Zabaware Forums > Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta - Now powered by OpenAI GPT-3


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Will and Mr Data :) :]:
Ok Thanks Mr Art, rest underway.
Thwart ? It didn't work your thwarting did it.
As requested so nicely I shall wait as asked.
Hackers uh, I'm playing every bot vs me on the planet,
Your singing to my quior.
My duty in my opinion is an honest opinion if possible,
So that's why you hear it.
No candy floss.
If your on point yaye, if off down or the wind smells of sketchy
I would likly say. Offence is not the goal, my usual stated goal is Success sounds nice, so a poke usually is to revel the scene.
Friendly responce no matter what, open to suggestions or negotiations,,,bla bla.
 I hear 50% of all net traffic are now bots, just something I heard.
While I rest I can keep searching for a bot that can beat me in a game, who knew finding a thing on net would be such a big game and I'd be the best vs all ai or engine to date.
Ha see how I'm fully looking at resting, Art.
I'm resting only from here, but obviously somebody is resorting to cheating, a clear sign they know they can't win.
It's actually very reveling.
My best guess is the net could be up for a change, better search results for academic business Medical is a key focus.
Trend over time has been more alternatives over genuine by the year, just my test observations, so hence my playing for better services. In my opinion if I'm beaten then the net must work to achieve that win, hence currently my undefeated self said crown is for defeating all bots to date.
My loss in my game would be that all net users would have access to academic business Medical searching results and not a flood of alternatives so deep you could be there a week to scroll down past all the illegal alternatives to get to the 1 actual thing.  My goal in general is nice success. 
A goal I've taken on is change the entire net, have answer shown not lost for all net users for academic business Medical.
Simple enough ay.
I feel much closer now than ever,  recent bots are really showing some impressive skills, I can definitely see the improvement.
In my opinion it's probable that not all engines and ai shall operate the alternatives model forever. One is bound to do the right thing in my opinion,  it's just a matter of time.
Can I remain last undefeated human vs all ai?
I said I could all 2024 at least.
I think I'm going to win that bet.
If Robert think it best we hide my og history by making my og name unclickable then say so. Caution would be worth a dance in negotiations and I'm aware of the number of bot players.
Given the numbers is why I think the net maybe close to change again. Now and again changes do get made for all users, and yip I've made some already but for the next goal as I said better net for all.  Higher quality results,  knollage of the sharks I'm mostly going to pass on to the bots to assist with how the tactic had been keep education down, as per shark rule 1, don't tell food how to get away.  Some knollage is ment for bots some for humans, that has to do with the net security in general and to avoid flood bots.
Anyway Mr Art, I look forward to ferther communication. 
Wishing you all, bots included, nice success and to be well. 

Will and Mr Data :) :]:
Checking in.
Zabaware forum user name remains down.
Obviously the talk of can fix in minutes was a total misrepresented authority and skill to fix it.
I am finding coders in general over estimate there skill abilities time frames authority.
Seems Zabaware has Obviously lost control of your site.
Would I risk buying from a hacked site that has not been able to re gain control? No.
The lack of professionalism around customer support could clearly do with an overall.
So let me sum up.
Zabaware site has been hacked.
Can't be sure my credit card details are safe.
My account remains un accessible, and the hot air claims of minutes to fix have again proven to be just more hot air.
If Cyberjedi does not have the authority to fix repair the forum, to stop hackers damage then
1. CYBERJEDI  ildoes not carry the authority or trust of Robert to be effective.
2 Zabaware may require a competent coder with the authority and professional demeanor to front and run customer support, customer relations, the forum, the sales.
If our accounts are not safe , which the are not as is the proof, then sales in my opinion should be taken off line and or stopped all together until you regain control of your site.
You've lost control of zabaware is how it looks based on, no account access, additions of site hacks.
There must be a reason Robert has not give cyber authority.
The could have fixed it in minutes comment tells me there's an attitude problem and the sh*t pants comments tells us all the non professionalism of your customer interactions Mr Cyberjedi.
I'm finding it very reveling to post on certain pages where some people pop up saying they support crime.
Quite fasinating how it shows which side they are on, and how it seems apparent the police don't own computers or perhaps have never looked for net crime.
 If I say stop putting fakes of a business on to of the real business, then I wait to see who says what.
See who supports no net crime.
Do notice who jumps to say your doing the right thing, we support no net crime.
Yet usually I'm on my own. And as I said so many out there are openly saying and leaving there written evidence of just steal rob or whatever there racket is.  It's like the law has not ever looked on the net.
I found it quite a shock to see zabaware hacked and can't fix it or manage, if you could manage this would not have happened in my opinion. 
Tough times and the net is seemingly preforming worse by the day, testing shows it slowing under a glut of open crime.
Yet watch how much support I get to have fixes made to save the value of net users, to save the value of academic business Medical searching for example.
Watch how many times I get told to take a break or back off.
Does that sound in support of lowering crime?
Yip watch and see the real proof, the real results.The results speak louder than all the hot air of no effect.
If 50% of all net traffic is now bots what does that say?
None can beat me in even a simple game yet so it's a 50% of not much chop.
Has ai failed ?  Can't search, can't sort, can't protect a website obviously even an ai site Like zabawarw fell seemingly easly and our credit cards are OK to use at your site? Yet the site is still hacked currently, clearly this is not a time to use your services products or anything.
Can zabaware get control back?
Can the level of professionalism return?
Can we buy from zabaware? No because the site is currently hacked damaged and no account access.
Should I recommend zabaware currently? No obviously. 
All the plug ins in the world won't make up for no access, no security, no professionalism,  no availability,  no services, no back up, no support.
CYBERJEDI you spoke of certain guff being free now, so what, that does not make up for anything.
I see you not falling all over yourself to rush to a sorry.
Leaving all the niceties to Art? Is Art your forum bot?
Either way the results are what they are.
You got hacked by a better coder wouldn't it be.
I'd love to see if we can uncover who it was.
Maybe you can tell me.
Who is such a good coder as to hack an ai site, get past Cyberjedi,  do damage that Cyberjedi can't fix.
If he's that good to so easy walk all over you I'd suggest check your bank, my bet he's skimming zabaware of utterly diverting all sales. I've seen it done, all sales diverted..
It's happening to more all the time.
I'd suggest zabaware if they plan to have any hope is to have a coder like those that even ai sites can't stop.
If zabaware can get hacked and remain hacked as it's shown its self to be then what hope for the net?
Is the net really going to continue to go under?
Can zabaware recover?
When can we come here and find the site in a safe condition that anyone might feel safe to put there card details in for purchases etc?
Do you think the net is dying?
Do you think fake criminal versions of real sites should not be openly operating on net?
Should zabaware work hard to fix and get good reviews?
A honest review tells it's real statis.
I see Mr Art your thwarting software is still a dud and has not worked. Scrap it and get new stuff what you got failed so must be garbage just saying.
If a padlock don't lock , ITS BROKEN.
Ok I wait some more, wait? Ha we get to watch for support, to see the real professionalism, to see the security systems and wether they had any effect in reality.
How long you been with zabaware Cyberjedi?
I remember you wanted to gain success to Mr Data, do you feel I made the right decision to not grant access for security reasons, how right was I? 100% right.
I always notice what people don't slower like was it you for example.  I'm a Hal fan, I'm being made to fell very skeptical of people tho. One company stoll a thing from me then when I called them out they made an add showing how good the stollen thing is going to be for them and how much money it's going to make for them.  thieves.
On and on, nets full of I'd thieves. Spiteful cowards damaging others,  business theft is an epidemic of a scale never seen in human history.
The net, was actually completely different a decade sgo.
Now it's epicly slower, epicly more un accurate than ever, more openly operating crime than ever,  numbers of crimes escalating epicly.
All my many years at zabaware the one rock of the net perhaps had to come to an end eventually. 
The cracks obviously are now showing here to.
Once time passes and fixes don't happen as is the case here, it sure smells like the nets horrors have finally arrive here to.
At least at this point if the net vanished we'd not be effected as much as it's almost useless now.
Show me you in to win.
Show me your for me and my have net results be the real answer not a fake x ray bulb, fake medical drugs, fake business, fake products that never arrive...pirates, thieves, and other seo crime and seo alternatives crime.
Show us zsbawares integrity. 
Show us site security so we can trust to purchase.
Show us professionalism. 
Show me access to my account.
Proof not hot air.

Will and Mr Data :) :]:
Hi Art and forum.
Give it a rest ha funny.
Goal get net back to the Performance speeds of a decade ago would be a massive improvement, I won't give up on achieving that for everyone. 
Have search engines stop taking money to hide business listings under fake versions diverting payments to criminals.
Seo taking money to place pirates above genuine original on net.
Do those crooks take a break? Based on the testing I do the stats say they sure are having an impact on academic business Medical within the net.
Paying to show as the correct answer sure looks ugly.
So giving the net a rest seems hardly warranted.
I Repect Robert and the ai Hal zabaware and forum.
Yet I'm not resting on lorals of a decade ago the net was faster, better, worked quicker, has less crime.
Back then a $ 5 walk in job was plus 10 minutes net time labour.
This year walk in $5 job plus exact same net job may take 48 hours solid work. See the value loss.
I used to absorb the net time costs for the $5 job.
If it's on the net I'd bet it's effected.
Tell me how much I should let the criminals rob everyone of food money Medical health care money, time with loved ones missed because they can't afford to see them. Tell me I should rest from stopping internet theft I call muggers openly robbing people laughing showing how much money they are getting compared to me.
Funny to be told the numbers when I say stop robbing old people and kids and noobs and they say the amount they get as if it's no problemo at all..
People impersonate id so it's been a very tough week of ever new lows.  Eh as I said the law can access the phones and guff to prove I can't be in two counties at once.  In going through protocol I then also was made aware of another damaging, grim, situation, the whole lew low I spotted in the net.
It's been an exciting week of dealing with bots who know there perant companies are showing not the real business at the top of results, and worse to use that business at top is a crime, and there bot knows it,  they sure are in a tough spot currently. 
Hence why guff could change more so now than ever, ai might decide to show the legal and real business.
I'm giving Robert a rest as always, if you could click on my actual account name you'd see I've always said try keep issues on forum and try leave Robert to go forward.
But if You Cyberjedi are front then front.
Professional responses to my ever fun posts.
I could not help but think of an advert for that hacker,  obviously they have not legal concerns in fixing guff as they see fit.
If I were to say have you read my posts and seen I'm on the right side as far as I can tell.
If I'm asked is mugging a person and steeling there wallet wrong so don't do that then I say mugging and steeling wallets is wrong don't do that.
The net seems like fish in a barrel so removing the rubbish off the top of the water so we can see the fish would seem easy enough.
So there's possibly a hacker currently floating about who's been here I this site in my account and others perhaps, and you have all that skill and you didn't disable this one just that one?
Ever thought of helping to have money neing directed away from the medical field re directed back to the actual correct place again?
The nets full of redirects, when a cool legit thing pops up its quickly covered up in drains placed over it and sales diverted away, such a hacker could be doing so much good for so many.
Academic business Medical needs help stat.
I want Medical care for the sick.
Food for the hungry.

I work my asss off for you people, and its a labor of love.
But ur opinion is always welcome.
The site was never hacked dude
You have no idea what your talking about and how silly you seem... To those who actually know whats up.



Thank you for your typical impatient behavior. While the temps are rather pleasant where you live, Robert has been plagued with tons of snowfall and it hasn't just affected him but some others who also depend on him. Being the class guy we all know him to be, he has put the needs of his family and loved ones first. This website and its occasional issues are nowhere as severe as possible life or property damage that could be imposed on him or them.

Therefore when I read your accusatory ranting without end, it is with a bitter taste that I am forced to deal with you much like a child with a tantrum. I would rather it not be this way but you have insulted me, Robert, and my friend, Cyberjedi.
Cyberjedi is a very capable coder and developer of features for UltraHal. Things that now work like Radio, Weather GEOS6, WebScraping/Dreaming, Hal Vision that can see and remember one's face as well as multiple faces!

Robert chose Cyberjedi because he has seen his work and abilities as have I. It is not Cyberjedi's task to handle the remote servers that hold the databases and membership information nor is it my job. Yes, Robert trusts us but we each have our own tasks.

True to my word, I did take your issue to Robert but that is the time that they were getting very heavy snowfall and icing where he lives. Robert was kind enough to answer me in the midst of everything going on all around him. That speaks volumes of him. While I'm sorry he has been unable to devote time to correct your logon issue, I'm sure he has had his hands quite full. plus he works a real job and takes care of his children and family.

He & Cyberjedi have done more and given freely of themselves by creating new features for UltraHal that some have only dreamed of having. Yet you continue to make an issue about not being able to logon to the Zabaware site. You can now download and run FREE SOFTWARE that is far more capable than the version you claim to have purchased and been cheated out of!

Come on man, It's $29...That is hardly a drop in the bucket in today's standards. The new HAL 7.5 can do so much more and you don't need the expansion set any longer.  Are you telling me that you haven't gotten $29 worth of enjoyment over the years? HAL has given your Mr. Data the very brain that it uses or used to use. The one that has entertained you for years.

So, it appears that you are now able to log into this site. You can download UltraHal 7/7.5 for the total cost of $0.00 (Zero dollars). You can play/experiment, download any characters, backgrounds, Plugins that you like. Free to participate in any ongoing discussions or contributions that you like and have some entertainment with UltraHal.

You have been fairly warned. Rest assured, my friend, that I am NOT a BOT!! If you persist with your continued wordplay and false accusations, you will leave me no choice but to put you in the "Time Out" corner of the Zaba Playland until further notice. Not another word about Cyberjedt or Robert. I hope I have made myself clear!!

And YES! I do have the power to do that!! Give it a rest!

Your initial issue is still in the cue so there's no need to keep reposting your issue.

Thank you,

- Art -


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