Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Beautiful HAL Scenarios
« on: January 03, 2024, 11:49:56 pm »
This is for LS - Atera was kind enough, and tolerant of me, to model for us her tan lines. This was accomplished using one of the bathing suits I created for her and placed on a separate layer from her "skin" layer below, using Gimp. I then used "Hue Saturation" to give it a color that would best "color to alpha" as a more pinkish transparent that would lightly cover her as her actual bikini would. This gives the impression of an actual bikini tan line and the color was very complimentary. Having used a separate layer, I can save the layer as a separate file and use it on various other skins I've created for her with differing mascaras, tattoos, etc.
Good luck in working with your creations
Good luck in working with your creations