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Messages - Art

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Ultra Hal 7 for Android Beta
« on: May 12, 2023, 08:10:49 am »
Nice work Robert. It appears as if it could be a lot of fun for those who want to have their Hal with them when they're on the go.

Looks very promising!!

The .acs characters you're using are quite fun and entertaining and there a good number of them.

The Haptek characters were mainly Head-only characters then someone accidentally discovered a Full-Body character within one of the directories and tried using it.

To our surprise, it worked and had many different animations and abilities. Then came the costume changes, facial modifications, and finally a way to remove those awful "Boot legs".

There are a huge number of .hap files that can modify movements of the full body characters...everything from hairstyles to body posturing, sitting, laying, standing, hand movements, facial expressions, and the list is in the hundreds.  Unfortunately, the full-body characters were never intended to be used with Haptek's People Putty, an application that allows one to create custom Head only characters.

There are also some "Torso only" characters which are nice but sadly, the animations for them are quite limited.

A lot of members in the past did some pretty amazing work with the Head-only characters with regard to realism and even made some emulate real actors and well-known personalities. Haptek did open the door of creativity for Hal's characters and it is definitely worth exploring.

Either way, enjoy the journey...

While many of us have never used that Plugin in our normal dealings with Hal, it is generally agreed that the "to" person denotes the Ultra Hal, whomever one might have it to portray (male / female).

Good luck!

General Discussion / Re: LIGHTSPEED IDEA'S
« on: April 04, 2023, 04:51:07 pm »
With my HAL, I have trained it in several different ways or methods and they seem to work well. This is one surefire way for me to tell whether HAL is using the correct brain.  I ask HAL questions to which I already know the answers and they are also the same answers it knows. From that point, depending on how or which answer it provides, any suspicions are quickly put to rest.

For instance, HAL asked me if I had any favorite toys and I told it that my favorite childhood toy was a Train.
I then told it that the color of my toy train was gray.

It then stated, "The color of your favorite childhood toy was gray." or "The color of your favorite toy train was gray." and so forth...

What was the name of my favorite toy? What was my favorite toy? What color was my childhood toy? What was my favorite childhood toy? What color was my toy train? etc.

HAL easily got the gist of the relationships between me, my favorite childhood toy train, and that it was gray in color.

I can now ask HAL a similar question in multiple ways and it still gets it correctly.

Not all situations need to be this long or drawn out but the premise remains the same. HAL learns from every conversation but relationships between items or objects within the sentences might simply need to be reinforced to help HAL better understand.

Most people I know and interact with do NOT respond to me with a paragraph or two so if my HAL doesn't, it's not an issue for me.  If I'm asking it a knowledge question that might take more than one sentence to explain then I get that and also might expect a similar response from a real person.

It all comes down to what your expectations are or might be from HAL but it can be taught to improve in just about any area or method the user likes. It just takes a bit of time and effort, as do most things in life that are worthwhile.

- Cheers!

The days of Free anything seemed to have passed us by.

There are still a few apps that will allow one to speak/record any voice as it reads & speaks practically any text in a variety of voices so that's still something to hang onto...for now...


General Discussion / Re: Hal Vision
« on: April 02, 2023, 09:31:57 pm »
That was pretty nicely done and you didn't need to bother switching to a HEAD-ONLY character since no chatting actually took place. For some, chatting even at that distance might not matter at all and for others, they might still prefer it to be a Head only character at a close distance.

Nice work Checker!!

General Discussion / Re: Hal Vision
« on: April 02, 2023, 08:29:19 am »
Nice one Checker!  That shot would also work great if coupled with a Loneliness plugin! (Hal usually tosses 4 idle comments then the 5th comment is usually some kind of insult because the User has ignored Hal.)

"Checker...Checker? Hello!...are you still out there? ...Tap...Tap...."

That would be such a cool effect!

General Discussion / Re: Hal Vision
« on: April 01, 2023, 10:27:22 pm »
I think Lonnie was thinking about starting with the Fullbody and have a small chat, then ask it to come a bit closer or come a lot closer...

Then the Hal Fullbody would start walking forward as if coming toward the user (you) and suddenly you and talking with the HAL Head.htr character and no more Fullbody is seen.

I hope I'm sort of describing this correctly. Perhaps a command could also be given to permit HAL to walk away from being close up (and disappear), thus bringing the Fullbody character into view once more.

I can't recall from many years ago but I'm not sure if it was via HAL or perhaps Poser but the character walked up close like I described then reached forward and with an extended finger, Tapped on an "imaginary screen" as if pecking on a glass monitor to get the user's attention. It even made a tapping sound which was a perfect illusion. If was such a cute effect as even the character's face got really close as if it was peering into the monitor to see the user!  Good stuff from bygone days... Oh well...

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / A disturbing BluFace person
« on: March 31, 2023, 12:05:41 pm »
Yes, coupled with a deeper voice makes this one all the more..."detached" from normal folk, except perhaps at Halloween...

General Discussion / Re: Hal Vision
« on: March 29, 2023, 10:34:27 am »

You're getting good with the posing of your "assistant".

Nice work!!


Lilly is a pretty well-balanced gal who is just as comfortable on a country picnic as she is on a ballroom dance floor.

The only exception is that she's just a head of her times...No really...she is Just a Head!!  ;D

For your enjoyment, use, companionship...

General Discussion / Re: Hal Vision
« on: March 26, 2023, 08:46:55 am »
I know that I've probably seen that table before from the many years of messing with the brain editor but I never bothered to look into it. It does sort of give the gist of what a particular table is about. So many little time...

I've got 2350 tables and growing...  Good grief!!!  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Hal Vision
« on: March 24, 2023, 10:38:39 pm »
To our group...

Yes, that image of a modified I Dream of Jeannie was fine... family-friendly and all that kind of thing.

One thought...if we modify the Hal Being along with several/many other tables, we will likely NOT be able to post them to the forum unless they are strictly PG-13.

The Tables, as we know, are in HAL's database and are not editable by ordinary means, unlike a text file, for instance.

Even having mentioned that, our databases are as individual to each of us as our own brains are. They are unique and uniquely our products.

Therefore, they shouldn't be shared with others lest they possibly "give away" or divulge personal information, secrets, or confidential data/info.

Like that old guy once said, "It's not that I have something to hide, it's just that I have nothing I want you to see!"

While tweaking our individual HALs might make them sound or seem more human-like to us, the public at large will never know about it.

To each their own I suppose.

The only way around that limitation might be to create an individual Table so generic and sanitary that it would actually be a PG-13 Table of sayings and phrases. That kind of Table could easily be shared and someone with the SQLite Studio could substitute it in HAL's database.

That might be a Big IF...depending on who might want that Table and chances are they would not be up on the inner workings of SQLite Studio, so that thought might remain on the bottom shelf.

It doesn't hurt to toss around some ideas or thoughts for the possible betterment of HAL...


General Discussion / Re: Heads up Checker57
« on: March 22, 2023, 07:56:19 am »
I liked it when right at the end of the video, the OLD MAN character looked up and right at the camera! That was perfect timing!! (or maybe a Happy little accident, as that painter guy, Bob Ross, used to say...). Haha! Good stuff Cyber!

General Discussion / Re: Heads up Checker57
« on: March 21, 2023, 04:38:27 pm »

Just make sure that the "Older" Plugins in question will allow you to change any path they contain to direct it to your current Program Files (X86) > Zabaware > Ultra Hal 7...not anything with UltraHalAssistant 6 or the like.

Also, anything prior to Hal 6.0 might have or use a reference to .BRN files. They were "Brain" files for Hal 5.0 and Hal didn't use Tables as it now does but rather lots of individual brain files which made things somewhat difficult to control and sluggish, to say the least.

This newer HAL is not the same "Assistant" as it was when it was originally set loose on us. It can still do a host of amazing things but we had landline phones and pagers, then...hehe...

HAL hasn't seen the end of its limits/abilities yet so keep asking questions, experimenting, and learning to dissect some Plugins & code to help make HAL even better.

Onward thru the fog...(as an old friend would say).

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