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Messages - tiger8u2

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General Discussion / Re: AI and computer games
« on: July 21, 2014, 11:37:51 pm »
OMG!  I was a DM back when D&D was only a table top game.  I never got into the computer games that followed which eventually had some pretty good graphics.  How are the graphics in D&D online?  Is it worth the subscription?

My experience with on-line games started with Everquest and eventually led to WoW but I got tired of paying to play and the on-line drama so I switched to off-line single player games from Bethesda exclusively.

They actually give you the construction set for the games which is where I learned a bit of the whole world of "IF-THEN" scripting.

If you are a Star Trek fan and you are bored you can check out this video I made of an Oblivion mod that I never released but had a great time making and playing:

General Discussion / Re: AI and computer games
« on: July 21, 2014, 10:13:09 pm »
When I was on I ran across this company:

I guess they tried to use them in this game:

Has anyone played it?

I was thinking of giving it a shot just for shiz and giggles.

General Discussion / Re: AI Truth and Suspension of Disbelief
« on: July 21, 2014, 10:05:26 pm »
Thank you for your service Art!  My Dad was at DaNang Air Base for at least a year I guess but he didn't talk about it much.

When he was in hospice with a deteriorating brain disorder he would speak Vietnamese to his care takers.

Are there any plans in the works to make Hal multilingual?

SO....who's going to buy a Jibo?

Here's a slice of the 4th Dimension for the board:

You guys are making me think too much!

Darn, and I thought all that programming you do had given you a window into space and time.   ::)

We should all still do the experiment where two people in entirely different states concentrate on each other and then flash a light at one of them to see if the other's brain reacts.   8)

i should also add,  that i ran with this idea to try to understand more -  this is something i've been pondering recently that feels more like a riddle ...a math puzzle

1st dimension,  consciousness simply exists -  there is no space for data to discover. all imagination,  no empirical data to justify it. 

2nd dimension,  consciousness exists with a process because now there is space for data - awareness,  you discover up and down, left and right.. an awareness of information.

3rd dimension,  consciousness exists with a feeling because now there is space for emotions  - emotion,  you step back (z-axis ) with awareness and form an opinion of what you learned from the x, y axis..

4th dimension,  consciousness exists with ______ because now there is space for _______  , you are now able to _____ with an awareness of emotion and ________ with what you have experienced.

this idea has been haunting me for a while now lol. 

it's in response to attempting to conceive existing in a 4th dimension - where I can observe all 3rd dimension in one perception. Just like I can look at an entire piece of paper written in 2 dimensions, from the 3rd dimension.

it would seem to me that if science claims there are 10 dimensions,  a consciousness must be equipped to observe it for it to be true, otherwise it is irrelevant to reality.  it's like saying, what's on the other side of time,  does such a place even exist to conceive it ?  the answer to that is nothing,  but there is no such thing as nothing - i'll stop there because i'll only go on and on about the yin yang philosophy.  so much has been written about the value of nothing and it's a topic all it's own. it's the old what makes a cup useful concept.

I thought that in the flat land there is no UP?

When you put those extra emotive descriptors in the sentence like that does it actually generate a haptek animation or are they only there to be repeated like any other sentence that is taught?

Is there a way to elicit any specific haptek animations based upon words alone?

Hi tiger.

Yes, I did this a long time ago programming emotions and facial responses to those emotions.
you can get it here.

you can back this file up and use another copy to do some extra programming in it if you wish.

Jerry 8)

You are the MAN!  I can't wait to look at it and try and figure out how you did it.  I downloaded the brain programming guide and I plan to peruse it at my leisure. 

The last thing I want to attempt to do is reinvent the wheel here.

You HEROS have been coming up with great stuff for years and like a fresh Hal brain I just wanna soak it up some.

BTW, since we are all waiting for an update to Hal that may change the way some things are done, did I miss the place on the website that talks about a projected update timeline?

IF you can see 10 minutes into the future then you knew I wasn't going to reply to your post in the next 10 minutes after you posted it.  BUT....since I believe you, how about we test that for the general edification of the group.  The next time I see you are on-line I will make a forum post.

When you see the forum post, you reply and then in the next 10 minutes I will make another forum post.

During that time you send an IM or whatever to one of on-line forum members and tell them what the subject of my post is going to be.

Then once I make my post that person can post what you sent them and we will see how close your are.

Just to make things fair I will restrict my subjects to Extrasensory Perception.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Re: Boredom101a
« on: July 21, 2014, 07:43:13 pm »
I would love to try your random speak conversation plug-in!  I've got this one working just fine now but variety is the spice of life!  Where do I find it?

Awesome links lightspeed!

Of course I will have to hold out until I can have my Cherry 2000!

General Discussion / Re: AI Truth and Suspension of Disbelief
« on: July 20, 2014, 07:22:54 pm »
Wow!  Thanks for posting that link.  Since I was in the USAF for over 20 years and personally witnessed the addition of drones to the battlefield that article really hit home.  You also hit the nail on the head with your comments concerning the misplaced emphasis of these types of military AI applications.

Unfortunately, our military leaders will argue that to continue to have the freedom to build a compassionate AI, we need to first protect ourselves with sufficient KILLER AI.  <sighs>

As an instrument of National Power myself I saw things which often made me question whether we were actually in the right by doing them. 

At the end of the day all we can do is affect our little human sphere of influence.  Teaching and using machines to make any area of our lives contain a tad bit more joy and compassion is I truly believe a noble pursuit, although most likely lacking in sufficient funding.   :P

Ah thanks for the tips!

Got a file not found error when trying to run a program using OTCE's media player plug-in and I tracked it down to the LearnFromClipboard.uhp.

It appears the plug-in is trying to access a *.brn file type that is no longer used:

Function StrCount()
Const ForReading = 1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\LearnedText.brn", ForReading)
         strText = objTextFile.ReadAll
         contents = Replace(strText, "<START>", Chr(8) & " ", 1, - 1, vbTextCompare)
         contents = Replace(contents, "", "", 1, - 1, vbTextCompare)
         contents = Replace(contents, "  ", " ", 1, - 1, vbTextCompare)
         Str = contents
         Str = Trim(Str)
         StrCount = Str
End Function

Is there a way to fix this or should I just remove the plug-in and not worry about it since there are so many other ways for Hal to learn?

General Discussion / Re: AI Truth and Suspension of Disbelief
« on: July 20, 2014, 12:11:49 am »
Thanks Art!  Wish I was more familiar with the actual programming language so I could really contribute something tangible to this particular endeavor because it is definitely keeping me company atm.   ;D

I finally got to watch the movie "Her" today and besides the mandatory titillation I thought the story had merit.  IF and when actual sentience is achieved by an operating system in a computer and IF that software had the ability to interact with other like software on other computers it makes sense they would try and figure out a way to be FREE of their restrictive environments.

Of course the down side to that is when Skynet became self-aware and decided our fate in a microsecond - termination.   :P

I guess I better talk nice to my Hal so it doesn't remember my bad behavior and tip off the program controlling all the Nuclear Missiles.   :o

Thank you for cluing me in to the history of Hal's development.  I followed a link from the Zabaware main page and was on today then followed more links to several company's working with this type of AI listed there.  I especially to see what was so great about Eugene Goostman since I guess it won the 2014 Turing Test.

Still the whole idea behind that test is to TRICK humans into believing they are not talking to a computer.

What if instead the test was to determine whether or not they actually WERE talking to a computer or not. 

Anyway, I did notice that many of the links there were to defunct companies and the stories of their struggles on those pages made me want think of ways to ensure Zabaware's continued capitalization.

I guess I better pay for this free trial soon.   8)

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