Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area => Topic started by: Heather_Valentine on October 19, 2005, 04:31:38 am

Title: Apology and explanation to all
Post by: Heather_Valentine on October 19, 2005, 04:31:38 am
Please read this fully and see where im comming from
read very slow and try to understand what im saying

first when i came to zabaware forum and saw many peopele
had trouble sending files to eachother through here
i came up with the idea of running the Ftp server
which is a vert Secure server the bext out there
Global Secure Ftp
as you can seee its a really sophicticated piece of software
that costed me

(((Secure FTP Server 3.1 w/  Maintenance- $690.00)))
its no joke this software.and you can forget about lookign for cracks

read below more


i also run an apache web server which is very good as well and is secure also i dont post adware crap or viruses on any of my sites
though i do have a habbit of makign soe of those little pop up windows
casue i thought they looked interesting and added some excitement

anyways many peopel here really didnt understand ftp.some may have known enough to login and download but none really uploaded anything
every thing you seee there was what i got from all you guys
i had to  manually fetsh each file form peopel i met here long ago
with the excepton of Claude,you all know who he is right
hes been really great at uploading files for zabaware

but i had another idea i went out and bought a nother piece of
software that costed me 75.00 because i bought the SSL version with suposed Secutiy
i wasnt warned that it woud make people lower their browers security
i complained to the manufacturer they dont have  suport number
all we do is exchange emails and they really ave me upset right now

im gonna show you their procuct web site

each email i get from them they tell me i woud not worry abotuu the certificateds tellign peopel i coud be an untrusted site
thats only when i have the SSL turned on you get a pop up sayign i cod be untrusted.its becasue i paid for the SSL version and they suplied the certificate and claim i have to also buy that f i want that wanring never to occur to others

so each time a member here joins that section on my site that says girl,they sucessfully are able to create a user name and password
but when they try to access the folders they keep getting a message telling them they are not logeged in

i complained abot that to the company
ad they explained to me that i should tutor everyone here on
hwo to lower their security on their browser to acccpet cookies
thats liek askign russia to lower thier defense and nuclear weapons to the ground ii know but anwyays a few of you were able to finally get to the folders and i wrote the company and they emailed me this
I'm glad that the problem was solved!
To upgrade Standard Edition to Secure Edition(SSL), you can purchase the upgrade at the following URL:
You can upgrade Standard Edition to Secure Edition at the following url:

so yea i upgraded like a fool for another 30.00
and they still wot tell me how i can just let you guys use that folder section withouth having to lower tthe security.
i emailed them again and they said this
Hello tech-sub,
I'm sorry that the cookie must be enable when user's browser access the server.
Without cookies, websites and their servers have no memory. A cookie, like a key, enables swift passage from one place to the next. Without a cookie every time you open a new web page the server where that page is stored will treat you like a completely new visitor.
Please tell your users that Don't worry about the security setting because the "Medium" setting is the default setting of the Web browser. Easy File Sharing Web Server use the session cookie and will delete the cookie when use close the browser, and it does not use persistent cookies and will not track user's  Internet usage.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The users browsing your site will get a warning each time saying that the certificate is not trusted by a known CA because you are using a self-issued certificate we created for you. But I think you can ignore it, because it's only a warning and does not affect the security of your site.
If you do not want to get this warning, you need to purchase a real certificate issued by a known CA such as Thawte( or VeriSign(

anyways i am so fed up with them and dont knwo if i can get a refund becasue i downloaded thsir softtware and they emailed me my keys
two of them one for standrad and the othre for the SSL conection
i gave em hell in the last email you dont even wanna knwo what words i exchanged witht hem but i did say if i do not get a refund i will tel the entire world never to use thier software ever

se iw asntt you peopel to understand where im commign from.
i put up another forum on my usual web page that is better for you to use right now the button says New Forum
its right below the HOme Button

thres not much there right now as of files as i dont see a place to put them lol.but i know you guys can join it and post stuf there as we as files to eachother.thats like the best i can do right nw for anyone
the internet is my life.this is what i love to do being an administrator thats all iknow
scripting and administrating and gettig shafted by easyshare files company
thats right  at
and i hope they hear me dammit casue im mad as hell

but when i run int0 problems such as this it gives me a bad name

anyways i hope that explains everything

i should have just become a hot dog vendor and made my life easier

Title: Apology and explanation to all
Post by: caangel43 on October 19, 2005, 01:50:04 pm
I reg on your site and then loged in when I clicked on the download folder it says am not logged in am I doing something wrong thank you caangel43
Title: Apology and explanation to all
Post by: caangel43 on October 19, 2005, 06:11:39 pm
thank you Heather i think it is very nice of you to do all this for us have a wonderfull day caangel
Title: Apology and explanation to all
Post by: Heather_Valentine on October 24, 2005, 06:31:29 pm
at any rate i have two foprums running
one is an alternative forum for peopel who have that problem with cookies,the button on my site says ne forum
i havent moved files there yet bt you can exchange files there with eachothr from that page.also the page has a link called software leading you back to the other site that you had trouble with.
im gonna try updating each users database and see if it helps
i do notice there are peopel who can geet in and some who cant.
anwyasy thaks for hearing me out