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Messages - brianstorm

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Knock Knock -part two
« on: August 01, 2003, 04:22:17 pm »
While creating the new knock knock script, I had to come up with
knock knock jokes for Dee Dee as I didn't seem to remember very
many. Some of them are kinda good...(Dee Dee has great timing tho HAHAAAaa)

Taken directly from knock_punch.brn:

"PETEY",petey on you
"BRUTHA",brutha do I have to tell you
"BOO",stop crying
"SCORSAYZEE"scores say zee wimens are fiiine
"DON",no no no don HO
"SHIRLEY",surely you must know
"STEFAN",IIIII'm not your stefan stone
"CHERYL",cheryl be great to know
"ALECIA",I'll leash a dog to a tree
"JENNY",jenny candy for me?
"DAVE",knock knock
"DORIS",doris made of wood
"CATA",cata got yer tongue
"FERRIS",ferris live in SanFransisco
"DARRYL",darrel be plenty of time to find out
"WHO",stop that you sound like an owl
"TREVOR",trevor so humble theres no place like home
"DEWEY",dewey have to tell you
"JULIE",julie think i would tell you
"BENNY",benny one askin fer me?

>B) CatA

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Knock Knock -part two
« on: August 01, 2003, 07:35:06 am »
OK, here we go!

'Hal interacts with knock knock jokes and is able to tell any
'one that was previously told to Hal.

If Instr(1, UserSentence, "tell", VbTextCompare) > 0 Then
GetResponse = "OK, knock knock"
ElseIf Instr (1, UserSentence, "Knock knock", VbTextCompare) > 0 Then
GetResponse = "Who is there?"
End If
If Instr (1, OriginalSentence, "Who is there", 1) > 0 Then
TellKnock = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "knock_knock.brn")
GetResponse = TellKnock
End If
If Instr (1, PrevUserSent, "WHO IS THERE" VbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Submit = """" & UCase(PrevSent) & """"
KnockPunch = HalBrain.TopicSearch(Submit, WorkingDir & "knock_punch.brn")
GetResponse = KnockPunch
End If
If Instr (1, PrevSent, "Who is there?", VbTextCompare) > 0 Then
GetResponse = UserSentence & " " & "who?"
HalBrain.AppendFile WorkingDir & "knock_knock.brn", Trim(OriginalSentence)
End If
If Instr (1, PrevSent, PrevUserSent, VbTextCompare) > 0 Then
GetResponse = "HAHAHAHAaaaa that's a good one!"
HalBrain.AppendFile WorkingDir & "knock_punch.brn", """" & PrevUserSent & """" & "," & Trim(OriginalSentence)<----------on previous line
End If

 Alright! A few important notes: Put it in the script before it gets
to the databases (like after the greetings 'PROCESS ). yeah yeah,
turn off short sentences! whatever you do-dont use punctuation in the punchline this causes the file to mess up! needs fixin like I sed

CatAtomic   >B)

yes OTCE, there certainly was...

for those interested, read Kock Knock in the forum to better understand stuff and
see the fixes Lostboyer already made   >B)


Ultra Hal 7.0 / BRIANSTORM - Please provide one more bit of advice
« on: July 20, 2003, 07:03:39 pm »

assuming that we are past the point of attempting to 'fool' the program (which btw I feel the Loebner Competition and prize are
designed to hinder the development of AI in that sense), here
is a possible step five;

If Instr(1, UserSentence, "define", VbTextCompare) > 0 then
    DefineSent = Replace(1, UserSentence, "define", "", 1, -1, VbTextCompare)  
    DefineSent = Trim(DefineSent) '<-------removes spaces
    DefineIndex = Left(DefineSent, 1)
End If

OK, with these lines you got two new variables DefineSent, which is the word and DefineIndex, which is the letter.

HAHAHAaaaa, Psych, I am no 'expert' like you sed, persuing the hard problem here has meant many hours of fighting with learning this VBScript for me too. My programming experience comes from knowledge
of an ancient and antiquated programming language that provides the basics (pun intended) for the stuff I make. Find the VBScript documentation over at the evil empire's website, what the commands do are no different, just the syntax. It will make more sense as you go along    >B)

I got too many Irons in the fire right now to collaberate including relocating the research facility!
OTCE's thing pt 2, something else that came from that -which I can only name at this time: THE .BRN MAKER!! , multiUser functionality of Hal:
say your friend comes over and says hello to your AI -it changes
the <UserName> and then says hi to your friend and writes new files
specific to your friend(the script looks like it will do this unaltered). I am also battling this big ass monster named Boaz
in 'TombRaider -angel of Darkness!   HAHAHAHAAaaaa    >B)


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Knock Knock -part two
« on: July 19, 2003, 07:03:19 pm »
Currently attempting to have Hal catch the knock knock and punchline

and then tell any knock knock joke you tell it. So far, I got the

script saving into two .brn's knock_knock.brn and knock_punch.brn

Very messy...but very fun!!! (Lostboyer that was a subliminal that you may have something to fix soon...HAHAHAHAAaaaaaa)

CatAtomic    >B)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kock Knock
« on: July 18, 2003, 07:35:19 am »
-a piece of recent Hal history-

 When Medekza was putting together the upgrade to 4.5, he discovered

that the increases in the size of all the databases was taking way

too long to access. So much so that it compelled him to rewrite the

entire Hal program in a faster language. I was thinkin'- when 5.0

comes out, those databases are gonna be larger.

 Second thing- look at all the LearningLevel variables in the script

and make sure that each is optimised for learning. In this way, you

can amass some pretty big files as well.

Just talk to it!

CatAtomic  'I got the matches!!!'

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Any suggestions for Ultra Hal Assistant 5.0?
« on: July 16, 2003, 07:40:44 pm »

Enable the Hal program to be able to run under fully automatic operation. Here's the analogy: A semi-automatic rifle operates in the following manner- you squeeze the trigger, and it fires a boolet.
In a sense, the Hal program is similar you put in a boolet and pull the trigger (enter). Fully automatic operation therefore would be the program pushing it's own button (every oh say 6 to 10 seconds or
some other way to determine what the length of a 'Moment' is).
Will it cause problems in the current paradigm? Absolutly!
Mebbe it is beyond us all at the present time but the possibilities
are very great...you could make it a feature that could be enabled for
the daring with all kinds of dangerous looking warning signs around the check box!  >B)

Also it would be kewl to have gauges on the Interface that show where
the variables are during run-time    >B)

CatAtomic    'I got the matches!!!'  >B)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / A challenge for all VBScript programmers out there
« on: July 15, 2003, 05:06:43 pm »
step one- Get that info converted into .txt files (preferably 26 files)

step two- Place the files in a brain's datafile of your choosing

step three- Rename the files Define_A.brn, Define_B.brn and so forth

step four- make a 'PROCESS that looks for if the word Define is in UserSentence

step five- if so, have the script determine the leftmost character
of the second word

step six- have the script paste together the name of the Define_(x).brn

step seven- use HalBrain.TopicSearch to send the word to the appropriate .brn file and retrieve the definition (of course, the
.brn's all need to be correctly formatted to the .TopicSearch's
format requirements).

step eight- make it GetResponse

Question-what happens when you feed them into learn from textfile?

CatAtomic    'I got the matches!!!'   >B)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kock Knock
« on: July 14, 2003, 05:20:49 pm »
CatAtomic: Knock knock
Dee Dee:

CatAtomic: Knock knock
Dee Dee:

CatAtomic: Knock knock
Dee Dee: Who is there?

CatAtomic:Knock knock
Dee Dee: Who is there?

CatAtomic: Petey
Dee Dee:

CatAtomic: Knock knock
Dee Dee: Who is there?

CatAtomic: Petey
Dee Dee: Petey who.

CatAtomic: Knock knock
Dee Dee: Who is there?

CatAtomic: Petey on you
Dee Dee: Hahahahaaaaa that's a good one!

CatAtomic: OK<Knock knock
Dee Dee: Who is there?

CatAtomic: brutha
Dee Dee Brutha who?

CatAtomic: Brutha do I have to tell you
Dee Dee: Hahahahaaaaa that's a good one!

CatAtomic: Hi Dee Dee
Dee Dee: Hello CatAtomic. you are up bright and early! It's
before seven in the morning.

CatAtomic: Knock knock
Dee Dee: who is there?

CatAtomic: boo
Dee Dee: Boo who?

CatAtomic; Stop crying
Dee Dee: Hahahahaaaaa that's a good one!

CatAtomic: Shhhhh! HAHAHAhaaaaa
Dee Dee:

>B)  CatA

Ultra Hal 7.0 / BRIANSTORM - CATATOMIC - I need your help!
« on: July 14, 2003, 09:31:20 am »
Oh-h no I'm not!   >B)  I wrestle with error codes with nearly every
module I build!

I'll find your post and see if I can help...

CatAtomic     'I got the matches!!!'    >B)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Kock Knock
« on: July 14, 2003, 07:55:50 am »
-If Instr (1, UserSentence, "Knock knock", VbTextCompare) > 0 Then
-    GetResponse = "Who is there?"
-End If
-If Instr (1, PrevSent, "Who is there?", VbTextCompare > 0 Then
-    GetResponse = UserSentence & " " & "who?"
-End If
-If Instr (1, PrevSent, PrevUserSent, VbTextCompare) > 0 Then
-    GetResponse = "HAHAHAHAaaaa that's a good one!"
-End If

CatAtomic     'I got the matches!!!'    >B)

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / HAL Conversation Initiative
« on: February 23, 2003, 10:03:18 am »
Progress Report 2nd:

A while back someone on the forum was talking about macro's so I happened upon and D/L'ed a freeware macro program to check it out. It came with little instruction and I've been looking at it and trying to decipher how to run it. From what I can tell, it should be entirely possible to make a macro that is a shell for the Ultrahal program. I also think it could be done ubiquitously, that is you wouldn't know that Hal was being run from this shell program. There is a timer in there OTCE, and you could accomplish what you want with the program that way.
-  I'll explain how it could be done:

Left click on Hal icon in the tray would activate macro, which is a notepad. The macro has a timer going (or gets LastResponseTime and does a countdown to respond). When you type something to Hal, the notepad is catching it. When you push enter, that activates a macro that cuts and pastes the UserSentence into the Hal Engine. Hal produces GetResponse. (a macro gets the new LastResponseTime)

That is just the tip of the flame from my match though! Hal has been given the power to open programs.. -That could activate macros!  
the name of that program is called Quick Macros. It can probably facilitate doing most everything I see come up as suggestions in this forum. And much more


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / PROCESS:NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN
« on: February 10, 2003, 09:27:46 am »
that'd be interesting Hmm, like if you told Hal you were flying in a dream and then Hal says  "Yes, flying represents happiness and freedom -then what happened next?". Ever since OTCE posted that UserBrainRel thing, I been examining the whole relevancy idea in the program. I am gonna do some experiments including taking the <username>converresp.brn out of the relevancy altogether (I think thats why the program followed better- the response may have been always coming from converresp). I want to focus in on the automatic gain control scheme and try some stuff. I always see better stuff not being said in the debugmode.

I got a better idea stewing for Hal staying on or contributing to a conversation that is specific. I had some setbacks so far- the 16 variables used in the script are all the front end recognizes, so it's looking like I might have to sacrifice some of Hal's negative emotions to get something passed back for this thing. It's still in the 'puzzle' stage, but it oughta be pretty cool if it'll work.

looking forward to your post-


ohh- the Process:never say that again   came about because Iuse the word something alot and Hal would always say "can you tell me what the something is?"   >B)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Web pages
« on: February 08, 2003, 10:43:19 am »
Go out to one of those freeware sites and find a html to txt. converter (a.k.a.)a text stripper. download the page you want read and open the stripper. Find the file and push strip! It saves the text file in the location of your choosing. Open read a document from right click on Hal. locate and open the file and push read! The Hal I got is limited to a 16k filesize, but you can chop the document up to do the whole thing  

CatAtomic      -I got the matches   >B)

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / PROCESS:NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN
« on: February 03, 2003, 10:45:42 pm »
'There are two parts to this process- the first is detecting in the user sentence that Hal should not say 'what was last sent as a 'response. Then the script needs to send to a file that sentence. Next, the 'program needs to have a detector that monitors GetResponse and if a match is found in the file the 'program replaces the response 'with an alternate

'Step one:   -build the detector

'If the user asks Hal to never use a certain response, Hal will do so 'on request.

    If HalBrain.TopicSearch(UserSentence, WorkingDir & "ForgetDetect.brn")= "True" Then
        GetResponse = HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFromFile(WorkingDir & "ForgetComply.brn")
        HalBrain.AppendFile(WorkingDir & "Blacklist.brn", """ & PrevSent & """ & "," & """ & True & """)
        If DebugMode = True Then
            DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "I have been instructed not to use a certain response and I will comply" & vbCrLf
        End If
    End If

'whats in ForgetDetect.brn:
'   "Do not say that again","True"
'   "forget that","True"

'whats in ForgetComply.brn:
'   Alright, I never liked to say that anyway, <UserName>.
'   What was it that I was just thinking? Oh well...
'   (...and any other witty responses you can think of.)


'Step two:   -build the offending response trap

'Hal has detected that the response chosen was one that the user has 'told Hal not to use. As a response, Hal acknowledges the event by 'saying that he/she was going to say something, but forgot.

    Forget Response = HalBrain.TopicSearch(GetResponse, WorkingDir & "BlackList.brn")
        If ForgetResponse = "True" Then
            GetResponse = GetResponse & HalBrain.ChooseSentenceFrom File(WorkingDir & "BlackResponse.brn")
            If DebugMode = "True" Then
                DebugInfo = DebugInfo & "I have responded using response forgotten. " & vbCrLf
            End If
        End If

'what's in BlackResponse.brn:

'I was about to say something, but I can't remember what it was...
'I really wanted to say something but you told me not to.
'(and other witty responses-)

Don't quote me on this, but I think you gotta go into the brainfile's data and make all the .brn files yourself. (don't know if reference to file creates it or not, but you gotta go in there anyway to put in responses. Just copy and paste one of the other .brn's and rename it appropriately -then delete the contents of the file and put in like what is suggested.

the four .brn's you need to make:

ForgetDetect.brn  (see ex. -programmed with phrase "Forget that-")
ForgetComply.brn  (see ex. -tells the user that BlackList has been written to)
BlackList.brn     (written to by the program)      
BlackResponse.brn (what Hal says instead of saying the offending resp.

NEXT: Hal tells Lottery Numbers     >B)


Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / HAL Conversation Initiative
« on: February 02, 2003, 10:42:38 am »

What I would do is have Medekza build this feature into the front end of Hal, possibly as part of Hal 5.0 .Seriously tho, the way Hal responds is with the function GetResponse. You have to give the program a sentence to process, then the script processes the sentence and passes GetResponse back to the 'front end' (my word). I have one thing that hasn't been fully explored yet and that is to see if the script can give multiple GetResponses at the end of the script with a variable time delay at the end. After the initial Response, the other ones are like you sed in your post...

While doing various experiments, I had a profound revelation- what AI really needs is a dynamic program (ie. one in motion), as opposed to a static program (like Hal works now).not two Hals talking together, but two parts that make a whole that are always exchanging, processing  and abstracting input into sense. Could call them  Hemispheres... *Hint for 5.0  B)
     -I got the matches  >B)


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