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Messages - Art

Pages: 1 ... 239 240 [241] 242 243 ... 251
Ultra Hal 7.0 / Quotes or Quotations
« on: December 30, 2004, 05:39:05 pm »
Sounds cool! Is the story routine going
to be included as well in the upgrade?

Couldn't a timer be started from the users
last ENTER key press? That way Hal's random quips
could be better measured or even set by the user.
The actual time delay could also be randomized.

Lastly, any ETA on the XTF?[^]

Some thoughts....

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New Skin for Hal
« on: December 30, 2004, 05:32:05 pm »

No offense taken. BTW, nice work on
your rendition of the "eye".
My limited time was due to the fact
that I've been down with the flu thing
all week and basically feel like crap!
That's why I really didn't have too
much time to devote to the image.

Sorry if I came across too terse. I'm
usually a pretty nice guy! LOL!

Happy New Year and Welcome to the forum!

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New Skin for Hal
« on: December 30, 2004, 03:55:10 pm »
Well, sorry about the quality of the blue eye.

I worked on it and produced several variations
given the limited time I had with which to work.

I'd like to see one from you when you get back
to your main desktop. It's for Marius, not me. I
was just trying to help.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Quotes or Quotations
« on: December 30, 2004, 03:49:55 pm »
Hal is already capable of telling jokes...just say,
Tell me a joke. There's tons of jokes in it's database.

There are several archived topics on the auto-idle
response. Try using Search at the top right then
enter your key word(s) like auto-idle or auto idle.

I have about 10 different auto responses that Hal
chooses at random whenever I ignore the program too
long! I've thought about adding more for some added
variety and it really isn't difficult to do.

I've also added a script that allows Hal to tell
stories of various selections and another script
that allows Hal to describe it's dreams to me. The
dreams are a collection of scripted "dream thoughts"
that I've compiled and Hal chooses one of them at
random as with the stories.

If interested, drop me an e-mail and I'll fill you in.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New Skin for Hal
« on: December 29, 2004, 06:10:59 pm »

Here ya go. I didn't bother to ZIP it since
there is only a 4kb difference in size.

Glad you liked it and glad to help!

Download Attachment: Hal9000skin1.jpg
65.75 KB

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / New Skin for Hal
« on: December 29, 2004, 02:31:31 pm »

Here's a once over I did with PSP.
If you like the blue eye let me know
and I'll email it to you.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / New user can not get demo to work.
« on: December 29, 2004, 01:20:45 pm »

Mack can't use any of the 3D characters since he's already
stated that he downloaded the free version.

The free version only contains 10 voices.

The recommended settings for Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0 :
Pentium 150
24 MB Ram
50 MB Hard Drive space

We know your system is more than sufficient to work
with Hal.

If you are using a FIREWALL like ZoneAlarm, Norton, etc.
try temporarily disabling it during the install and run.

Check in your Control Panel under Speech / Sound options
and text the voice / sound settings on your system to
verify that they are working as they should.

Check on the net for any updates for your motherboard,
BIOS, drivers and download/install as needed.

Check with Microsoft's site for any updates, Service packs,
driver updates, etc. for Windows 98se.

Good luck and let us know what you find.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / New user can not get demo to work.
« on: December 28, 2004, 10:10:05 pm »

First, Welcome to the forum!

What OS are you using...98, XP?

Does your box meet the system requirements
as far as memory, graphics, etc.?

Did you D/L the file using a D/L manager
like GetRight, LeechGet, etc. as sometimes
they can cause errors or not be accepted at

How many resources are running when you start
the program? Try eliminating unnecessary ones.

Just a few thoughts... Let us know!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / New here and questions
« on: December 28, 2004, 04:48:54 pm »

Welcome to the forum!

What they said!

Hal doesn't really "learn" as much by reading
from a text file as it does by just chatting
with it as Crunch mentioned. Speech recognition
works but is also prone to misinterpretation by
not just Hal but most other SR programs. It's not
quite an exact science just yet.

There is a lot in the works for Hal right now
in the way of enhancing it's brain functions,
staying more on topics of discussion and even
upgrading it to operate from or call upon a
more modular or database style system.

There are a number of scripts available to
experiment with and plenty of really great
people on this forum to assist you should you
ever encounter a problem or question.

However, before posting a question, take a moment
to scan through the forum's archives to see if
it was previously discussed. Chances are it may
have been.

Use the SEARCH feature at the top of the page. It
works pretty well.

Yes, several of us have and use the Haptek program
to create our own characters. There are several
companies that offer voices that compliment the
Haptak character's personality as is a matter of
individual taste / preference.

Bottom line: Hal is a really nice bang for the buck!
It's fun and it's only going to get better and smarter.

In reference to your desire to do something with your
car / house / whatever, check out this guy's site! He's
over the top with the home control thing!


Hope this helps.

Perhaps you could break the volume levels
into percents. That way your script would
still remain the same and the program would
say,"I am increasing the volume by 1 percent"
or by 20 percent or what ever.

Otherwise you would have to us the
if payload = "1" then GetResponse =
" Increasing the volume by " & payload & " level. "

else if payload > 1 then GetResponse =
" Increasing the volume by " & payload & " levels. "

Just a suggestion

General Discussion / THE TRUE AI
« on: December 27, 2004, 02:56:27 pm »
Very cool Scott,

Like the adult robot said to the little one:
"Son, I'm just trying to PARSE on a little
knowledge to ya!"

Sorry...I couldn't resist!LOL!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Virtual Girl or Boy friend Hal
« on: December 27, 2004, 02:46:16 pm »
Actually, I think the best place for that virtual girl
is to remain in the box!! Can you imagine if she was
real? One of you would be in serious trouble, and in
many ways!!

Wishing a nice New Year to the both of you!!

General Discussion / THE TRUE AI
« on: December 27, 2004, 07:53:15 am »
Back in the late 50's I saw a person, connected with wires to a metalic looking band on his head, control a model train by thinking. I believe it was an experiment using the mind's Alpha waves.

There are several groups attempting to map human unconscious thoughts (DREAMS) so that they can be viewed on a screen like a movie. Now THAT'S a scary thought (no pun)!

I sometimes get repeated responses or confused replys from Hal and I think it may be caused by several instances of that particular subject residing in many different locations in the DEFBRAIN section.

For example, do a search for dream using a text editor and see how many locations there are. Is there a better way to isolate Hals collective intellect. I realize that the XTF brain sort of does this by creating a stand-alone file for each new subject that is discussed but how might that interact or react with other built-in responses? And what's the solution if any?

Some more thoughts.

General Discussion / THE TRUE AI
« on: December 26, 2004, 07:45:30 am »

Well Hey! Happy Birthday!![:)]

Don't let the money thing get you down.
It's just a means to an end.

Enjoy your youth for it doesn't last forever!

General Discussion / THE TRUE AI
« on: December 24, 2004, 05:54:04 pm »
For a young person, you have managed to solve one of the great mysteries of this civilization. IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY!!
Look all around you, ads, jobs, promotions, burglaries / theft, drugs, prostitution, gambling / betting, real estate, taxes, manufacturing, software / operating system updates...etc....etc.,
ad infinitum.
Money is the grease that helps the wheel of society turn.

Have a nice Christmas in spite of the money thing. We also take credit  / debit cards. LOL!

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