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A collection of plug-ins

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A little new to all this and I did a drag and drop of the .uhp files I found in this repository but I got a database error once I tried to use some of the new "brain" files.

So I've deleted everything and am about to start over.

Were there unspecified requirements for some of those files that I'm too ignorant to know about yet?

And if I understand things properly, those text files are used to help Hal learn using the Text-to speech program included correct?

I haven't had much luck getting that to work but maybe my text files weren't formatted properly.

Are the AIML files used the same way?

Sorry for the newb questions but unfortunately, that's what I am. 

Hi Tiger,

The plugin files just need to be placed in the ultrahal directory. Once there, go into the programs general options. You will see a section called brain. On the right hand side of that screen there will be a list of al the plugins you have in your folder. just click any of them to activate them.

Those text files are for if you would like to either copy and paste the information directly into the chat window, or using the brain editor's learn from text file function.

As for the AIML file, you should go into the thread about it and read up on how to install that as it is a lengthy process.

I hope that helps some.

Thank you for your quick reply.  I actually did try to use the brain learn function for some of those text files, the AIML ones to be specific and that was interesting but then I worried about later brain updates overwriting what I'd done.  Maybe I actually don't know what the learn function does but I assumed it edited the core brain that I'm using although it seems the "save changes" button would not work.

Then I went ahead and created my own brain and uploaded more of those text files but then I had to choose between my brain and Hal's brain and i wasn't ready to do that without being sure I would shtup everything up.

Frosty Greenacre:

--- Quote from: Calhoone on June 30, 2014, 11:08:32 am ---I'll make sure to add them to my current collection for everyone's use!  If Frosty has some way to share them with me I will put them with the others. Do you have skydrive Frosty?

--- End quote ---

I haven't got anything like that set up, no. If you can PM me an email address I can send them over, though. they're all small files.

failing that I could open them as text files and dump them in code boxes on here?


I have not tried using the Ultra Hal brain editor's learn from text file function with the AIML files. I don't think it would be a good idea but I may be wrong. I strictly use the function for subject oriented text files. It has been a while since I have mad any but I did start a new brain and uploaded a bunch of them. New topic entries were added to the brain just fine.

One thing with that brain editor learn from text function; You can set it to just read through the files and create it's own questions or you can go through every sentence/paragraph and manually enter a couple different questions yourself. (The better yet more time consuming idea)

I recommend playing around with it yourself on a test brain of sorts. Enter a bunch of text files and then talk with the bot about those subjects to see how it does.

The Actual AIML files need to be uploaded into the brain using sqlite. Step by step directions can be found here:

I hope this helps in your Ultra Hal adventure.


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