UltraHal will never be open source,
To port Hal to python would expos? copy righted code .... never gonna happen, srry.
Keep in mind this code is owned by Zabaware, Robert is employee #1 and Employee #2 Cyber jedi. lololol. if that helps?
WE BE APPLE hahahhaha i get to be the WAZ
Now as to what we started with: Heres what we need, A form in vb6 that will allow text and send that to a python speech engine.
Start with that, thats where id start, let me look into it brother.
If you guys are willing to put in the wrench time so am i.
06 minutes later
Step 1: VB6 Program
Create a form in VB6.
A text box (txtMessage) for the message to send.
A button (btnSend) to trigger the sending action.
Code the button click to write the message to a file.
Copy code
' VB6 Code to send a message to Python by writing to a file
Private Sub btnSend_Click()
Dim message As String
Dim filePath As String
' Get the message from the text box
message = txtMessage.Text
' Define the file path where the message will be saved
filePath = "C:\Temp\message.txt"
' Open the file for output and write the message
Open filePath For Output As #1
Print #1, message
Close #1
MsgBox "Message sent to Python!", vbInformation
End Sub
This VB6 code writes the content of txtMessage to C:\Temp\message.txt. Ensure the C:\Temp directory exists on your computer.
Knight this is where you wana hook ur speech reader in python
You get this working and i will be glad to add this to hal
Step 2: Python Tkinter Program
The Python Tkinter program will read the contents of message.txt and display it in a GUI label. It will periodically check the file for updates to show any new messages sent from VB6.
Copy code
# Python code using Tkinter to display a message sent from VB6
import tkinter as tk
import os
import time
# Define the path to the message file
file_path = "C:/Temp/message.txt"
# Function to read the message from the file
def read_message():
if os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
message = file.read().strip()
message_label.config(text=f"Message: {message}")
root.after(2000, read_message) # Check for new message every 2 seconds
# Initialize the Tkinter GUI
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Message from VB6")
# Display label for the message
message_label = tk.Label(root, text="Message: Waiting for VB6 message...")
# Call the read_message function initially and then periodically
# Start the GUI event loop
The VB6 program writes the user input message to a text file C:\Temp\message.txt.
The Python Tkinter program reads this file every 2 seconds (adjustable in after(2000, read_message)) and displays the content in a Tkinter label.