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Topics - deathmask

Pages: [1]
I have several questions

 I am having some trouble getting my edited Hal brain files to respond appropriately to statements I make, with newly created topic focus key words.  That is, it seems to file the words I type to it in it's unknown word folder despite the fact that I have programmed them into that list (topic focus list), and makes a generic response trying it's best to properly incorporate the word (as if it didn't know the word). Even when repeating the question or using the key words in a different order I cannot seem to get it to reply with the response I supplied for it. Are there any ways to prioritize a particular topic focus?

 Also what is the priority of the answers in the Topic focus list as compared to the answers in the "question and answer brain"?  

I am curious what happens if I program in words it already knows and has a different response for somewhere else, will it use my provided answer or a different one?

Finally, I notice that the brain editor already has a large number of programmed responses in it's main knowledge database, is there a way to start with a fresh one, without any programmed responses?

Wow, I think that's it.

Thank you in advance.

P.S. Currently I am running the free version, I'm not sure if that matters...

P.P.S.  Recently when I have been asking it questions with new key words it (in the brain editors run function) the program has been crashing (it just closes down. Has anyone else experienced this? I am running Windows XP

Edited by - deathmask on 12/12/2002  00:19:19

Pages: [1]