Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: zbadkirk on May 10, 2006, 06:53:54 pm

Title: whats the best way to input information
Post by: zbadkirk on May 10, 2006, 06:53:54 pm
I recently purchased hal 6 . can anyone give me some tips on using his brain editor? I am a computer technician and i would like hal to be able to help me troubleshoot computer problems, ive done some experimentig talking directly to hal eg if a computer beeps, then it may have a faulty video card (stuff like that) but i would like to be able to program his brain directly, also i have alot of technical manuals on the subject. Is there any way that i can input them into hal?

Title: whats the best way to input information
Post by: Art on May 10, 2006, 09:31:28 pm
As much as I enjoy working with and teaching Hal new things,
in your case, I'd have to recommend a scripted type of bot
for use as an "expert system."

An expert system is a dedicated knowledgebase centered around
a theme such as auto mechanics, medical diagnostics, troubleshooting,
etc. Such systems are not necessarily conversant but are more geared to a question / answer situation.

This way you can reliably control the accuracy of the responses instead of hoping for the bot to give you a correct one.

One of our members comes to mind in this area:KnyteTrypper. He has a lot of experience with scripted bots and may be able to offer you some more indepth insight.

Good luck!
Title: whats the best way to input information
Post by: zbadkirk on May 11, 2006, 04:47:39 am
i found hampy an expert bot that talks about hampsters, this is the sort of thing im after
any ideas?

Title: whats the best way to input information
Post by: Carl2 on May 11, 2006, 02:19:20 pm
  There is a bot that is scripted that may help you, I purchased it ages ago for around $10.00, used it a little, not impressed with it for my purposes. It was ages ago and I believe it was verbot. There are quite a few websites that may lead you to the right choice that deal with chat bots.