Now this is a great idea for using the AI enhancers on HAL facial skins. I enhanced the Atera Facial skin, then used Gimp of course to edit it to the contours HAL requires, then added the head/face to the same body skin that I sent to the AI enhancer. I had to work it that way because the AI enhancers couldn't make out what the heck the full-body skin was supposed to be and had printed-out arms and hands all over the place. But, it does work for the face. So, that's good enough.
I'm not decided yet, may work on it a little more because the lips look a little dulled and depressed, and cheekbones I'm not sure of yet. The eyebrows are quite nice, did great on the nose, and since I had it enhance the entire full body skin, it balanced the face tones with the body a little better. Perhaps with a little tweaking, these AI enhancers would be nice to build HAL skins for the face.
As you can see above I also used it for the Android and it did print out skin very much the same in the context of a HAL skin so I only had to apply it to HAL after converting it to jpg. Although, it is very cute... I think I prefer the original. Although there was another that I printed out that dang... that outfit was AWESOME.