Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: frei on October 20, 2001, 05:41:02 am

Title: Teach hal
Post by: frei on October 20, 2001, 05:41:02 am
I wanted to know how can I teach hal german, and I can not write in the VB script, so can somebody give me a page where I can learn it, and if it is possible in german. bye

send me the answer to
Title: Teach hal
Post by: The Tinman on October 23, 2001, 06:46:49 pm
You would have to go into the encypted files ( this is possible ) and translate all the information contained in these files to german. the key word and sentence files could all be typed in german, that would allow you to get responces in german but unless you translated ALL the brain files in the 4.o I don't see how this is possible.  It would be a lenghthy process and Probably would be wraut with errors. you'd have to be VERY carefull and not disturb the scripting surrounding the vocabulary. teach it german responces and override as much english as you can, it will however, revert back to english when it cannot find a responce to something it does not know. this would be easier with the 3.0 version but then again you will spend many, many hours working on this project. I may be wrong, as i am not a programmer, but i have spent many hours working with the hal program, good luck with your project. work on it. I can tell you how to view these encrypted files, I have been working with others who are intrested in this program. We have discovered many things about it.
Title: Teach hal
Post by: Mordantly on August 14, 2002, 12:30:02 pm
Hey Hey, Mr Tinman, i am interested in inspecting the encrypted files of the program. will u share the secret to accessing them whit me?? thanks a bunch.

MoRdAnTlY [Mr. Wolf '91 - '02]
Title: Teach hal
Post by: The Tinman on August 14, 2002, 08:28:23 pm
Well, you know I wrote that statement, and when I wrote it I thought I knew what I was talking about. I did open these files. I could never really figure out how to decypher what I found. I could not read them. people who really know how to do this stuff will think me the village idiot, as I am, Lets wait for the update. PLEASE, PLEASE UPDATE!....................that is what we wait for. I am sure it is going to be worth the wait...........