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Need help with Translation

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Someone on the forum emailed me this question, they tried in English and I couldn't understand, I asked them to post the question here in there language to see if someone could translate in to English, but they didn't understand and therefore resent it in their language, my guess is it's Turkish. If someone could please translate it for me.

merhaba tekrar..!Öncelikle ilgin için çok teþekkürler...!
Ýngilizce derdimi anlatamadýðým için özür dilerim.
yardýmýný istediðim konu þudur;
-ben 3ds;poser,mdl gibi formatlarda çalýþtýðým modelleri htr(haptek)dosyasý haline dönüþtürebilmek istiyorum..Bunun için bana önerebileceðin bir program var mý acaba?
yardýmcý olursan çok sevinirim
tekrar teþekkürler..

I've tried Translation web pages and software to no avail. Thank You in advance to anyone that can help me with this.

Of course the special characters didn't display on the forum. However this language is Turkish. I don't know of any web based translation pages.


Thank you Von, do yuo read-speak turkish?  if so may I forward the email to you for translation? if not do you know of anyone that could translate it for me? thanks in advance.

just thinking, If nobody knows turkish, ask that guy to use another language, like french, maybe is more familiar with french and there are a lot of translation services free for french.

Darius, I wish it were that simple, but I don't think that bugrasergen understands anything but Turkish, this was his original email to me:
"hello ARAKUS;first thanks for beautiful work..!
to request from you:
_3DS order poser(cr2) order,other model format;convert "Haptek htr model file" feasibility?
of this what converter order software necessary??
me helper you?
I replied with:
You're welcome, I'm not sure if I  uderstand your question, if you are asking how to convert the .htr to .obj or .3ds as far as I know it's not possible, the software I have I purchased from Haptek, and all it does is converts .obj to .htr. I wish I spoke other languages, but I only speak English, maybe you can post the question on Zabaware forum in your language and ask for someone to translate. Hope this helps."
and as you see above he replied to my email in Turkish.


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