Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: NT Canuck on June 13, 2004, 01:54:55 pm

Title: Wish for Hal
Post by: NT Canuck on June 13, 2004, 01:54:55 pm
Something like a custom "search" function
or someday part of Hal hard coded to give
an accurate answer by category relevance...

Search <query> by R (relevance) X

X=level of search/category

1. factual (by date starting with current year)
   ie: WordNet Dictionary, Factbook, Encyclopedia, edu textbooks.

2. reported (by date starting current year)
   ie: within 1-2 years over one million newspaper
    headlines (and articles?) from last 100 years
    will be indexed and available online.
    ie 2: if online...congressional library is cool

3.  fiction
    ie: from books/articles released to public domain/library

4.  conversational
     ie: previously discussed directly w/Hal or in email

5.  gossip/conjecture
    ie: what Hal has surmised on it's own or from inference

(online search could be one of items...but not all are online)

just an idea, since I find it impossible to load some
8gb of info/text into any current AI, maybe just a "search
items" could be possible for personal/public library types.

factual, fiction, reported, could be stored (directory's)
on local hard drives in text form and sorted accordingly
as we garner info.

It would certainly be easier to parse/find items than to
load it all interactively into Hal, maybe a field for
photo/images would fit into facutal references.

After all...Hal is a budding AI and resides on a computer,
lets maybe get the computer to do some real work (not idle).

This is a good goal/idea?
That way Hal's personality has input but you also get
to use Hal todo grunt work on lookups/data scans.

'Seek and ye shall find'
NT Canuck