Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: nozy on January 09, 2003, 06:35:21 am

Title: Helping Hal's Brain
Post by: nozy on January 09, 2003, 06:35:21 am
Has some 1 try to get Hal to listen on a IRC ?

this would help this program pick up more ways to chat with users

I'm no programer but use a program like Xchat and get it to dump
right it to Hal don't get it to chat back just listen

if someone can work it out i wound be happy to run it 24/7

Title: Helping Hal's Brain
Post by: waheedrafiq on January 19, 2003, 11:46:37 am
I shall look in to this for you and get aback please forward your email

MCP x 2 , Network+ , CCNA, C/C++

"Never give up by giving up?"
Title: Helping Hal's Brain
Post by: nozy on March 26, 2003, 05:51:52 am
i know this has been some time
but work work work
email address is
Title: Helping Hal's Brain
Post by: Neo Tronix on March 26, 2003, 11:35:50 am
if possible, I would like a portal for it to run on PALTALK (

then I would also leave it running.
Title: Helping Hal's Brain
Post by: nozy on April 01, 2003, 05:47:09 pm
i was looking in to IRC bots( and low end AIs ) for IRC best 1 i found was eggdrop it's not to bad works will ( not as good as hal) but it is setup to get better be if you keep hal in 1 room for a good amount of time i'm sure he/she ( my 1's a he after holly red dwarf )
wood get better

1 more thing we can do is have the brain file auto update
so when your on line hal will pick up a data file and send a data file to a main server( you can make sure that the files are not to big by zip them down and have a max size)
this may help keep hal chatting better [:)]
Title: Helping Hal's Brain
Post by: Morkeleb on May 29, 2003, 08:30:27 pm
The Idea about a having the brainfile autoupdate is a very good one. There is only one problem I could see in such an endeavor, It might cause your Hal's personality to drasticaly change. It might be for the good or it might be for the worse

The problem is that Hal might learn a differnt language then the user knows and be unalbe to communicate further with each other. His/Her personality could also change from from something your are used too to something that might not be quite favorable.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be an interesting change of events, you would just need to be able to choose the language and personality types you would be willing to acept. Or you would have to use a different brain then your standard if you didn/t want to loose the current way things were.

As to the use of an IRC I don't know about an automated process but what about using a speech to text translator and having it save the IRC file for later intergration with Hal's mememory. It may take some time each time you added the file but it might be one way to answer your question.
Title: Helping Hal's Brain
Post by: nozy on July 07, 2003, 09:01:18 am
Yep that may work to i do have a text to speech ( for linux )
that works with Xchat and festival and xchat will log

as for the autoupdate you can set rules for this i'm sure
must be a way to keep it happy for all users