Zabaware Support Forums

Zabaware Forums => Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor => Topic started by: Psych on November 04, 2003, 04:02:49 am

Title: vonsmith & onthecuttingedge
Post by: Psych on November 04, 2003, 04:02:49 am
Hi both

You have submitted programs to enhance Hals deductive reasoning.

Medeksza has already programmed deductive skills into Hal5.

Do your new programs clash with his work - ie. are they compatible with Hal5?


Title: vonsmith & onthecuttingedge
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on November 04, 2003, 04:42:12 am
Hi Psych.
Nope, these scripts are compatable.
Just depends on your preferences.
the only differences in the scripts I
make is that they're direct, I tend to
steer away from the If LearningLevel > 1
because I prefer maximum learning levels
all the time and I try not to use
random values because it throws the script
off of direct topics, I prefer hal to stay on
a fine line. but all in all it's all good and
Mr. Medeksza is a very fine programmer and
an excellent teacher and we've all learned a
great deal from Mr.Medeksza and Don, they are
exceptional. As far as the other scripts I've
had no problems in 4.5 or 5.0 with any of the
scripts and they're just written to expand Hals
nature and to make hal have more options and to
be even more fun to experiment with. So I would say
just have fun.
Best of wishes and grand new discoveries.
Title: vonsmith & onthecuttingedge
Post by: vonsmith on November 04, 2003, 06:18:17 pm
All of the scripts I have produced are intended to be 100% backward compatible with the default Hal v5.0 script. In general my scripts expand on Hal's current capabilities and add new functionality. As a precaution I always suggest to users to back up the original files before installing any new script.

Based on postings on this forum I am not aware of any problems with the scripts I have produced. I encourage all forum participants to post comments on my or anyone else's scripts. I gladly accept both criticism or kudos. That's how I can learn to improve. I hope everyone is having as much fun modifying Hal as I am.

I agree with onthecuttingedge2005 about Robert Medeksza. He is a fine programmer. It is to his credit that he makes it possible for us to modify his work. Don has contributed some great stuff. I expect to see more wonders coming out of this forum.

Thanks for the question.

= vonsmith =
Title: vonsmith & onthecuttingedge
Post by: Don Ferguson on November 05, 2003, 02:05:28 am

All of the code routines and full scripts I have had the ability to review so far, from programmers on this forum, have been positive, inventive, useful, and enjoyable.  I applaud all the wonderful creativity being posted here!

From the very beginning, Robert Medeksza designed Ultra Hal to be modular and user-adaptable with open features.  In essence, he's providing us a drivable automobile and an engine, and letting us customize it any way that we want.  This is the same spirit that made the personal computer such a fabulous growth phenomenon in the first place.  (The alternate model, closed systems and secret code, is still believed best by some corporations!)

The best way to enjoy all the various new routines is to make a copy of Hal's brain with a new "file name" and "display name."  For instance, the script that I'm currently editing has a file name of "Enhanced Hal 507.uhp" and I've also inserted the name "Enhanced Hal 507" after the "Name=" on the second line, so it has that "display name" showing up in Hal's user menu.  In that way, I can experiment with it all that I want, and I can easily switch back to the "default" brain at any time to compare performance.

At some point down the road, I hope that many of us post full-length modified brains on the "plug-ins" page using Robert Medeksza's little "install" program that he posted for us.  (I need to go back to that posting and try it out.) In that way, our non-programmer friends can enjoy the various brains of Hal.

By posting working code examples, we all get better at writing code, and ideas spark more ideas!  Keep up the good work, fellow programmers!

Thanks and best regards,
