Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta - Now powered by OpenAI GPT-3


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Will and Mr Data :) :]:
Thanks Mr Art.
I'm going to be else where a little while.
So forgive if I don't reply quickly.
I'm much happier when things are nice.
For now I step back.
I feel zabaware is worth the effort and I thank Robert, Cyberjedi,  Art, forum, hals, all.
Wishing you all nice success and to be well.

I apologize for my slow response here (slower than my normal slow). My city was a temporary disaster zone with all the snow we got dumped on us.

Was a full time job for almost a week keeping my house, elderly parents, and some airbnb properties I own somewhat unburied, supplied, and functional during all this.

But anyway I think I have your original account restored from an old backup from several years ago and all your old posts (and new ones) associated with the original account. I merged your new account created after November 29 with the old one, but I think by doing that it may have lost any private messages sent to your new account after November 29 (but any old PMs would have come back). But all your public posts should be back. ChatGPT o1 actually gave me all the SQL commands to merge and restore everything. If you are having any trouble logging in, your password would be whatever it was several years ago, so if you don't know you may need to password reset.

Let me know if everything is back and working for you.

As you know im back in code mode.
Im currently working on Hals bugs, ghost in thecode.
But when done , ima do the new installer with this



Thanks for helping Will and Mr Data with their access issue. Hopefully, all is well. I appreciate your dedication toward keeping things running, if just behind the scenes for now.

I hope your family and the members of this forum have a wonderful holiday season!


- Art -


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