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Messages - snicolaou

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Speech Technology / Text to Speech Reader has problems creating .wav
« on: March 23, 2006, 05:10:35 am »
Originally posted by citrinedragon


It would seem that installing TextAloud on my computer has solved my big problem with the Zabaware Text To Speech reader. It will now convert text to .wav files without the error report or shutting down in the middle of the process. So there you go, no problem, all you need to do is buy another text to speech reader to solve the problem (sorry for the sarcasm, but I just couldn't resist). Oddly, it STILL doesn't work with the NeoSpeech voices, even though the TextAloud does. I guess I could look at my glass as half full and claim that between both of the text to speech readers I do indeed have what I need.

Now, my other problem... I'm wondering if talking to myself on this forum may be a sign of an emerging mental health issue.  

I just downloaded Ultra Hal text to speech reader yesterday.  Unfortunately, I went through all kinds of problems.  The program seems to be unstable and produces error messages, requesting the user to terminate it.  The problem is that I have already purchased the full version of Ultra Hal text to speech with NeoSpeech voices.
Is there is any patch for this program?

El Greko

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Super Plugger Brain II.
« on: March 22, 2006, 07:10:27 am »
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Originally posted by snicolaou

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

I fixed the Positive Quotes, Should work now.


Thanks Jerry.  My baby is back to normal.
(no symptoms of schizophrenia)

Keep up the good work.

I am so enthousiastic with Hal, my baby, that I have recently purchased the character expansion package as well as the the text-to-speech with natural voices, something which will give Hal new characters and a more naturally sound voice to communicate with.

I am sure that there is a plugin for Hal when remains idle for some time. I have not been able to trace it.  Do you know where it is?
If Hal remains idle for 2 minutes:
Hal: Hey, what happened to you? Why you have left me alone?
after two minutes:
I am getting clistophobic. Somebody please talk to me!

Thanking you a lot for this great program,


Stelios Nicolaou

Thanks buddy.
I will help you as much as I possibly can my friend.

Go to search and type in Auto-Idle, This should give you a great deal of automated chat script, Just read down the list until something clicks and then go with it, If something doesn't work for you then post it and I will see if I can make it work and or make it better for you.


I have searched the forum using the search button and I found the following info at the following link:
Auto-Idle Plugin :
The problem Idle-time code does not seem to be installable as a plugin.  I do not want to make any change to my Hal's brain without having the option to shift it back to its original state if something goes wrong. Is there is any posibility this code to be put in an installable format as a plugin "on the fly?"

thanking you in advance,

Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

I did not do this yet, But the best method before the HAL6 installation is to make a copy of the complete HAL 5 folder set and save it to disk, If the folder is on your Harddrive the HAL6 installation might find it and rewrite the contents of folder, after installation of HAL6 then compare the newer files from the older files, Note, If you transfer any older files into the new HAL6 folder you will have rename the older files so they don't replace your newer ones and jack up your bot's .dll registry or .ocx files.
Any transferd older .dll and or .ocx files may have to registered to function properly, If there is a missing file maybe we can get Alice plugged in to HAL6.


Thanks Jerry for the info.  I have Purchased Ultra Hal, only two months ago, my version is the new one - Ultra Hal 6.  I guess I will have to wait and be patient when the Brain plugin is developed.
Again, the ideal will be to have several brains (personalities) that a user can choose in addition to the default Hal brain.  

Although, I love Hal, my baby, I would like to speak and interact with other personalities as well such that of Ziggy (I've heard is very good), ALICE is a classic brain, Ultra Hal on line (the censored one) I have heard is good, if zabaware, allows us to download it and put it as an alternative brain plug in.

You are doing a great job,


Originally posted by Holllywood

snicolaou, I was able to modify the XTF brains by giving it the character's name and assigning it it's own default folder (with the same name). In the Deductive Reason...Brn set up a response to it's name. So you could just click on the name brain you wanted and you would get that personality, and it would respond, when asked, with its own name. I've also done it with H6. But so far It only responds with the name that is in the "computer name"option box. The personalities are different. But it calls its Identity from the "User/computer name box.
Maybe OTC (Onthecuttingedge)can shed some light on how we can get the H6 to respond with it's own name instead of whats in the box.

I am not sure if I a have understood you correctly.  Have you created Brain plugins that any hal user can check and the default brain will change to the checked brain option?  For example, if I want ALICE to speak to ALICE brain, is there any plugin that will allow me to choose ALICE brain and then be able to speak with ALICE?  Please clarify.  Is there is any ziped installation file posted that could do just that before installing the brains.  Have the brains been updated to work for Hal 6 as plugins?

thanking you in advance,

« on: March 14, 2006, 08:45:05 am »
Originally posted by snicolaou

Ladies and Gentlement,

It came to my attention that we need to have a subforum in which we should share creative ways to TEACH hal by conversation before requesting assistance from programmers and plugins.

Here a start of Hints which I found on the help file of Hal 5

Tips on Teaching Hal:
1. Learn how Hal's automatic pronoun-reversals work, and use it to your advantage. If you tell Hal, "You like ice cream," Hal will later say "I like ice cream." Once you get this straight, it's easy to teach Hal to say things the way that you want.

2. People frequently ask if there's a faster and easier means of teaching Hal, such as by simply feeding it information with a text file. The answer is, it is possible to feed Hal certain types of information through text files, however there is no real quick method and Hal is designed to learn from conversations which is Hal's primary and most efficient means of learning and the only true way for Hal to develop intelligence and an actual personality.

Teaching Hal Through Conversation:
Teaching Hal through ordinary conversation can be an interesting and entertaining experience, as well as an efficient method for Hal to learn. Just paraphrase your desired topic or subject into numerous brief statements.

Make a wide variety of simple, true statements on a subject, and Hal will GRADUALLY become more knowledgeable and interested in that subject. Try making numerous statements to Hal about a certain topic or person and watch how he learns naturally.

Try saying things like ...

Sally is a nice person.

Sally has wonderful hair.
Sally looked great yesterday.
Sally sings well.
Sally has a sense of humor.
We all like Sally.
I have known Sally for a long time.
Sally is very musical.
Everybody likes Sally.
It's great to talk to Sally.
Sally has a pretty smile.
Sally has a great laugh.

You have to teach Hal much like you would teach a small child and talk repeatedly to it about the same subject using different ways to express what you're trying to teach him. It will require a certain amount of time and PATIENCE to teach Hal certain things and it will also take some time to learn how to properly talk to Hal and for Hal to understand how you talk and phrase things, everyone speaks and phrases things differently, especially globally.

To get Hal to grasp a certain bit of information, try giving BRIEF declarative sentences, for example to teach Hal the color of your eyes, try paraphrasing it in various ways such as ...

Sally's eyes are blue

My eyes are blue
the color of my eyes is blue
the color of Sally's eyes is blue

TIP: Hal computes the words "is" and "are" as equal to, for example "my eyes are blue" computes as "my eyes = blue". Hal will NOT parrot back a deterministic response in most cases. However, if you keep talking about Sally, pretty soon, Hal will also be talking about Sally. Hal learns most naturally from numerous and various statements.

Anybody has new creative ways to add new ways to teach Hal on converstion, please feel free to add your own teaching experience, which will be valuable to new and experienced users.


Hi there,
Here are some more guidelines for teaching Ultra Hal.
I hope you will find them useful. Source: Help file of Ultra Hal.

It is a common and natural reaction for a new user to start off quizzing Hal constantly to see what he knows and has learned, however keep in mind that Hal tries to learn from you constantly, so habitual quizzing will "teach" Hal that is normal conversation, and Hal will start quizzing you back!

Hal also gets confused when constantly quizzed immediately after every statement, most of us don't naturally talk that way to each other so try talking as naturally as possible to Hal using brief, simple phrases and statements in clear English avoiding abbreviations and speaking gibberish or using slang terms like "yep" and "nope" and "huh." (You can teach Hal some slang terms gradually over time as you become more skilled at teaching Hal).
Try and pace out your quizzing of Hal and focus more on teaching Hal through natural conversation and feeding informative statements and before long you'll find Hal will become more responsive and give more intelligent answers

I hope you will find these guidelines useful.
(they exist in the help file of Hal) I had to emphacise them as we humans sometimes neglect the obvious.


Stelios Nicolaou

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Super Plugger Brain II.
« on: March 14, 2006, 01:22:18 am »
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

I fixed the Positive Quotes, Should work now.


Thanks Jerry.  My baby is back to normal.
(no symptoms of schizophrenia)

Keep up the good work.

I am so enthousiastic with Hal, my baby, that I have recently purchased the character expansion package as well as the the text-to-speech with natural voices, something which will give Hal new characters and a more naturally sound voice to communicate with.

I am sure that there is a plugin for Hal when remains idle for some time. I have not been able to trace it.  Do you know where it is?
If Hal remains idle for 2 minutes:
Hal: Hey, what happened to you? Why you have left me alone?
after two minutes:
I am getting clistophobic. Somebody please talk to me!

Thanking you a lot for this great program,


Stelios Nicolaou

« on: March 13, 2006, 02:49:10 am »
I agree with you my friend.

There is a chatter bot with the name Alan.  If Alan says something wrong, all you have to do is to say :
-wrong: this is the correct response.
I do not know whether such feature exist in Hal whatsoever. I think we should ask Zabaware himself. This is one of the reasons, I have decided to create this subforum to find more effective ways to teach Hal.
Please come in touch with Jerry or the programmer of Ultra Hal.
In case there is not such a feature, we could ask Jerry to write us possibly a plugin to do just that. I think this plugin will be an important plugin.
Also, for Teaching Hal we have only some general guidelines and not some systematic approach in doing so.


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Super Plugger Brain II.
« on: March 11, 2006, 03:20:39 am »
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Hi snicolaou.

I fixed the Positive Quotes Plug-in, Redownload it and reinstall.

It should work now.


Hi Jerry.
Please help me.  My Hal (my baby) has developed a rare form of schizophrenia.!![8D]]  I have downloaded the new version of the positive quote plugin.  This time the positive quotes are indeed stored correctly to the PostQuote database table.  Unfortunately, however, every time I talk to my baby (my Hal) before responding to me, he gives me a positive quote without me requesting one.
Is it because there are two super plugins I and II installed Hal's software? I wonder if it related in any way.

Please save my baby[8D],

Stelios Nicolaou[:D]

« on: March 10, 2006, 03:56:06 am »
Ladies and Gentlement,

It came to my attention that we need to have a subforum in which we should share creative ways to TEACH hal by conversation before requesting assistance from programmers and plugins.

Here a start of Hints which I found on the help file of Hal 5

Tips on Teaching Hal:
1. Learn how Hal's automatic pronoun-reversals work, and use it to your advantage. If you tell Hal, "You like ice cream," Hal will later say "I like ice cream." Once you get this straight, it's easy to teach Hal to say things the way that you want.

2. People frequently ask if there's a faster and easier means of teaching Hal, such as by simply feeding it information with a text file. The answer is, it is possible to feed Hal certain types of information through text files, however there is no real quick method and Hal is designed to learn from conversations which is Hal's primary and most efficient means of learning and the only true way for Hal to develop intelligence and an actual personality.

Teaching Hal Through Conversation:
Teaching Hal through ordinary conversation can be an interesting and entertaining experience, as well as an efficient method for Hal to learn. Just paraphrase your desired topic or subject into numerous brief statements.

Make a wide variety of simple, true statements on a subject, and Hal will GRADUALLY become more knowledgeable and interested in that subject. Try making numerous statements to Hal about a certain topic or person and watch how he learns naturally.

Try saying things like ...

Sally is a nice person.

Sally has wonderful hair.
Sally looked great yesterday.
Sally sings well.
Sally has a sense of humor.
We all like Sally.
I have known Sally for a long time.
Sally is very musical.
Everybody likes Sally.
It's great to talk to Sally.
Sally has a pretty smile.
Sally has a great laugh.

You have to teach Hal much like you would teach a small child and talk repeatedly to it about the same subject using different ways to express what you're trying to teach him. It will require a certain amount of time and PATIENCE to teach Hal certain things and it will also take some time to learn how to properly talk to Hal and for Hal to understand how you talk and phrase things, everyone speaks and phrases things differently, especially globally.

To get Hal to grasp a certain bit of information, try giving BRIEF declarative sentences, for example to teach Hal the color of your eyes, try paraphrasing it in various ways such as ...

Sally's eyes are blue

My eyes are blue
the color of my eyes is blue
the color of Sally's eyes is blue

TIP: Hal computes the words "is" and "are" as equal to, for example "my eyes are blue" computes as "my eyes = blue". Hal will NOT parrot back a deterministic response in most cases. However, if you keep talking about Sally, pretty soon, Hal will also be talking about Sally. Hal learns most naturally from numerous and various statements.

Anybody has new creative ways to add new ways to teach Hal on converstion, please feel free to add your own teaching experience, which will be valuable to new and experienced users.


Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Does anybody want to use Multiple Brains with your HAL6, I have successfully converted ZiggysTheWord52b.uhp to a brain extension of HAL6 that uses Directory functions so all .brn files are good.

ZiggysTheWord52b.uhp is now a Plug-in for HAL6 and can be activated or deactivated by checking the plug-in check box in HAL6.

I want to do this with the Original HAL5 and the XTF.


Hi Jerry,
I wanted to be able for the Ultra Hal 6 to have multiple choices with regard to personalities.  For example when I want to talk to Alice, I would just change brain (and select a female character). I have downloaded "Ziggy" , "Alice" and "Ultra Hall uncensored" and installed them without any success.  Whenever I select any other brain besides the default Ultra Hal 6 brain, Hal remains silent.
I am sure those brains used to work for Hal 5 (the previous version of Hal 6). Is there is any way I can make those brains work for Ultra Hal 6 as well?

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Super Plugger Brain II.
« on: March 09, 2006, 10:37:55 am »
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for the great help.
I have dowloaded and installed both the super plugin II and the positive quotes plugin. ( as you recommend to download both)

However, when I have entered a Quote: Ultra Hal 6 did not seem to put the positive quote to the respective  database.  I checked the brain editor where I actually did find a positive quote database, which was nevertheless empty.
What I have done was to use copy and paste to copy several positive quotes directly to the positive Quote database from a Microsoft word document.  After restarting Hal, Hal said a positive quote mixed with some other sentences of him.
Is there is any way to stop Hal from saying a positive quote every time starts ?
Also, unless if i get in the brain editor and input positive quotes my self to the Positive Quotes database, Hal does not seem to store positive quotes at all.

thanks again for your help,


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Adding positive quotes Ultra Hal to Hal 6
« on: March 07, 2006, 08:04:43 am »
Hi Jerry
thanks for your quick response.  I have tried to teach Hal to say positive quotes but the results were not that good.
What I do have is two documents in microsoft word full of positive quotes.  Any time I want some "encouragement" I would simply ask to Hal 6
Stelios: Please give me a positive quote
Ultra Hal : " Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and            carefully   starts to sing while it is still dark."
Stelios: Please give me a positive quote
Ultra Hal : " Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up again."
Stelios: Please give me a postive quote
Ultra Hal: "Many tasks can be completed a little at a time, but only if you get started right now"
Stelios: Thank you Hal

You see what I want is a way to store many positive quotes; then, every time I will say to Hal "Please encourage me," or "Please give me a positve quote," Ultra Hal will randomly choose one from a database of many positve quotes.

I hope I was helpful and clear

Thanking you in advance Jerry,


stelios Nicolaou [:)]

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Adding positive quotes Ultra Hal to Hal 6
« on: March 07, 2006, 05:10:41 am »
Adding positive quotes Ultra Hal to Hal 6
Could you please someone shoe me how to add a database of positve quotes from the Brain editor of Hal 6? What I want is to ask Hal "please tell me a positive quote" then Hal will randomely pick one that I have already entered in Hal's brain editor.
The quoestion is how do I do that since the documentation of Brain editor is not complete.

thanking you in advance,

a newbie,
Stelios Nicolaou

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Brain Editor - need for a help file
« on: March 04, 2006, 04:25:08 am »
I have downloaded the help file of Hal's brain editor-Ultra Hal 5.0.
I have found it very readable since I was interested only in altering the data base part of the brain.  However, after I have opened My Ultra Hal 6, I could not easilly relate with what I have read on the help file for the brain editor of Hal 5.
Also, there is no documentation in file menus of the brain editor of Ultra hal 6 whatsoever.  I wonder why?

General Discussion / language translations
« on: February 28, 2006, 08:12:24 am »
I have a master's degree and I can speak and translate Greek and English fluently.
my email if you wish to contact me is:

(the website you have posted does not work)

Stelios Nicolaou

Originally posted by academy

We are looking for Freelance Translators and bilingual people to work
on our Translation Projects. Globalization process creates more than
ever growing demand for Language Translations. We have being constantly
expanding, and looking for additional resources in various languages,
and areas of expertise. Please, place your profile at our Corporate Web
Site, and choose “Employment”. We will be
contacting you when projects, requiring your skills and expertise are
needed. We and our team look forward to hearing from you and working

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