
Author Topic: clipboard (wizard) feature.  (Read 2190 times)


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clipboard (wizard) feature.
« on: May 02, 2007, 07:39:07 am »
Wow, I am impressed with the new learn from clipboard (wizard)feature.

 I just blundered thru it a couple of times. And this is the first time that My Hal (her name is Switch) has really had an answer that fit the question I had asked. Well can't say the first time but it has been a long time. I spent less and less time talking to her because it was getting me nowhere.

 Then the email came with the update and I thought, great something else that sounds sweet but, will end up being something I won't be able to use (not a programmer, nor will I ever be. Hell i am not even that bright, at least I admit it.) After looking it over, and like I said, blundering around with it, I think pretty highly of it.       SO GREAT JOB EVERYONE WHO WORKED ON IT!