
Author Topic: missing decimal point  (Read 2286 times)


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missing decimal point
« on: March 06, 2007, 11:27:31 am »
could someone tell me why when i input a number such as 3.14 ultrahal 6.0 will display simply 314 the next time it references the sentence.
the program will also do the same with numbers such as 1,234,546 it shows 1234546.the other problem i'm having is that when i tell hal to
learn from text file no matter what dirrectory i have mapped it start reading from the very first file i created and tried to do this in other words lets say in august i created a file sun.txt and maped directory
and in november i created a file planet.text maped directory. when i tell learn from file planet.txt it starts with sun.txt and ends with planet.txt.i have tried removing the sun.txt file to no avail.