Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal 7.0 => Topic started by: harlee on February 05, 2005, 11:19:22 am

Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: harlee on February 05, 2005, 11:19:22 am
I have just recieved my robot and wanted to know if their is a brain I could use with it.

Also was interested to see if hal could jump within home wireless network.
Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: lambar on February 05, 2005, 11:39:54 am
You should speak with bill819, as he also has an ER1.  Do a search for er1 and you can see his post.

Not sure what you are wanting HAL to do though.  The Robot control module will do most of the work.  There is a pretty good forum to help you with ER1: //

If you could elaborate more on what you are wanting HAL to do, then these smart people could help you out. [:D]

Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: Bill819 on February 05, 2005, 01:08:54 pm
In human beings the right side of the brain controls speach and creative things. The left side of the brain controls motor functions, ie. walking, using hands, etc.
ER1 comes with a 'left brain' and although it can be taught taught to understand a few words, it can not converse with any one.
The Ultra Hal Assistant can not only carry on conversations with you but it can learn at the same time. So I would consider it as a logical choice for the 'right brain' for you robot. You will have to search the postings here for the last year or so and you will find many topics about the ER1 and what people have done to use it.
In my opinion you have come to the right place to get what you need.
Good luck with your bot.
Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: harlee on February 05, 2005, 02:26:17 pm
Thanks for the prompt responce.

I have several computers linked around the house though a wireless link and was wanting to know if hal could jump between the systems when called.
at the moment one computer is hooked to my tv, one in office, one in the bedroom, and garage. My goal is to have hal follow someone though the house and stay on subject and have controll of all databases.

I am allso looking into home automation {x-10} I know spydaz had some good brains for that last year but I cant find them any where.
Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: Art on February 05, 2005, 03:50:36 pm

Click on Members, select Spydaz. Under Basics, select find all non-archived posts.
Wade through and enjoy!
Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: spydaz on February 07, 2005, 08:41:55 am
HI there ...

There was an X10 component that i had downloaded and LINKED to my brain via ACTIVE

(http://icon_paperclip.gif) Download Attachment: ("")
15.08 KBX. "x10lite".

you may have to do a search for the coding which comes with the control. whichever x10 system you are using even GIRDER comes with an activeX component or is available to download off their FTP...
with PDF's to go with them.

i have been thinking a lot about, CONTROL lately VIA, centrino parralel port, rs232 serial, usb, x10 ....

if you are using er1, why not try and put BLUETOOTH card in the laptop, run hal in the background & wireless network card... talk to hal on the bluetooth headset.... run the x10 software on the other networked PC, then it may be possible to get hal to NETSEND a network command to the x10 software to turn the lights on in room A#1 or even better get hal to make a phone call to the HOUSE to turn the lights on.....

a lot to think about ... i may have to look at
agin to see if it can be modified.

maybe theres a way .... IM THINKING ABOUT IT......[:)]
Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: Ro-Bot-X on April 19, 2007, 03:30:59 pm
Hi guys, it seems that ER1 forum is gone. I have a problem and I don't know where else to ask.
Anyway, here is the problem. I have buit a robot based on the ER1 kit using a Via Epia motherboard and a powersource that works from 12V DC. But when I run ER1 software, it says that the laptop is charging and the robot can't move!!! I remember there was a fix for my problem on er1 forum but since it is gone...
There is a config file that I need to create and specify there that the software not to check for laptop charging, but I don't remember how to do it. Can someone help me please?
Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: Bill819 on April 19, 2007, 03:57:33 pm
Sorry I don't remember this topic comming up. I use a seperate laptop with my ER1 so I never ran into that problem. There may be a way to start a 'blog' on the ER1 that will join all of us together now that Evolution is no longer supporting the ER1's.
Title: ER1 Robot
Post by: PaleRider on April 23, 2007, 03:06:40 pm
Hi Ro-Boty have you tried to e-mail Charles he might help you out he is also the Moderator ER1 Community.
Hope this helps you. [:D]