Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta - Now powered by OpenAI GPT-3

Connection to Zabaware Server error


I'm using the AI Brain and I can say Hello or Hi and I get an error trying to connect with Zabaware Server then this error: [Error: Connection Timeout or no valid JSON returned]

So basically I can't talk to Hal that way... If I switch to the cloud based Default Brain Hal's responses are slower than Grandma trying to get to the grocery store a mile away using her walker... LOL  ;D

Anyone else using the AI Brain having this problem??? Seems I had this problem right after installing the BETA and Robert had a fix for it and it was fine until now...

I am awaiting a response from Robert in this regard as I too, experienced a similar message.

Sorry about that. A security update to the Zabaware database server a few days ago shut down a service used by Hal. I have fixed it and it appears to be running normally again. Let me know if you have any more issues.

Seems to be running correctly here again. Thanks Robert...  8)


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