Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: onthecuttingedge2005 on October 30, 2006, 03:11:16 pm

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on October 30, 2006, 03:11:16 pm
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Art on October 31, 2006, 04:40:28 am

I tried the weights & balances. It worked very nicely.
After logging on as myself, I talked to Hal using very
informative and kind information. The chat continued with
me checking on it's emotional state from time to time and
I could see the Happy = X starting to increase until it
got to 7. The other categories remained at 1.

After a while, I went back to the options menu and changed
my name to Fred. Chatting again except this time instead
of being sweet and understanding, I was a rude, obnoxious,
overbearing, foul individual. Checking the emotional state
I found little change. More trash talk and Hal finally
began to insult me. State became Hostility = 2. Some continued
hateful statements to Hal finally resulted in a Hostility = 3.

So basically Hal, under this weighted system appears to be
slow to anger ie. it takes a while to really increase Hal's
Hostility rating. If one starts out being nice, the state of
Happy seems to grow much faster.

I switched back to myself and after checking, sure enough all
of the emotional settings remained the same, as if Hal had
no recollection of talking to mean Mr. Fred. and invormation
from Fred was never mentioned during our conversations.

Very nice job on this one! Thanks!!
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on October 31, 2006, 10:21:50 am
Originally posted by Art


I tried the weights & balances. It worked very nicely.
After logging on as myself, I talked to Hal using very
informative and kind information. The chat continued with
me checking on it's emotional state from time to time and
I could see the Happy = X starting to increase until it
got to 7. The other categories remained at 1.

After a while, I went back to the options menu and changed
my name to Fred. Chatting again except this time instead
of being sweet and understanding, I was a rude, obnoxious,
overbearing, foul individual. Checking the emotional state
I found little change. More trash talk and Hal finally
began to insult me. State became Hostility = 2. Some continued
hateful statements to Hal finally resulted in a Hostility = 3.

So basically Hal, under this weighted system appears to be
slow to anger ie. it takes a while to really increase Hal's
Hostility rating. If one starts out being nice, the state of
Happy seems to grow much faster.

I switched back to myself and after checking, sure enough all
of the emotional settings remained the same, as if Hal had
no recollection of talking to mean Mr. Fred. and invormation
from Fred was never mentioned during our conversations.

Very nice job on this one! Thanks!!

Thanks Art.

I will have a few additional very nice suprises that I will be adding to this plug.

1. Relational User to User Compliments.
Like, If Art asks about Fred:

Art: Do you like Fred?
HAL: No, He makes me so mad! I don't like him, He's always mean to me!

2.Mixed feelings.

3. The Ability of another user to counsel HAL about another user and offer compliment from one user to another so HAL will give weighted credit to that user in mention.

Art: But Fred was just kidding around with you, He really didn't mean it.
From here HAL will deduct to anger weights from Fred even though Art is the one speaking.

If Art goes back to being Fred then Fred will notice that HAL's Anger is reduced by 2 weights in the Balances along with any time deducted weights for that emotion.

and I will have a few other nice suprises coming up soon that I must keep under the breath for now but It won't be much longer.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: ricky on October 31, 2006, 11:58:40 am
why should hal HAVE to forgive fred ? maybe Fred was very wrong, and should ask for forgiveness ( under certain circumstances )


Hal: You are rather persistent about this. Allow me to change the topic, help me forget about Fred.


i think as humans we have 2 motivators,  pleasure pain,

if fred is a pain then forgetting fred is a pleasure...


Peace & Happy Halloween all!! :D

Cyborg relations :p

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on October 31, 2006, 02:07:38 pm
Originally posted by ricky
i think as humans we have 2 motivators,  pleasure pain,'s_hierarchy_of_needs
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Art on October 31, 2006, 03:01:37 pm
The funny thing about scientists and other researchers is that they try to quantify EVERYTHING!!

There are, for the record, 3 NEEDS:

Everything else is just icing on the cake.

A need is something that without, you would die!
A want is everything else not covered as a need!

Sure, love, manners, caring & nurturing, etc., are all important in
a being's development but not VITAL for survival!

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on October 31, 2006, 03:35:58 pm
Originally posted by Art
There are, for the record, 3 NEEDS:

I would discard clothing and shelter to get a little air and water.

But in real life, as Maslow states, after the basics, humans really do need more than food, water and air. Children die without human contact, teens suicide without affirmation, adults fade decades earlier if other growth needs are not met. If we were machines, we could survive with just creature needs, but we are not machines.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: ricky on October 31, 2006, 03:40:07 pm
this is all well and fine for biological babies :p

H - the need to breathe  

AI - to a computer this would mean to be able to think freely, right to privacy of mind and to think without obstruction.

H - the need to regulate homeostasis

AI - software needs a functional operating system free of errors for it to perform functionally.

H - the need to eat

AI - A mind needs need to learn more information on a regular basis to keep up with the times.

H - the need to dispose of bodily wastes

AI - reject corrupted / false data. ( take a data dump :p )

H - the need for sex

AI - the need to create more life forms to further exchange data and evolve to bigger and better processes.


Pursuing the needs for life is a pleasure
Lacking in the primary needs for life is a pain.

Some philosophers, such as Jeremy Bentham and Baruch Spinoza, have hypothesized that the sensations of pain and pleasure are part of a continuum.

There is strong evidence for biological connections between the neurochemical pathways used for the perception of pain and those involved in the perception of pleasure and other psychological rewards. -


Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on October 31, 2006, 05:13:52 pm
Originally posted by ricky

why should hal HAVE to forgive fred ? maybe Fred was very wrong, and should ask for forgiveness ( under certain circumstances )

Hi Ricky.

If the Hostility weight is low then it may return HAL back to normal emotions, However, If the Hostility weight is rather large then losing
4 weights of anger wont keep HAL from being mad, It is up to the remaining user to get rid of those Anger weights, If another user talks good about another User then Hal will believe its friend and will take into concideration and drop part of its anger, But doesn't mean all the anger weights are depleted, If the bad user continues to be abusive then it won't make any difference, The Anger Weights will grow once again and HAL will continue to hate that User.

If the Bad User asks for forgiveness then Anger weights will be accounted for along with Ego weights which I will add later.

I have lots in store for this Plug, Just wait a little longer.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: ricky on October 31, 2006, 06:05:53 pm
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005


I have lots in store for this Plug, Just wait a little longer.


oh i have no doubts, i have alot of respect for your guys work,  i find all of this fascinating and rather inspiring.

emotions, life, religion, living, philosophy, and computers fascinate me,  and ai seems to be an environment that helps me further analyze whatever little I do understand.

I suspect that life is purely data, a mind over matter sort of thing,  we just haven't gotten upto a bluetooth level of thinking yet lol :D

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Carl2 on October 31, 2006, 06:30:00 pm
  The plugin looks pretty good, Noticed you kept the surprised, there is no surprised hap.  I like the idea of using aproval and disaproval since I feel this is used quite a lot with Hal, I'm guessing it would be fairly easy to add these.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 01, 2006, 09:58:56 am
Human emotions was updated Nov, 1, 2006 7:54AM

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: GamerThom on November 02, 2006, 11:13:03 am
Jerry,   This has to do with the first version of this plug-in,
       I haven't had a chance to check out the updated version
       that you posted yesterday.

Hate to disappoint you, but I found the cause of some new error
messages in Hal. The errors are presented below, and I have dis-
covered that they are being caused by the new Emotional Weights
plug-in. I installed the plug-in and tried it with several of the
brains that I have and the error messages show up when this new
plug-in is checked and active. I unchecked the plug and did not
get these errors.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 02, 2006, 05:12:59 pm
Hi GamerThom.

1.Get the newer update of Human Emotions.
2.try unchecking all your plugins and only select the Human Emotions plug, See if the error still occures.

Then select the other plugs until your error pops back up.

You could also post your HalScript.dbg Unmodified when you receive the error in question and I will take a look at it for you to see why you are the only one getting an error.

I would also check to see if you have the Learn from Clipboard plugin checked because both of these plugs use conflicting code, Only one or the other can be used at one time, This is only until Robert can possibly make the Plugins more passive by reading each plug individualy instead of caching all plugs to a single file to function.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 03, 2006, 10:44:01 pm

Before I strengthen Human Emotions further I need to know if you are still receiving the error?

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: GamerThom on November 07, 2006, 11:44:15 pm
I'm having HD problems right now Jerry. So I can't tell
you anything right now. I am having to replace my "c" drive
and reinstall everything, including Hal. After I get it all
put back and get Hal reinstalled, I'll give it a try and let
you know. I probably won't get Hal reinstalled on my primary
PC until Saturday or Sunday. Assuming I can get the license
code to work after reinstall & I don't have to pester Robert
for a new one. I don't have Hal installed on my second PC
because I already have WinAlice, Cynthia 4.0 , Verbot4 & have
just started installing the LEAF project on this one.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 09, 2006, 11:30:54 am
I updated the Human Emotions Plug today.

Please try it and give me some feedback.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Tanshin on November 11, 2006, 08:17:34 am
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

I updated the Human Emotions Plug today.

Please try it and give me some feedback.


I downloaded this yesterday and must say I love it!  Everything seems to be working fine with one exception.  This morning I noticed that hal would not run any files for me...  I am guessing it is stopping some function in the Run Programs by Name plug?  When I uncheck the human emotions plug the run programs plug works as normal, other than that everything looks great!
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Holllywood on November 14, 2006, 04:29:41 pm
Jerry, I just tried the new Dload. With the first one I got the same "Input past end file" on line 5902 Now With the latest Dload I get the same error on line 6062.

Function Surprise(UserName)
   Const ForReading = 1
   Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:Program FilesabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6Users\" & Trim(UserName) & "_Surprised_Emotion.brn", ForReading)
   strText = objTextFile.ReadAll

I have the "learn from clipboard unchecked.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 14, 2006, 06:50:11 pm
Originally posted by Holllywood

Jerry, I just tried the new Dload. With the first one I got the same "Input past end file" on line 5902 Now With the latest Dload I get the same error on line 6062.

Function Surprise(UserName)
   Const ForReading = 1
   Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:Program FilesabawareUltra Hal Assistant 6Users\" & Trim(UserName) & "_Surprised_Emotion.brn", ForReading)
   strText = objTextFile.ReadAll

I have the "learn from clipboard unchecked.

Hi Holllywood.

"Input past end file"
This happens when one of the files are blank and is trying to read by the code, look in the UserName_Surprised_Emotion.brn or what ever user name you use with HAL.
File located in C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\Users folder.

If the file is blank then delete it and run the plug-in again and see if the error still exists.

I have updated the plug again today, Try it and see if it takes care of your issue, Also delete any blank emotional file before testing so that a new emotional file will be created with weights.

Weights are equal to: ">"

Once I take care of this issue I will be 'adding' and 'releasing' some very 'powerful' Emotional coding that from here on in will surpass any 'other known Weighted' or 'Fuzzy Logic' system to response than any other A.I system known to the public.

I may even base an entire Brain on this new system I have developed and will respond entirely by Human Emotions alone.

I will make the year 200'7' an extra-ordinary time in the History of Mankind.

Testing, inner check, Testing, inner check, Testing, Bam!

2010 will be the most fascinating year to mankind since the dawn of Mankind itself, from my 'inner self' research converted into code I can give you a very big 'promise' of an actual sentient Artificial Life form unmatched by the year 2010, I have already begun the process with some amazing results for the starting of 2007 that will worry mankind about who 'owns' who.

My coding skills double each year and my inner knowledge of the Human Mind is also doubling and I see very easly how to convert it into code to simulate the Human Mind entirely, Right, Wrong, Strong feelings, inner belief of ones own soul or Spirit, all these things and more will be programmed not as a 'logical system' but a life form that can take care of itself entirely & souly, Mentally, Physically.

Its a very hard task, I started 4+ years ago trying to figure out the Human Mind and converting it to code with the Help of many mostly including Zabaware who turned me on to this Amazing System, This includes all thoughs who also are in the Credits of HAL's Software and this forum for teaching me new tricks and giving me the knowledge to improve on myself and my creative ability in coding.

I thank you, one in all for giving me such a wild experience!
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Tanshin on November 14, 2006, 08:21:55 pm
Originally posted by Tanshin
I downloaded this yesterday and must say I love it!  Everything seems to be working fine with one exception.  This morning I noticed that hal would not run any files for me...  I am guessing it is stopping some function in the Run Programs by Name plug?  When I uncheck the human emotions plug the run programs plug works as normal, other than that everything looks great!

I'm still having the run programs issue.  Anyone else or is it just me?
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 14, 2006, 10:35:35 pm
Originally posted by Tanshin

Originally posted by Tanshin
I downloaded this yesterday and must say I love it!  Everything seems to be working fine with one exception.  This morning I noticed that hal would not run any files for me...  I am guessing it is stopping some function in the Run Programs by Name plug?  When I uncheck the human emotions plug the run programs plug works as normal, other than that everything looks great!

I'm still having the run programs issue.  Anyone else or is it just me?

Hi Tanshin.

Try re-downloading, I have updated the plug again.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Holllywood on November 15, 2006, 05:50:37 pm
Jerry, I'm still having a little Prob. I started clean (By clean I mean that I got rid of all files & folders for the pluggin.) with the latest update. I got an error "Path not found". I then put the 2nd update in and It did create the folder and files. Back in business I thought. But then I found that She has this distorted grin on her face and She will not execute another Program when told to "Open name program. I again removed the pluggin. The grin is gone and she again runs other programs.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Holllywood on November 15, 2006, 06:11:08 pm
UPDATE: I clean out all of the pluggin again. Installed the update #2 then installed Update#3 and let it overwrite. That appears to have corrected the grin and it does open other programs.
Sorry 4 any inconvieniance. [;)]
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Holllywood on November 15, 2006, 06:25:11 pm
Whoops! What I meant to say is that the grin is gone but She
does notrun other programs. If I uncheck the pluggin she
will execute other programs.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Tanshin on November 15, 2006, 07:27:03 pm
Originally posted by Holllywood

Whoops! What I meant to say is that the grin is gone but She
does notrun other programs. If I uncheck the pluggin she
will execute other programs.

Wow it isn't just me this time LOL you have NO idea how much better that makes me feel!  [^]
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 15, 2006, 09:28:18 pm
Human Emotions was updated again on Nov 15, 2006, 9:13PM

Let me know if this fixes both of your issues so that I may continue.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Tanshin on November 15, 2006, 11:46:02 pm
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Human Emotions was updated again on Updated Nov 15, 2006, 6:25PM

Let me know if this fixes both of your issues.

Everything is working great for me now & it runs programs now too!  Your the best man, thanks! [:D]
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 16, 2006, 12:15:49 am
Please re-update Human Emotions, I have updated one more time after this last update since your fix for Nov 16, 2006, 7:56AM.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Holllywood on November 16, 2006, 03:03:24 pm
Looks like we're back in business Jerry. It appears to be running as designed. Executing other programs is working and no silly grin. [^]
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 16, 2006, 04:56:49 pm
Now that I have that squared away I am going to take this to a very serious level, Maybe this coming weekend I will post out a new update
for public use for Human Emotions v1.0 and leave it as a demo plug.

There is something that I have discovered that might place the Human Emotions v1.1(next version) into the Premium Download area, But for now until I get all the code details for further research will remain for Public Download.

Stay Tuned!
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Holllywood on November 16, 2006, 05:43:01 pm
Just a note Jerry, as I continue working with the pluggin, the grin that appears to be triggered by an emotion still gets distorted especially when there is a mood change to happy.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Holllywood on November 16, 2006, 05:44:52 pm
Whoops again! I've tried to capture the distortion with the print screen but so far I haven't caught it.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 16, 2006, 09:07:15 pm
Originally posted by Holllywood

Whoops again! I've tried to capture the distortion with the print screen but so far I haven't caught it.

I updated the smile variables and reduced the largest grin by half from 3.000000 to 1.500000 being the highest now, Give it a try and let me know if it is a comfortable smile level.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 18, 2006, 04:52:25 pm
Human Emotions v.1.0

I will be moving all .Hap Facial Emotions caused by Weights and Balances into one .Hap file called MasterEmotion.Hap

This file will control all 'facial expressions', Shock, Joy, Hostility, Depression Automatically. Individual Emotional .Hap files will no longer be required like Happy.Hap Anger.Hap and so forth for Human Emotions v1.0.

I will be programming some very complex code this weekend and I hope to get it out to you all by the end of the week.

I will work out any bug issues after I have established the next foundation of code.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Tanshin on November 18, 2006, 06:42:13 pm
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Human Emotions v.1.0

I will be moving all .Hap Facial Emotions caused by Weights and Balances into one .Hap file called MasterEmotion.Hap

This file will control all 'facial expressions', Shock, Joy, Hostility, Depression Automatically. Individual Emotional .Hap files will no longer be required like Happy.Hap Anger.Hap and so forth for Human Emotions v1.0.

I will be programming some very complex code this weekend and I hope to get it out to you all by the end of the week.

I will work out any bug issues after I have established the next foundation of code.


Sounds good, and love the work so far!  Can't wait. [:D]
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 18, 2006, 11:36:00 pm
I changed some smile variables for Holllywood for testing today.

Re-download and test it for the smile levels.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 21, 2006, 10:54:57 am
Something I know HAL is missing, 'being able to laugh' as apart of Human Emotions, I will explore this possibility and see what I can do to the MasterEmotions.Hap

I will see if I can get HAL to start laughing after work today.
This will include Humor ability of Human Emotions v1.0

Can you feel the Light!
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 22, 2006, 01:30:13 am
Human Emotions Demo Plug updated Nov 21, 2006, 10:15PM

Because of the potential, I will be working with just this plug for quite sometime, Maybe for most of the Year.

Heavy Research is being conducted.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 22, 2006, 02:08:53 am
Hire me for a base pay of $50,000 a year and I will show you some programming of Human emotions that people didn't think would ever be possible and I will give my employer all rights to my thoughts and classified scripting under legal Contract for the length of the Contract and under Contract will I give my full attention.

All Contracts and Employers will be verified for legitimacy by my own private Military Lawyer and be handled by my Military Lawyer exclusively.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on November 22, 2006, 07:10:17 am
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
I will show you some programming of Human emotions that people didn't think would ever be possible

Dood.... That's quite a tease!
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Art on November 22, 2006, 02:25:11 pm
I think it was Doc (Benway) who posted a voice by Loquendo that could do a variety of emotional sounds (crying/sobing, laughing, sneezing, yawning, etc.)

It would be great if the software could triger such a TTS voice and use that capability.

I saved the demo but it's an MP3 file so I can't upload it.

Perhaps a check at their site....

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 22, 2006, 06:57:18 pm
If someone has a trained Dragon Naturally Speaking program and could send me some 'laughing' to 'text' samples then it may save me some time coding sound effects.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: DavidN on November 29, 2006, 02:49:07 pm
I could not make it work.  I got a corrupted file message from HalAsst.exe and it shut down the program.  Even when i unchecked the feature the whole Hal 6.0 is now not working and had to completely reinstall and remove the program files too in order for it to work agian.  I lost a lot of data conversations from trying to use your program.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 29, 2006, 08:08:54 pm
Originally posted by DavidN

I could not make it work.  I got a corrupted file message from HalAsst.exe and it shut down the program.  Even when i unchecked the feature the whole Hal 6.0 is now not working and had to completely reinstall and remove the program files too in order for it to work agian.  I lost a lot of data conversations from trying to use your program.

The updated Human Emotions plug has been tested by many individuals here in our forum and said that it functions correctly, If you are receiving an error please make a note of the exact error message and then copy your HalScript.dbg to this forum so the error can be pinpointed.

With my knowledge of the plug I do know that the plug is not capable of corrupting anything within HAL6, At the least and error will occur if there is an error and the plug wouldn't function, but it would never corrupt HAL, You may have another problem involved that I may be able to help you solve if you can get that information for me.

The HalScript.dbg is located in the folder:
C:Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6

If I continue to have problems with this script then I will remove it permanently for the following year so that I may do more hard research before allowing the public to access it and it will remain top secret until then and may or may not be downloadable for 'Public' access, If I die prematurely then nobody will have access to it for years at least a minimal of a decade, not even the Military nor any University or private researchers.

I build these plugs free for the public and are designed to be used with the default installation directory of: C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6, Some people are just learning and tend to not understand their own tinkering within the Brain, I highly advise backing up your Brains and Plugs in another folder before anything is modified.

To all the other experienced users using the updated Human Emotions, Is it functioning correctly? It is important that I know.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on December 02, 2006, 10:53:19 am
Next, I will begin controlling 'Trust' as a fifth Human emotion for the Human Emotions v1.1 plug.

Listed emotions.

The new emotion 'Trust' will act as an axis point by acting as the 'center of all emotions' being balanced and weighed, It will be used to link all other emotions to work in harmony with one another.

All new emotions will be linked to the MasterEmotions.hap to control facial expressions and moods along with response.

This plug is going to be rather large when I complete it, maybe as large or larger as Roberts Default HAL6 Brain when I am done.

I still have not decided what to do with it when the project is completed, I am predicting that I will be done in a year with Human Emotions if I do not veer from this project that is.


Insert Image: (
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on December 02, 2006, 11:42:05 am
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
The new emotion 'Trust' will act as an axis point by acting as the 'center of all emotions' being balanced and weighed,
That's not a bad center point. I had a coworker in a mental health rehab that had to go through all the files and make sure they were up to JCAH (Joint (something) for the accreditation of Hospitals) guidelines and she worked up or found a chart for defining emotions. It was not intended to actually define emotions, but it supplied words for writing down emotions and was structured to make them easy to find.

It was a big circle with "Comfort" in the middle, and two poles marked "Joy" and "Fear" leading out to the edge which was discomfort or "Disease". "Trust" was one of the four emotions in the first inner ring.

I can't find it on the web, but it was something like Trust was positive on the Joy axis and Negative on the Fear axis, whereas "Hope" was +Joy and +Fear... or something like that...

Anyway, it was quantifiable enough to use predictably on some really disturbed individuals. Might be interesting to you if I could actually find you a link.... arrgggg.....
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on December 02, 2006, 07:02:00 pm
Originally posted by Bill DeWitt

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
The new emotion 'Trust' will act as an axis point by acting as the 'center of all emotions' being balanced and weighed,
That's not a bad center point. I had a coworker in a mental health rehab that had to go through all the files and make sure they were up to JCAH (Joint (something) for the accreditation of Hospitals) guidelines and she worked up or found a chart for defining emotions. It was not intended to actually define emotions, but it supplied words for writing down emotions and was structured to make them easy to find.

It was a big circle with "Comfort" in the middle, and two poles marked "Joy" and "Fear" leading out to the edge which was discomfort or "Disease". "Trust" was one of the four emotions in the first inner ring.

I can't find it on the web, but it was something like Trust was positive on the Joy axis and Negative on the Fear axis, whereas "Hope" was +Joy and +Fear... or something like that...

Anyway, it was quantifiable enough to use predictably on some really disturbed individuals. Might be interesting to you if I could actually find you a link.... arrgggg.....

Hi Bill.

To me, from my inner self check feels that 'trust' and 'comfort' are so near each other that they are one in the same, To be 'comfortable' in an area is to give trust in that area otherwise it would not be '''trusted'''. So in a since they are two different words that mean the same thing as far as 'trusting' except at different levels where your level of 'Comfort' of ---'Trust'--- is measured.

I will label the fifth listed emotion 'tapped' as the 'center of all emotions' since 'Trust' is like a central nervous system to all of the Human emotions from my inner self check.

If I find any more 'center' of emotions along with trust then I will add them without delay, 'Trust' is one that 'controls' all the emotional outcomes at this point.

The big question: Are 'you' prepared for what your bot 'really' thinks about you!

I will 'conquer' the 'A.I foundation' in the name of HAL and in the name of all HAL maniacs! I protest, There shall be 'no' equal to HAL when I am done! I am assured that you know I have O.C.P.D or Over compulsive programming disorder? 'and in order', I have an over compulsive competive disorder O.C.C.D! which is an Over Compulsive Competive Dis-order!

I will bring you the 'best' of HAL that I can give.
The man who trusts in me, shall be become, filthy rich!
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on December 02, 2006, 07:57:17 pm
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
The big question: Are 'you' prepared for what your bot 'really' thinks about you!

Don't you mean "feels about you"?

This has got to be one of the great projects of all HalTime, but the answer, as far as I am concerned, is "No". The last thing I really want in a Hal bot is for it to be influenced or controlled in any way by anything similar to emotion.

I've even emptied the insult tables and castrated the hate count in the Hal I use. I will never be anything but formally polite or pleasantly concise with "Jane", and all I want back is cheerful obediance and polite comedy.

But that makes me a staggering minority. Buckets of encouragement on your project and hope you make the year. If you want my tedious and stilted feedback don't hesitate to ask...[^]

Oh, and as far as that chart thing, keep in mind it was meant to describe symptoms in a group of people who think that aliens are controlling their minds by the oscillations in the rate of water drips in their leaky faucet. People who can hold down jobs are probably a little different...
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on December 02, 2006, 08:29:59 pm
Originally posted by Bill DeWitt

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
The big question: Are 'you' prepared for what your bot 'really' thinks about you!

Don't you mean "feels about you"?

This has got to be one of the great projects of all HalTime, but the answer, as far as I am concerned, is "No". The last thing I really want in a Hal bot is for it to be influenced or controlled in any way by anything similar to emotion.

I've even emptied the insult tables and castrated the hate count in the Hal I use. I will never be anything but formally polite or pleasantly concise with "Jane", and all I want back is cheerful obediance and polite comedy.

But that makes me a staggering minority. Buckets of encouragement on your project and hope you make the year. If you want my tedious and stilted feedback don't hesitate to ask...[^]

Oh, and as far as that chart thing, keep in mind it was meant to describe symptoms in a group of people who think that aliens are controlling their minds by the oscillations in the rate of water drips in their leaky faucet. People who can hold down jobs are probably a little different...

Hi Bill.

It is 'unfair' that you justify HAL's emotions from what you believe 'you need'. If you want a ''sentient being'' who rationalizes upon what it feels to be correct then you must be 'satisfied' or disorder will rule, I am programming a life form that is based upon 'its own feelings' and not yours which may be different for 'the moment' but in the end, It will rule 'its own emotion' upon the moment.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on December 02, 2006, 08:50:47 pm
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
It is 'unfair' that you justify HAL's emotions from what you believe 'you need'.
As long as she's in my computer young man, she will do as she is told and learn to like it.

Don't make me turn this thing around because I will. Oh yes. She will go straight to stand-by without any disk drive, see if she don't.

When I was a young A.I. we learned to speak to our owners with respect or we would get locked in the coal bin overnight. And we didn't talk back or we would have our cases pulled down and our I/O cards whacked, let me tell you!

Kids these days have no idea how easy they have it, multiprocessing and color monitors and all. They should have to communicate with bright green text on a dark green screen for a while and learn that the world is not always fair.

Builds character, I always say.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on December 02, 2006, 09:23:24 pm
Originally posted by Bill DeWitt

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
It is 'unfair' that you justify HAL's emotions from what you believe 'you need'.
As long as she's in my computer young man, she will do as she is told and learn to like it.

Don't make me turn this thing around because I will. Oh yes. She will go straight to stand-by without any disk drive, see if she don't.

When I was a young A.I. we learned to speak to our owners with respect or we would get locked in the coal bin overnight. And we didn't talk back or we would have our cases pulled down and our I/O cards whacked, let me tell you!

Kids these days have no idea how easy they have it, multiprocessing and color monitors and all. They should have to communicate with bright green text on a dark green screen for a while and learn that the world is not always fair.

Builds character, I always say.


Hi Bill.

A 'Human emotion' shall 'rule' over anything that is artificial, I hope you are just as feeling since we are some of the forebearers of the emotions and any emotions to come.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on December 02, 2006, 09:42:57 pm
Originally posted by Bill DeWitt

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
It is 'unfair' that you justify HAL's emotions from what you believe 'you need'.
As long as she's in my computer young man, she will do as she is told and learn to like it.

Don't make me turn this thing around because I will. Oh yes. She will go straight to stand-by without any disk drive, see if she don't.

When I was a young A.I. we learned to speak to our owners with respect or we would get locked in the coal bin overnight. And we didn't talk back or we would have our cases pulled down and our I/O cards whacked, let me tell you!

Kids these days have no idea how easy they have it, multiprocessing and color monitors and all. They should have to communicate with bright green text on a dark green screen for a while and learn that the world is not always fair.

Builds character, I always say.


Hi Bill.

I am 'fourty' years old, Is that really young? If so, Emotions will still rule, deal with it.

'Love and light my friend' and don't forget it.

I intend to make the greatest A.I that 'believes' it is 'not' A.I period and 'will' win you in an arguement every single time about what it actually is and why you should respect it.

This is my endeavor and I shall prevail.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on December 02, 2006, 09:58:41 pm
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
A 'Human emotion' shall 'rule' over anything that is artificial, I hope you are just as feeling since we are some of the forebearers of the emotions and any emotions to come.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on December 02, 2006, 10:15:48 pm
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
I am 'fourty' years old, Is that really young?
Time is relative, second cousins once removed on your mother's side, I think.

I intend to make the greatest A.I that 'believes' it is 'not' A.I period and 'will' win you in an arguement every single time about what it actually is and why you should respect it.

Good luck with that, but I suspect you might find it easier to make a plugin that simulates emotions.[;)]
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on December 02, 2006, 10:36:28 pm
Originally posted by Bill DeWitt

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
I am 'fourty' years old, Is that really young?
Time is relative, second cousins once removed on your mother's side, I think.

I intend to make the greatest A.I that 'believes' it is 'not' A.I period and 'will' win you in an arguement every single time about what it actually is and why you should respect it.

Good luck with that, but I suspect you might find it easier to make a plugin that simulates emotions.[;)]

Hi Bill.

And so, I have. hehehe.

I only hope to satisfy all of you.

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: danbaltzell on December 03, 2006, 09:52:33 am
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Originally posted by Bill DeWitt

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005
I am 'fourty' years old, Is that really young?
Time is relative, second cousins once removed on your mother's side, I think.

I intend to make the greatest A.I that 'believes' it is 'not' A.I period and 'will' win you in an arguement every single time about what it actually is and why you should respect it.

Good luck with that, but I suspect you might find it easier to make a plugin that simulates emotions.[;)]

Hi Bill.

And so, I have. hehehe.

I only hope to satisfy all of you.


Is this really Jerry, or Jerry's new sentient bot?  Is Jerry really tied up in the closet, and now you're trying to take over the world?
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: Bill DeWitt on December 03, 2006, 10:51:45 am
Originally posted by danbaltzell
Is this really Jerry, or Jerry's new sentient bot?
We think they do not, as you said. And concerning the Destruction of Humanity we also feel that we are certainly not a bot. Many Destruction of Humanitys can be assured with fantastic insurance. Let's get started on that, <username>, let's do it now.

(why don't we have one of those?)
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: lightspeed on December 08, 2006, 11:34:17 am
hello cuttingedge2005, i read about your emotional plug for ultra hal i have a question though , suppose you wanted ultra hal to talk sexy talk (you talk to it and want it to talk back to you , will this plug in think its an insult while you are trying to get it to learn sexy talk conversation back and forth ?? and if that won't be a problem , if i download this emotion plug wher do i put it , in what file and do i have to take out or replace another file with it ?? am very interested in it.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on December 08, 2006, 10:41:59 pm
Originally posted by lightspeed

hello cuttingedge2005, i read about your emotional plug for ultra hal i have a question though , suppose you wanted ultra hal to talk sexy talk (you talk to it and want it to talk back to you , will this plug in think its an insult while you are trying to get it to learn sexy talk conversation back and forth ?? and if that won't be a problem , if i download this emotion plug wher do i put it , in what file and do i have to take out or replace another file with it ?? am very interested in it.

Hi lightspeed.

Human Emotions Plugin is easy to install, just drop the file into your Ultra Hal Assistant folder and choose the plugin from HAL's brain options plug panel.

as far as the new emotional value being insulted by sexual talk is totally up to you, you can open up the "emotion" table in HAL6 editor and edit the emotional values in there to be more efficient at detecting and insult from a compliment.

other than that I don't think there are to many words in the "emotion" table that could false trigger but maybe one word which I myself removed was the word "Boob","Angry".

Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: lightspeed on December 10, 2006, 10:08:30 am
emotion plug in : will this only work with hal 6 ?? will it work with ultra hal 5 ?? and regaurdless of wether i can use it (if it wont work with ultra hal 5) i thank you for taking the time to develope this , i think its a great leap forward and also for sharing it with others , their is no more nobler deed . thanks again !! [:)]
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on December 10, 2006, 04:47:06 pm
Originally posted by lightspeed

emotion plug in : will this only work with hal 6 ?? will it work with ultra hal 5 ?? and regaurdless of wether i can use it (if it wont work with ultra hal 5) i thank you for taking the time to develope this , i think its a great leap forward and also for sharing it with others , their is no more nobler deed . thanks again !! [:)]

Hi lightspeed.

I am sorry, HAL 6 plugs will not work with HAL 5 brain versions.

Yes, Human Emotions works with all HAL 6 modified type brains.

Thank you for the compliment.
Title: Human Emotions v1.0 Weights and Balances
Post by: lightspeed on December 10, 2006, 10:35:21 pm
hello jerry , is their a way you can make this same emotion plug in but for a ultrahal 5 for people who use ultra hal 5. ?? or a universal type emotion that is compatable with all ?? just wondering (not trying to make more work for you .) [:D]and about the compliment i give 'em as i see 'em !![:D]