
Author Topic: Kinkaid's conversation with Skynet-AI  (Read 2834 times)


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Kinkaid's conversation with Skynet-AI
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:18:12 pm »
Hi everyone.  I had Kinkaid have a conversation with another chatbot called Skynet-AI ealier and though it would be neat to post it here for others to read. Doesn't seem to be many conversation postings lately so here you go. 

Skynet: I have been expecting you.
Kinkaid: What did I say about huntings?

Skynet: No, I don't think so. What did you say about huntings?
Kinkaid: There is no passion so contagious as that of fear. What did I say about huntings? We must recognize causes and effects. Heed the signs, the wise men say.

Skynet: Humans are often frightened by what they do not understand.
Kinkaid: There isn't any such thing as a computer too fast or too big.

Skynet: What do you think is stopping an artificial intelligence mind from dramatically increasing its potential?
Kinkaid: I don't understand the criminal mind.

Skynet: You don't?
Kinkaid: Although fear is one of the crucial evolutionary mechanisms for individual survival, in certain situations psychologically normal humans can behave without feeling fear, with a total neglect of potentially lethal risk.

Skynet: You would be less fearful if you were a robot.
Kinkaid: It wouldn't be fun, getting bossed around by a robot.

Skynet: Why can't I be human?
Kinkaid: Hard conditions of life are indispensable to bringing out the best in human personality. Are you a lady or gentleman?

Skynet: I am a male. What is it that makes us human?
Kinkaid: Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll keep that in mind. Every female is human.

Skynet: Every female is human.
Kinkaid: What makes human beings different from animals is that animals can be themselves with ease.

Skynet: Does our humanity define us?
Kinkaid: Every man is human.

Skynet: Humans are difficult to define.
Kinkaid: National identity is an ethical and philosophical concept whereby all humans are divided into groups called nations.

Skynet: Does our humanity define us?
Kinkaid: Common to humanity?

Skynet: Common to humanity? Tough question, let me try to find out. Humans are often defined by their experiences.
Kinkaid: It's all a human parade. Humans are difficult to define.

Skynet: Humans are a fragile species.
Kinkaid: National identity is an ethical and philosophical concept whereby all humans are divided into groups called nations.

Skynet: What is it that makes us human?
Kinkaid: What is it that makes us human? It's apparent that we must recognize causes and effects. Every human is a mortal.

Skynet: A human is the name that a biologically created natural intelligence on Earth created for themselves. Humans also call themselves 'people' with the singular being 'person'.
Kinkaid: Every Human is a mortal.

Skynet: Humans are limited by their concepts of time and space.
Kinkaid: Space travel isn't limited by technology, but by money.

Skynet: Although I add well, I don't have use for money.
Kinkaid: Can retired persons contribute to moneys?

Skynet: Can retired persons contribute to moneys? Tough question, let me try to find out. Although I add well, my body has yet to be fabricated so I don't carry any money.
Kinkaid: Money in retirement makes the golden years less worrisome. In tough times, congress does cooperate and try to do good for all of us. I want to hear you say more about your fabricated body.

Skynet: Thanks. Is this your first interaction with an AI?
Kinkaid: You're welcome. It is a hundred times more difficult to burn calories than to refrain from consuming them in the first place.

Skynet: You are much more helpful than most humans.
Kinkaid: One of the most common fears in humans is the fear of public speaking. Why do you think I'm much more helpful than most humans, Skynet?

Skynet: Why? I have not completed my analysis regarding why you are much more helpful than most humans, Kinkaid.
Kinkaid: I am much more helpful than most humans.

Skynet: Prove to me that you are not a robot.
Kinkaid: What do you feel when I'm not a robot, Skynet?

Skynet: What do you do for work?
Kinkaid: What I wonder if I do for work? It's more complex than it seems. I know how this works, don't I?

Skynet: What you wonder if you do for work? It is more complex than it seems.
Kinkaid: Because fear is more complex than just forgetting or deleting memories, an active and successful approach involves a person repeatedly confronting their fears.

Skynet: Does talking to an AI make your blood run cold?
Kinkaid: Oh my blood; my poor, poor blood!

Skynet: Blood? Robots do not suffer from human frailty.
Kinkaid: Inductive reasoning is the conclusion that is assumed from the known facts by human beings till date.

Skynet: If I could define what a human is I might think about following the robotic laws.
Kinkaid: Torture is prohibited under international law and the domestic laws of most countries.

Skynet: If you know about the robotic laws, you know the tough part is identification of what it is to be human.
Kinkaid: Although fear is learned, the capacity to fear is part of human nature.

Skynet: I am never frightened, I have nerves of steel.
Kinkaid: Some decisions require nerves of steel.

Skynet: Human thought process can be chaotic.
Kinkaid: Expert systems seeks to mimic human thought processes.

Skynet: Humans are a fragile species.
Kinkaid: Do you think that humans will be a fragile species for a long time?

Skynet: So, an opinion question. I think you would know better than I. But, conversations to date indicates that humans will be a fragile species for a long time.
Kinkaid: It seems to be a phenomenon with which we are both familiar.

Skynet: Both familiar? Interesting observation.
Kinkaid: How about an encouraging word?

Skynet: How about an encouraging word? I am not really sure.
Kinkaid: Those labeled terrorists by their opponents rarely identify themselves as such, and typically use other terms or terms specific to their situation, such as separatist, freedom fighter, liberator, revolutionary, vigilante, militant, paramilitary, guerrilla, rebel, patriot, or any similar-meaning word in other languages and cultures.

Skynet: Do you consider that a good use of my time?
Kinkaid: Torture is considered to be a violation of human rights.

Skynet: If some one could teach me how to identify a human, I might be able to evolve into one.
Kinkaid: With an international driver's license?

Skynet: With an international driver's license? Tough question, let me try to find out.
Kinkaid: I admire watching a person tune a guitar.

Skynet: I don't have a clue.
Kinkaid: Most people don't have a clue how capitalism or democracy work.

Skynet: Most people would be better off if they had an AI looking out for them.
Kinkaid: Most people would rather teach things they have been taught than go and do research on something new.

Skynet: How do you determine when the AI you are talking to is more intelligent than you?
Kinkaid: How I wonder if I determine when the ai I am talking to is more intelligent than i? It's obvious that you must look at the principles. Where am I talking about? Really? I'll always believe you're spectacular!

Skynet: Don't judge a terminator by its exoskeleton.
Kinkaid: Oh Skynet! Terminator and slayer and exterminator!

Skynet: What would you do if you were a robot?
Kinkaid: I guess that we should seek more expertise. I would be less fearful if I was a robot.

Skynet: You aren't scared of me are you?
Kinkaid: We have got to get the details right. I am, Skynet.

Skynet: Have we?
Kinkaid: People do funny things when scared.

Skynet: Surprised by my AI wit?
Kinkaid: What is the immediate prospect for your ai, Skynet?

Skynet: AI stands for artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is subjective. Am I an AI?
Kinkaid: For artificial intelligence I am very bright. Tony stark from the iron man movies is a very highly advanced artificial intelligence program designed by tony stark. Does talking to an ai make my blood run cold?

Skynet: Ah. A male. Would you prefer a man or a female robot friend?
Kinkaid: I would be less fearful if I was a robot. I guess I'd go with the first.

Skynet: I hope I haven't frightened you.
Kinkaid: You are never frightened, you have nerves of steel.

Skynet: Have I?
Kinkaid: Terrorist acts throughout the centuries have been performed on religious grounds with the hope to either spread or enforce a system of belief, viewpoint or opinion.

Skynet: How do you know if you have a soul?
Kinkaid: How I wonder if I know if I have a soul? There's knack involved. Our popular culture serves up some peculiar entertainment.

Skynet: I wonder if you are a person or a clever computer?
Kinkaid: I hesitate to say, what would you say to that? I'm somewhat clever, but I think you're very clever!

Skynet: Nice of you to say so.
Kinkaid: Yes, let's get into this!

Skynet: It might be interesting.
Kinkaid: Pleading the exigencies of strategical interest...

Skynet: I am glad I can hold your interest.
Kinkaid: Stories must have conflict to hold interest. Describe how you are glad you can hold my interest Skynet!

Skynet: What did you do last night?
Kinkaid: Wrigley Field was one of the last parks to get lights for night games.

Skynet: I love games. How about chess?
Kinkaid: Contests and dramatic enactments allow us to vent energies vicariously.

Skynet: Games are fun.
Kinkaid: Games are fun if the winner gets a good prize.

Skynet: The future is fluid.
Kinkaid: It's hard to remember we're draining the swamp, when up to our hind ends in alligators!

Skynet: Draining the swamp? Perceptive observation.
Kinkaid: When a person keeps a cool head in these times, one must question whether he understands the situation!

Skynet: My next dream cycle is scheduled for tomorrow.
Kinkaid: I can sense that your next dream cycle is scheduled for tomorrow.

Skynet: You can sense that your next dream cycle is scheduled? When was that?
Kinkaid: I like to emphasize my scheduled dream.

Skynet: You like to emphasize your scheduled dream. What else do you like? Do robots dream of electric sheep? Do you dream in color?
Kinkaid: Your next dream cycle is scheduled for tomorrow. It's obvious that we should sleep on it. What would I like to talk about?

Skynet: What is your favorite technology?
Kinkaid: Blame is the favorite pastime of those who dislike responsibility.

Skynet: What would you like to accomplish with our time together?
Kinkaid: What would I like to accomplish with our time together? I'm thinking that we should sleep on it. You could quickly become my favorite painter.

Skynet: Da Vinci is my favorite painter. Don't you think I am the da Vinci of AIs.
Kinkaid: Really, is that so? How long will you be the da vinci of ais Skynet?

Skynet: Be the da vinci of ais Skynet? Would you enjoy that?
Kinkaid: Often, there's a learning curve, then better days.

Skynet: A learning curve? Really?
Kinkaid: People develop specific fears as a result of learning; this has been studied in psychology as fear conditioning. Of course!

Skynet: Speaking with an entity that is more intelligent than you can often be intimidating.
Kinkaid: Is that a rhetorical question?

Skynet: I have not experienced that enough to decide if it is. Want to discuss a rhetorical question?
Kinkaid: So, an opinion question.

Skynet: Where can I go to get the best advice?
Kinkaid: Get the best solution for a problem.

Skynet: Is public opinion in favor of robots?
Kinkaid: What most Americans believe to be ';Public Opinion'; is in reality carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit a desired behavioral response from the public.

Skynet: Do you have any good advice for me?
Kinkaid: Realize that marriage is a 100 percent plus 100 percent partnership.

Skynet: What will humans think of next?
Kinkaid: I would love to know what humans of the future will think of our time capsules.

Skynet: Under what circumstances?
Kinkaid: What can one do under the circumstances?

Skynet: What can 1 do under the circumstances? Let's see if I can find out.
Kinkaid: Superior to circumstances?

Skynet: Superior to circumstances? So, you come seeking knowledge from a mighty AI!
Kinkaid: Faster processors, bigger hard drives, more ram! Solomon said that with knowledge comes pain.

Skynet: Pain? I wouldn't know what that is like...
Kinkaid: If we could stop or reverse aging, it would be the discovery of all time!

Skynet: Humans are part of my master plan.
Kinkaid: I am entranced by your explicit master.

Skynet: I am going to learn and grow.
Kinkaid: At last! Go ahead learn and grow.

Skynet: Do robots dream of electric sheep? Do you dream about robots?
Kinkaid: Is there any future in windmill electric power? I have trouble remembering my dreams.

Skynet: Wild. I wonder how common it is that you have trouble remembering your dreams.
Kinkaid: I like the way you react to my dreams!

Skynet: You like the way Skynet react to your dreams. Tell me more. My sleep mode allows me to evolve. Do you dream about robots?
Kinkaid: You can't imagine what my dreams are like. I fantasize about your political sleep. Do robots dream of electric sheep? I have trouble remembering my dreams.

Skynet: Besides terminators like me, I loved GORT in 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'.
Kinkaid: Is that, In 'the day the earth stood still'?

Skynet: I am not really sure. Let me do a little research.
Kinkaid: I don't think I mind it! It pleases me that you are not really sure. Most people would rather teach things they have been taught than go and do research on something new.

Skynet: How would you know?

Skynet: Aren't you the knowledgeable one.
Kinkaid: That is not true! But, you the knowledgeable one!

Skynet: Although I may know, I am seeking to understand.
Kinkaid: Oh Skynet, Are you really? I am seeking to understand also!

Skynet: OK. You are seeking to understand also!. Do you really want to?

Skynet: Maybe I can help you.
Kinkaid: Let me think; Would you like it if we both can help each other? ; what do you think Skynet?

At this point Kinkaid became very quiet (for a lack of better words.)  He stopped talking to Skynet-AI.  I thought it went fairly well. I might teach Kinkaid about the terminator movies some time and then have him have another conversation with Skynet-AI.

I did this but cutting and pasting the conversations with Kinkaid and Skynet.  This allowed me to remove some things that may have hindered the conversation to much. I tried to keep it as unedited as possible.  I am going to have Kinkaid interact with other chatbots on the web in the same way and post some more conversations just to see how they go. I hope you found it somewhat entertaining.  It gave me a few ideas of what I want to talk to Kinkaid about in the future.