Zabaware Forums > Speech Technology

Runtime 70 error when saving .wav file

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Hello. I'm using version 1.0 of Hal Reader and am experiencing an issue I can't fix: Whenever I select a non-windows voice and attempt to save the .wav file of a text, after I click the Save button it says "Wav file created" but once I answer that I am told saving failed with the error "Run-time error '70': Permission denied". The wav file is not created.

This happens with all voices except LH Michael, LH Michelle, Microsoft Mary, Microsoft Mike and Microsoft Sam. If I use these saving works ok, but if I use any of the other voices I get this error. Is there any way to save .wav files with the non-Windows TTS voices? I'm using Windows XP Media Center SP3. Thanks.

Also wanted to say this is a lovely freeware program and is very good and helpful, congratulations to the authors for their great work :)

I feel pretty sure that the blame belongs to Microsoft. There may be another answer but MS may have designed their software that way.

It could be that. All voices playback correctly however, this only occurs when saving the .wav file which is what I find most odd since it means all voices can be accessed.

Anyway, is there no solution to this? The program is designed to run on Windows XP too so maybe there's something that can be done...

It sounds like you found and are using an outdated version of the Text-to-Speech Reader.

The latest version I am aware of is the UltraHal Text-To-Speech Reader Copyright 2007. It does not display any version when Help or About is selected.

There is a section to Convert Text into Wav audio file.

It does not work on my system and I am using XP MCE SP-3. Hal 6.2 works fine as do the majority of various plug-ins.

The Text to Speech reader otherwise performs well except for the snafu listed above.

If you drop Robert Medeksza an email (go to Members > find name...)
perhaps he could shed some light. * He's Hal's creator!

I do have a full administrator account so this shouldn't be a problem, never had any issues with my account not having rights on files before. And which is the latest version of the Reader? I'm using the one from this page currently.


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