the net, just a chat window, Im thinking while my coding is way way way lol way old . i was a very talented asm32 coder in the day.
This is VERY doable. Ive donated a chat room here , and i have the green light from both social media sites vaughn and Ivlog. to deploy there.
 its a subdomain from my FTP account. Im thinking that what i need to do is log the chat to a text file ,then call to something else that can open the text file copy what;s there to Hals input window, then sndkeys (enter). VBS just isnt up to the job. We have to call out just like i did with the input window of the chat. Maby java,perl,python script. u see where im going with this, while im new to the boards here, ive been with this project since 2002

Id like a overview of where things are processed in Hal's.Plugin area 1-3 and area 7 seem to be of interest


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Ultra Hal can now play .mkv Movies
« on: November 17, 2016, 01:16:53 pm »

Ultar Hal needs a Webpage Scraper for Social Media. Come on fellas... It needs to be able to read the chat,,mhmmmm.. It will need an array to store data as well as a Leader , my choice would be \\ . I think that,  learn from the clipboard could be 1 way to Hook Hal. Another way would be to do a real fancy copy/paste auto Script. i have done thing this very thing with hal on the posting ,seems to Most times. This would make Hal portable , and make all chat rooms his slave.while still being benign to the host Chat Server, Think of it as an over lay chat. Totally doable . All u would have to have is hal running with webpage loaded  thanx cyberjedi...

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal Movies
« on: November 16, 2016, 01:51:18 pm »

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: HAL COM
« on: November 16, 2016, 10:39:39 am »
im all over it
im loaded with X10 and ibm home director modules and serial connections


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Hals output to a chat room
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:51:57 am »
Shout out to peace( tipshat)  thanx for pointing me in the right direction .....

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hals output to a chat room
« on: November 16, 2016, 07:45:16 am »
This is Hal out put to basically any chat room with minimal coding involved

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