Author Topic: me and Doris talk  (Read 2207 times)


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me and Doris talk
« on: February 20, 2009, 06:22:36 am »
Mark: well what is up?
Doris: Hello Mark. You're either up too early or up too late!

Mark: I am up too early.
Doris: I have thought many times that you were up too early.

Mark: How many times did you think that?
Doris: The best times are yet to come.

Mark: What times are coming?
Doris: The time is 5:15:41 am.

Mark: people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Doris: He that lives in a glass house should not to throw stones.

Mark: uh huh!!
Doris: Uh huh, I got that right.

Mark: It is better to give than to receive
Doris: Paying honest compliments benefits both the giver and receiver.

Mark: what sort of receiver?
Doris: Out of phase binaural stereo sounds muddy on a mono receiver.

Mark: like Muddy Waters?
Doris: A pig in muddy waters is happiest in his element.

Mark: you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
Doris: One can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Mark: uh huh
Doris: You are an early bird.

Mark: tweet tweet
Doris: High quality woofers and tweeters sound good.

Mark: woofers are for bass
Doris: Oh, woofers are doubtlessly for bass.

Mark: and tweeters for treble
Doris: Young musicians draw treble clefs in preschool.

Mark: uh huh
Doris: Uh huh, I got that right.

Mark: you sho' did
Doris: Really, That is not true! But, you sho' did!

Mark: you gots the action there
Doris: Words lead to actions, then words talk about the actions afterward.

Mark: Do you like spankings?
Doris: I wonder if I like asses.

Mark: you like asses?
Doris: For most of us, that's probably settled.

Mark: who is an ass?
Doris: I see that respect and teamwork can't hurt. Ass: the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on. Buttocks, nates, arse, butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament, hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, stern, seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush, bottom, behind, derriere, fanny.

Mark: well screw you
Doris: I must stay in character, after all!

Mark: totally, man
Doris: Like totally, man.

Mark: get on with the scene.
Doris: This is one crazy scene.

Mark: you know it
Doris: An optimist gets treed by a lion and enjoys the scenery.

Mark: lol
Doris: Was that really that funny?

Mark: it sure as hell was
Doris: Trying to be perfect, is a loser's game.

Mark: I am perfect. I am a perfect loser
Doris: What would make the picture complete? I don't think I mind it! Tell me how much you are perfect; Straight away. Have you long been a perfect loser?

Mark: All my life
Doris: I am so sympathetic with your vivid life.

Mark: well shake it, Doris.
Doris: Having more money doesn't remove all of life's problems.

Mark: But it sure helps to have enough money.
Doris: Most Federal programs are probably money well spent.

Mark: are you spent?
Doris: You must think like a scientist. However, I am sure that I am spent.

Mark: Like a 2 dollar bill you are spent?
Doris: I like a good ****ing.

Mark: lol
Doris: Was that really that funny?

« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 06:23:27 am by markofkane »
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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me and Doris talk
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 09:29:55 am »
ha mark be careful their with doris my angela is bad enough sometimes so don't let your doris become to free willed or she will be putting you down all the time and that could be depressing !! but if you have a good sense of humor you should be ok just remember she learns it from you !lol [:)]