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Topics - cyberwd

Pages: [1]
Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / problem using url:s
« on: March 16, 2004, 08:45:03 am »

I ran into a problem last night, trying to send a url as a HalCommand.
When the url contained &-characters(as in providing url-parameters), Hal refused to open the adress. I tried some url-encoding but it did not help, maybe it has to do with vb using & as string concat.
-Does anyone know a solution to the problem?

Hi all,
I read in earlier messages about communicating with Hal from other programs, e.g VB6 using DDE. I have not found any posting with a working solution, have anyone succeded in doing this yet? Furthermore, DDE is not supported anymore by Microsoft due to the replacing technology OLE - which is used in .NET. I guess I would appreciate a tutorial of how to make external calls to Hal.


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