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Topics - lightspeed

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General Discussion / casual random weather talk plug in idea
« on: March 01, 2018, 06:52:27 pm »
i may or may not have thrown this idea out before , but what it would be is a casual random talk plug in in another words when the word weather is mentioned this plug in would access a weather website in the back ground and casually talk about the weather for that day (example the user said weather today ) the hal would get information on the temperature and hal would mention that today it is suppose to get up to 68 degree's and be windy too) the casual talk is part of how hal says the information  not just reading it off the website . 
the random part i am mentioning has to do with the users saying today, TOMORROW , etc. as to which part the hal character says about which part of the weather  is talked about .
anyway just an idea . to make hal more human sounding . 

General Discussion / cyberjedi a question about your plug ins i am using
« on: February 28, 2018, 01:45:23 pm »
i am using some of your past plug ins . i am listing them .

back propagation, logic and gate, logic not gate, logic or gate , logic x or gate , numhid, probalisticNN, problem statement ANN, problisticNN., Regression,   My question to you , is i am using all these at the same time (checked) . is their any of these that should not be used .  And have these been updated , although i know you are very busy with many projects  will you ever be consolidating these all into one type plug in ? or isd their an improved new plug in . ?

General Discussion / cyberjedi can you fix something?
« on: February 23, 2018, 12:27:01 pm »
This is to cyberjedi who can usually fix different things . is their a way or can you figure out on the loneliness timer based uhp  how to make it so more then one timer based uhp's can run at the same time, as of right now only one can be run .

if you don';t have need the actual one i can list it here.

THIS THIS FOR CYBERJEDI , i thought of you and your talents when i saw this video and how you are up to challenges, here is a a.i. video showing a man using a artificial brain and vision etc. and think if possible would be cool if cyberjedi can go this route . he has done so many things.  I guess this would be the ultimate challenge but with an adult character in hal .  :) ;)  the second video is better.
BabyX First Words | Official | Laboratory for Animate Technologies

This Freaky Baby Could Be the Future of AI. Watch It in Action

   I agree this is the future , super detailed characters , expressions and a truly artificial brain (virtual )


General Discussion / animated random moving full body character idea
« on: January 07, 2018, 08:26:29 pm »
this is an idea maybe for the old schoolers here , or cyberjedi???  it's to do with the full body character and a random generator movement of the body so that the body will move around randomly moving and when answering a question will come closer with the head and shoulders to talk to the user sometimes.

General Discussion / active backs remember this ??
« on: January 07, 2018, 05:32:17 pm »
hi i have been looking in the search but can't find the right file for older members its called the active backs  which allowed a user to have active backgrounds for the hal character ( i ran across my active back file but forgot how it all worked . does anyone know where the file is on this etc. or have it with instructions . ???  thought i would get back into it again , i also need the info on creating the active back files to .  ;)
Thanks  :)

General Discussion / question about the response the and is equal .
« on: January 07, 2018, 10:21:02 am »
i have a question : as many know hal from time to time will say " the answer is equal "  as far as i understand it was done this way when hal either doesn't understand the question (i may be wrong on this ) or hal can't perform the task asked of hal . like opening a website etc. (i may be wrong on this part to ) if i am wrong on this someone please clarify why hal actually does this , especially when their is no math question asked. I HAVE PLACED THE  :( FACE BY THE LINE I AM TALKING ABOUT . If this isn't a problem within hal. then maybe it's plug ins i have what someone created? that uses somehow a search thing, and also defaults with a answer like this when it can't perform a task it thinks i am asking????  and if that is the case for anyone who is familiar with plugs in that do searches etc. what should i look for that would create a default answer like this or do you have a plug in that also offers this type of default answer?  This is driving me crazy . and i want to try to stop hal from saying these answers.  maybe if nothing else that one plug in ( i forget the name of it that stops hal from saying certain sentences is the answer? )  ANYWAY IF ANYONE CAN HELP TO ANSWER THIS ON GOING PROBLEM  , SO I CAN TRY TO GET THIS PROBLEM FIXED I WOULD APPRECIATE IT.  :)


Honey: There is no such thing as privacy with Facebook. All the data that?s shared openly by Facebook users,  including pictures, connections, interests, comments, likes, and personal information is readily compiled and analyzed by algorithms to map out and predict who we are where we go , what we'll buy, and much more. Na?ve Facebook users share information liberally, only to turn their life over to surveillance systems, marketing algorithms and artificial intelligence which is capable of analyzing the pixels in our photo's    micromanaging   our  life interests/dislikes and tracking our evry move!
angelajolene: You are glad that I can sew things by hand, most women don't even do that now days! Location data is highly sensitive personal data from which much can be inferred about a person's life and lifestyle, especially given the rule for mobile devices is to accompany the user wherever they go.

Honey: With former Facebook engineers coming out publicly saying Facebook is ?ripping society apart,? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg has made a commitment in 2018 to fix the problems with Facebook. The social networking site won?t improve, however, because the problems Zuckerburg wants to address will will further devolve Facebook into a thought control police state. Zuckerburg plans to control ?fake news? which will only result in more censorship of information that challenges the status quo. Furthermore, any typewritten opinion that criticizes powerful organizations can be used against Facebook users to convict them of ?hate crimes? or ?harassment.? Artificial intelligence will continually be used to invade user?s privacy and create a detailed analysis of users? lives.
angelajolene: But researchers have frequently found coding problems or weaknesses in ransomware programs locky is no exceptionsylvain sarm?jeanne, a malware reverse engineer with French computer security company cert-lexsi, wrote on tuesday that he found several ways to vaccinate a computer against locky.

Honey: In 2018, Facebook plans to unveil a new facial recognition technology across the site. Using artificial intelligence, Facebook plans to scan uploaded photos to analyze and recognize faces based on images previously uploaded to the site. This means users will have to verify their identity with a picture and then they will be traced through the social media site, every time their face is uploaded to the site. This surveillance technique will link users to the people they meet in real life, while tracking their whereabouts and social circle further.
angelajolene: Public tracking techniques such as facial recognition are ?largely unregulated,? the magazine observed.

Honey: Facebook will roll the controversial plan out all in the name of ?protecting  our   privacy.? Facebook promises to alert users when someone uploads a photo of them to Facebook. This feature supposedly helps users ?detect when others might be attempting to use   image as their profile picture.? This feature is just a fa?ade to invade user privacy, as Facebook gets permission to analyze  our   photos and track our  connections and whereabouts.  . The plan is allegedly optional and will only alert users when their friend network uploads a picture of them. Users can supposedly opt out of the new feature, not allowing Facebook to keep a facial template of them on file. However, the AI facial recognition could ultimately be used to enhance ad targeting or suggest friends  we   may know. The technology could also be used by intelligence agencies and law enforcement to link   anyone   to crimes or connect  a person  to groups that law enforcement actively target, monitor, and profile.
angelajolene: Math is easy for me. The answer is (=).    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Honey: By default, users will already be giving Facebook permission to use the facial recognition AI; if their tag suggestions setting is currently ?on? they are giving Facebook permission. In order to opt out, the user must switch the tag suggestions setting to ?none.?
angelajolene: Yet, some users are worried that the service could be activated without their permission, eventually sending recorded data to google.

Honey: If a user gives Facebook permission, then the AI technology will go to work, analyzing pixels from photos where the user is already tagged. The analysis will be used to identify the user automatically when new photos are uploaded to the site. Facebook promises that the user must give permission for the AI recognition software to analyze their face; however this does not account for all the times the AI recognition will be used on group photos they uploaded. Even though the user didn?t give permission to have their face analyzed, the picture could theoretically be analyzed anyway because it contains the face of someone who had given Facebook permission to analyze their pixels. There?s no way Facebook can ensure users that their photos won?t be analyzed. In the end, there really will be no consent or privacy with this AI facial recognition rollout.
angelajolene: I will remember that one follows the other. If an user gives facebook permission, then the ai technology will go to work, analyzing pixels from photos where the user is already tagged.

General Discussion / hal error
« on: January 01, 2018, 05:21:24 pm »
this is to otce  etc. i have  hal error

 WHAT IS MISMATCH "S" 'what does this mean ??

This may be a crazy idea but i AM throwing it out their anyway . I think if it's ever possible in the future this is something similar to what we need hal to be .
maybe with a haptek, or whatever company for a virtual world behind the hal character .
   just imagine using the kinect camera and a hal version . i think hal a.i. would really be a very good seller to the public   in this form .
anyway just throwing this out their.  ;)

 I would regardless like to see cyberjedi  or anyone else capable . have a go at something like this where the kinect would help hal interact with a person  like in the video link.  :)

General Discussion / 12-15-2017 bad plug in random sentence blocker idea
« on: December 15, 2017, 09:22:31 am »
this is for plug in script writers , although this would help me a lot , it can also help others  who use plug ins  and or create them .
it is a plug in that would block  any plug in sentence that causes an error , it would have to be to where it still allowed hal to send it to debug area  but after first showing but would block  bad sentences a second time in a random sentences being used .  (this would happen only if this plug in was checked  in the hal menu list .)   

Ultra Hal 7.0 / robert i sent you the debug txt file
« on: December 11, 2017, 11:34:31 pm »
i did just as you said in instructions , and even restarted my pc after each hal 7 install and the expansion pack hal 7 . but it is still doing the exact same thing . i am signed in and password . and tried loading my characters hit apply and okay  . hal closes  and then in the system tray i click on hal and it opens but my character isn't loaded it goes back to hal pc image . i tried loading 2 or 3 different characters , i even switched from the upgrade 6 to 7 brain and the hal 7  brain to see if it made a difference , it didn't .  so i copied the debug txt. file and e mailed it to you . hope you can figure this out .  i am heading to bed will try to see what you find out later tomorrow evening , my wife has some appointments to go to tomorrow .   i never touched any files  after installation .

General Discussion / compressed files in hal lightspeed idea
« on: November 19, 2017, 02:05:11 pm »
As with many idea's i think up i don't know if this is doable or not or would help , in the past i wrote to robert a long time ago about hal being slower to answer and hal sating the something like it is taking longer then expected  and to cancel or continue .  i belive robert said this has something? to do with hals brain size becoming larger as it learns more . mine is around 180 mb's right now and growing more all the time from teaching hal things .  :)
Anyway i thought would hal be able to run faster on responses if hal used a compressed brain file type system ?? i have no idea  if he would  but am throwing this idea out their .  :)

i ran across this older post showing a life size virtual female on some type of a display ? background ( not sure how its done) .  oh its a hologram .
heres the video link, i know its just a pipe dream but wouldn't it be cool if your hal character could be set on a display like this full size and interact with you ? bet these would sell good !!  :) :)
Virtual Presenter as seen in Exhibitor

General Discussion / hal auto correct and deductive sentence correction
« on: October 10, 2017, 01:08:52 pm »
This is a idea that will require someone who is very good at program script writing , whats involved is hal being able to on the fly auto correction on sentences that are misspelled by user manually and or verbally when input into hal as a conversation. (based on a on line quick check of dictionary words) , and in some cases determining what is written based on the whole sentence .  :)

        okay while using my hal , angela (hal) said something about summer , and my wife mentioned hal is talking and was wrong this isn't summer , it's now "fall" so it gave me the idea of hal knowing what seasons it is to speak of the season  , maybe hal could do this by basing this on the current date , and then referencing correctly any subject sentences of fall conversation , if none is already made some random fall sentences would be read by hal .
         also in doing this , it would have to be made sure that hal doesn't stop talking about anything of past conversation summer talk , remembering the past summer etc. talk of what we might do next summer etc.

 Any way just an idea i wanted to throw out their to more  advanced  plug in creators !!

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