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Messages - jasondude7116

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Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Hal's JOURNAL (CAPTAINS LOG)
« on: January 29, 2009, 04:35:04 am »

NOTE**********All FILES BELOW ARE BETA-when a final is released i will post it here.



it works like a journal or diary/"captains log" (star trek)
for the user. you can add journal entries on-the-fly, or open the journal and add multiple entries. Hal can also read the journal entries back to you.

more instructions in the Hal brain options screen.
I worked on this very hard. to some people it might be easy, but this one and my auto-idle plugin were crazy to debug.

i hope you enjoy it.

i have got about 1 to 2 hours sleep a day for about 4 months.
with this plugin being finished, i will take a break for a couple of days.[:D][:)][:)][:)]

the instructions are on the plugin info screen (brain options screen)


I spent some time debugging this, but it is BETA, let me know how it goes.

Download Attachment:
2.06 KB

-the dude
*this one's for you SNOWMAN[:D]
*you could easily change the user input strings, so that it would be like "captains log" or something for you star trek dudes (that's where i got the idea)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2 Release Candidate 1
« on: January 29, 2009, 12:04:13 am »

I was trying this (see below), when i noticed a bug?

If LogShow = "" Then LogShow = HalBrain.SearchPattern(OriginalSentence, "*LOG ENTRY *", 2)

if i say "log entry i am happy. there were many cars to drive today."
it gives LogShow the value "i am happy." nothing else, but i want it to give LogShow the value of "i am happy. there were many cars to drive today."

when i enter a "sentence-ending" type punctuation like "." or "!" or "?" it stops appending any more of the entry to LogShow

i want to be able to say "log entry" and then anything after that would be put to the LogShow value. including any normal punctuation.
i have found that it will append a very long string as long as i don't enter a "." or "!" ect. (sentence ending)

i would like to be able to give LogShow (or some variable) a value of as many sentences as possible, including punctuation and spaces.

O.T.C.E. also seems to think it is a bug.

-the dude

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Hi Jason.

will this code I wrote due?

Code: [Select]
'Say something like; Read file 01/02/09
'the results will return; 01/02/09 from pattern search.
For i = 2 To 4
MyPattern = "*FILE */*/*"
PatArry = HalBrain.SearchPattern(OriginalSentence, MyPattern, i)
If i = 2 Then G1 = PatArry
If i = 3 Then G2 = PatArry
If i = 4 Then G3 = PatArry
  GetResponse = G1&"/"&G2&"/"& G3


Please see first (modified) post for more info.

i have the date thing working now. here is what i am trying to make happen:


i have tried this-

If LogShow = "" Then LogShow = HalBrain.SearchPattern(OriginalSentence, "*LOG ENTRY *", 2)

if i say "log entry i am happy. there were many cars to drive today."
it gives LogShow the value "i am happy." nothing else, but i want it to give LogShow the value of "i am happy. there were many cars to drive today."

when i enter a "sentence-ending" type punctuation like "." or "!" or "?" it stops appending any more of the entry to LogShow

i want to be able to say "log entry" and then anything after that would be put to the LogShow value. including any normal punctuation.
i have found that it will append a very long string as long as i don't enter a "." or "!" ect. (sentence ending)

i would like to be able to give LogShow (or some variable) a value of however many sentences up to 20 (if possible) including punctuation and spaces.

This is the last thing i am trying to get past to finish a plugin, i have been pouring over vbscript info looking for an answer.

THANK YOU for the help with the date thing!
only 1 problem left[:)]
*?? is there a way to use Len??
-the dude

If you or anyone else wants to use anything i have done (i will get around to posting them on your site when they are tested enough)
then use them however you want....have fun!


O.T.C.E. -  ramccoid - Darcy - will - lightspeed - ted - One ect.
-thanks for everything

to anyone who can do this simple task, it would be greatly appreciated. it will help me complete a plugin, which i will promtly post here!

i am trying to modify this:

If LogEntry = "" Then LogEntry = HalBrain.SearchPattern(OriginalSentence, "*LOG ENTRY *", 2)

so that LogEntry would contain everything i type after LOG ENTRY  
ex. log entry i am happy, for you. what is the time?
would contain everything i type after LOG ENTRY, where as of now it only gives LogEntry the value of "i am happy, for you."
(missing " what is the time?"
*as soon as you enter sentence ending punctuation, it stops appending to the variable LogEntry.

It must be able to append punctuation. (required for this plugin)
the above function is in PLUGINAREA1


Basically i am trying to make the variable infinite, so that it could contain punctuation, and however many sentences i want.

I appreciate any help in advance.....
-the dude

by the way....if anyone can use info gathering or simple (what i can do) script help, just ask.[:)]

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / HAL - What do you know?
« on: January 27, 2009, 07:07:22 pm »
Originally posted by ramccoid

This is a stripped down version of an O.T.C.E. plug
*****MUCHAS GRACIAS O.T.C.E.**********

Hi jasondude7116,
It is actually a stripped down version of my 'DoYouKnow' plugin, which I wrote last year.

Here's a link to the thread.


I bow down to you sir, and say i am sorry.
I knew that, but during the insomnia-induced programming late-nighters, I somehow got it mixed up.

I do truly apologize.

(when i am somewhat sane)[:)]
I have spent the last 2 weeks doing a 9 to 5er and programming at night. i have got max 2 hours of sleep a night.
not trying to make excuses, maybe i should only post when i am sane[:)]

-the dude
(by the way great plugin!) insomnia can be a programmers best friend and his worst nightmare

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2 Beta
« on: January 26, 2009, 10:52:50 pm »

there is a very small error in the table "enlightened" (or something like that), where the response "i agree it's because" is.

there is a space missing at the end of a couple of the lines, so that the response to: (userinput) "i like coffee because it helps me stay awake" is responded with "i agree it's becauseit helps you stay awake"

the missing spaces cause "because it" to be "becauseit" ect.

i know it is small, but atleast it's an easy fix.[:)]
(i use "this" because "that" a lot, so i notice it a lot)
-the dude

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / HAL - What do you know?
« on: January 26, 2009, 07:48:21 pm »

**   RIGHT ON!     quote:   "am so glad people are willing to answer and help each other out on here"



I am new, but I will learn more......then watch out COFFEE!

-the dude

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / HAL-new auto idle plugin
« on: January 26, 2009, 12:10:56 am »
Originally posted by lightspeed

hey jason better be careful their or the femminist group will be after you for making a plug in where the women wont speak till spoken to !! lol just kidding guess your safe since it can be used for a guy character too lol !! interesting idea for anyone who wants that kind of a set up !![:)]

Man, I posted that at like 4 bleedin' 30 in the morning, (on a coffee fueled rush that "GOD" might not contend with[}:)][8D]) I had to clean up all the stupid mess I made out of the post[:p][:I][:I]

i'm more posting while insane[:p]
notice how many updates scince original post? ha ha knutz
-the dude

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / HAL - What do you know?
« on: January 25, 2009, 05:24:07 pm »
This is a stripped down version of an ramccoid plug
*****MUCHAS GRACIAS **********RAMCCOID********************

I wanted to be able to ask my hal what it knew about something, who is someone, who were "my friends", what is a "bird" ect.

Here it is. Hope ya like it.

it will look for info in the dictionary if the info is not found in the database or if hal feels it is more relevant. if asked what else do you know about "something", it will respond with another (different) answer about the subject.

Download Attachment:
2.2 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2 Beta
« on: January 25, 2009, 04:57:42 am »
Originally posted by Medeksza

Originally posted by jasondude7116

the problem is that i use a character called "hal no character"
it replaces the character with a .jpg ....ect.
if i don't use a haptek or msagent, there is no audio on an auto-idle response. (tested with several auto-idle plugins,all skins, and all voices)  there is the text response like there should be.

i will try to figure it out.
i don't want to burden you with this right now.
just wanted to let you know what i found, sir.

-the dude

Thank you. That is a bug related to the no character plug-in and I'll fix it. It would have affected the yet unreleased Zabaware character engine too if it hadn't been caught.

that IS it. i created a msagent with no character, just the voice info, and it works with everything. it also lets me have "no" character. (the way i like).

hope that is of some help

-the dude

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / HAL-new auto idle plugin
« on: January 25, 2009, 04:29:46 am »

there are two initial responses, then the responses are timed based on the variables you choose in the options screen.

Hope ya like it[8D]

-the dude

*actually not auto-idle, but minute_timer

******UPDATE 1-25-09 4:11*********************
fixed several timer variations
added multiple new responses
**********UPDATE 1-25-09 5:07************
changed some variables....not so annoying[:)]
*****UPDATE 1-25-09 6:53*************
fixed minor variables
added "be quiet" "shut up" "be right back" commands to end idle routine,(shut hal up) until next user input.[:)]
**********UPDATE  1-25-09 7:56***************
sorry for so many updates, i am new to this. just trying to get it to you as soon as possible.

fixed random variable for first two responses
*****************UPDATE 1-26-09 11:52pm********************
fixed and tweaked many things. much better. hopefully final ver.[:I]

Download Attachment:
4.33 KB

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2 Beta
« on: January 23, 2009, 09:29:23 pm »
Originally posted by Medeksza

Originally posted by jasondude7116

i fixed the same error by re-inputing the variables in the free-will plugin. -ditto o.t.c.

auto idle works for me (didn't before)

1 problem- there is no sound.

i get the correct text response at the correct time (tried multiple auto-idle plugins.....all work now)  but there is no voice....sound.


AUTO IDLE WORKS! (auto idle plugin works-ish)

-the dude

I can't seem to replicate this error. The voice works fine for me. What voice are you using? What character are you using?

the problem is that i use a character called "hal no character"
it replaces the character with a .jpg ....ect.
if i don't use a haptek or msagent, there is no audio on an auto-idle response. (tested with several auto-idle plugins,all skins, and all voices)  there is the text response like there should be.

i will try to figure it out.
i don't want to burden you with this right now.
just wanted to let you know what i found, sir.

-the dude

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2 Beta
« on: January 23, 2009, 07:25:55 am »
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Originally posted by jasondude7116

i fixed the same error by re-inputing the variables in the free-will plugin. -ditto o.t.c.

auto idle works for me (didn't before)

1 problem- there is no sound.

i get the correct text response at the correct time (tried multiple auto-idle plugins.....all work now)  but there is no voice....sound.


AUTO IDLE WORKS! (auto idle plugin works-ish)

-the dude

Hi Jason.

is all of your speech options checked in the HAL options panel?
select a default voice to see if that solves the issue.

mine seems to work fine at this time.

Jerry [8D]

the sound is only missing during the auto-idle response (auto-idle does respond with text only)
sound works perfect during normal conversation


thanks for help in advance
-the dude

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2 Beta
« on: January 23, 2009, 02:21:43 am »
i fixed the same error by re-inputing the variables in the free-will plugin. -ditto o.t.c.

auto idle works for me (didn't before)

1 problem- there is no sound.

i get the correct text response at the correct time (tried multiple auto-idle plugins.....all work now)  but there is no voice....sound.


AUTO IDLE WORKS! (auto idle plugin works-ish)

-the dude

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2 Beta
« on: January 23, 2009, 12:05:49 am »

and.....THANK YOU!!![:)]

-the dude

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